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Showing 1 - 8 of 40 results for Massachusetts State Police Locations
State Police Academy
340 West Brookfield Road, New Braintree, MA 01531 DirectionsThe Massachusetts State Police Academy is located on 780 acres in rural New Braintree. All State Police recruit training is based here. Recruits attend a twenty-five week, modified stress, live-in academy, consisting of over ninety different courses of instruction. In addition to recruit training, the Academy hosts in-service training, training courses, and the Student Trooper program.Phone(508) 867-1000-
Normal Academy hours are Sunday at 11:00 PM through Friday until 5:00 PM.
State Police Andover Barracks
- Wheelchair Accessible
31 Gould Road, Andover, MA 01810 DirectionsStation A-1 sits off State Highway 125, close to where it meets State Highway 28 in Andover. This barracks is tasked primarily with patrolling Interstate 93, and its responsibilities have expanded to cover Interstate 495 as well. In total, the unit oversees a jurisdiction spanning more than 222 square miles across 12 cities and towns.Phone(978)-475-3800-
Open 24 hours
State Police Athol Barracks
2289 Main Street, Athol, MA 01331 DirectionsThe SP Athol Barracks, situated just above downtown Athol, oversees patrolling operations across 15 cities and towns.Phone(978) 249-4341-
Open 24 hours
State Police Belchertown Barracks
485 Ware Road, Belchertown, MA 01007 DirectionsStation C-7, SP Belchertown, is located at the Winsor Dam on the Quabbin Reservoir in central Massachusetts.Phone(413) 323-7561-
Open 24 hours
State Police Boston Barracks
- Wheelchair Accessible
250 Leverett Cir., Boston, MA 02114 DirectionsStation H-4, SP Boston Barracks, is situated at a significant intersection linking Boston with the western suburbs and numerous major interstate highways.Phone(617) 727-6780-
For information about hours, please call.
State Police Bourne Barracks
Bourne Rotary S, Bourne, MA 02352 DirectionsSP Bourne is situated at the base of the Bourne Bridge on the Cape side, marking the entry point to Cape Cod.Phone(508) 759-4488-
Open 24 hours
State Police Brookfield Barracks
South Maple Street, Route 9, Brookfield, MA 01506 DirectionsThe Brookfield Barracks is situated in Central Massachusetts, where Route 9 serves as the primary east/west thoroughfare. Before the Massachusetts Turnpike was built, Route 9 functioned as the main artery connecting Boston and New York.Phone(508) 867-2912-
Open 24 hours
State Police Charlton Barracks
- Wheelchair Accessible
272 Sturbridge Road, Charlton, MA 01507 DirectionsConstructed in 1957, the State Police Charlton building features a concrete/stone façade and is a two-story structure located off the eastbound lane of the Massachusetts Turnpike at the 79mm marker in Charlton. Geographically, SP Charlton was positioned at the midpoint of the Massachusetts Turnpike, serving as a strategic link exactly halfway between the Weston and Westfield barracks. Following the dissolution of the barracks system in 1971, it primarily functioned as a reporting site for officers patrolling the central section of the Turnpike.
Until the late 1970s, troopers assigned to the Massachusetts Turnpike not only carried out patrol and enforcement duties but also transported injured individuals to hospitals. This was accomplished using station wagons, modified as cruisers, equipped with gurneys. By the winter of 1992, the barracks began operating on a full-time basis. A significant redesign of the station occurred in December of 1999 after the rear tandem wheels of a Tractor Trailer Unit detached and crashed through the station's front window. Due to its high volume of truck traffic and its proximity to major interstates such as I-84, I-290, I-395, and I-495, SP Charlton has become one of the busiest traffic areas.Phone(508) 721-4040-
For information about hours, please call.