Massachusetts law about home improvement

Laws, regulations, and web sources on home improvement and home improvement law. Includes information about the Massachusetts Building Code.

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Table of Contents

Best bets

For Contractors: Home Improvement Contractor registration and renewal, Mass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
Information and resources on registering as a home improvement contractor. Includes forms, guidelines and a lot of information.

For Homeowners: Check if your contractor is a registered Home Improvement Contractor, Mass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
Despite the title, this area includes information on hiring a contractor, required terms in a contract, and more. For any questions about the HIC programs, contact the Consumer Hotline at (617) 973-8787.

For Homeowners doing their own work: Tips for DIY home remodeling projects, Beliveau Law Group.
“A permit for any remodeling project is issued by the local building department. If you’re doing the work on your own, you should request the permit. If you’ve hired a contractor, they should request it as they are responsible for compliance.” Contact information for municipal building departments will be available on the city/town website in a directory provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 

  • Plumbing work: The Board of Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters’ Fact Sheet says, “Only a master or journeyman plumber examined and licensed by the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters, with the proper permits issued by the local plumbing inspector, can perform plumbing work at your home or business. . . A permit is not required for minor repairs such as fixing a leaky faucet, valve or other working part of a plumbing fixture, or for clearing a blocked drain.” See MGL c. 142, § 3 and 78 Mass. App. Ct. 385 (2010).
  • Electrical work: The Board of State Examiners of Electricians and Electricians and Electricians Appeals Fact Sheet says, “Only a master or journeyman electrician licensed by the Board of State Examiners of Electricians can be legally hired to perform electrical work at your home or business.” See MGL c. 143, § 3L. Note the distinction in the wording of the two Fact Sheets, and check with your local building inspector.

Massachusetts laws

MGL c. 142A Regulation of home improvement contractors

MGL c. 143 Inspection and regulation of licenses for buildings, elevators and cinematographs

Massachusetts regulations

201 CMR 14 Home Improvement Contractor Arbitration and Guaranty Fund

201 CMR 18 Home improvement contractor registration

225 CMR 22 Massachusetts Stretch Code and specialized code for low-rise residential construction 

225 CMR 23 Massachusetts Stretch Code for commercial and all other construction (including most multi-family)

780 CMR Massachusetts State Building Code

Building code

Current edition

The current edition of the Mass. State Building Code is the 10th edition, which went into effect on October 11, 2024. It is published in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) as Title 780. The 9th Edition of the Building Code will apply concurrently with the 10th Edition for the remainder of 2024.

The Basic/Commercial Code and the Residential Code in 780 CMR are available for purchase from the State Bookstore.

The 10th edition code is based on modified versions of 2021 codes as published by the International Code Council (ICC).

The 2021 ICC codes are available for purchase from the International Code Council. Note that Massachusetts has adopted the 2021 codes to incorporate into the 10th edition of their building code. These ICC codes are available in print format for library use only in Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, and are now part of our Westlaw plan for public access in our libraries:


Building permit applications for non-state-owned buildings, Mass. Board of Building Regulations and Standards. 

If you are seeking to apply for a building permit for a building that is not state-owned, the process is administered by your local municipal building official. The Board of Building Regulations and Standards has created standard building application forms that may be used by the municipality, showing all the information that is needed to make the application process uniform across the state.

A sample Homeowners’ Exemption Eligibility Affidavit is available by scrolling down at The Board of Building Regulation and Standards’ Building permit applications for non-state-owned buildings.

File a complaint against a home improvement contractor, Mass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
Includes a complaint form and information on how to file a complaint.

Massachusetts home improvement sample contract, Mass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.

Web sources

Building Energy Code, Mass. Department of Energy Resources.
Summary of State Building Energy Codes including the Stretch Code. Includes a map and list of Building Energy Stretch Code adoption by community.

Check if your work requires a Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) or a Construction Supervisor License (CSL), Mass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
Table listing types of work and licenses required.

Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) Program, Mass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
Resources for both contractors and homeowners.

Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP), MassAbility.
"If you or a household member has a disability (or is over 60 years old), our Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP) is here to help. By providing no interest loans to make your home more accessible, HMLP can help you become more independent."

Homeowner’s guide to hiring a home improvement contractorMass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
Know your rights to prevent costly problems.

Is there any work that I can do without getting a permit?, Town of Lee, MA.

Required contract terms in a home improvement contract, Mass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
Hiring a contractor for a home improvement job? It must contain certain items. A sample contract is linked.

Stretch Energy Code development, Mass. Department of Energy Resources.
The Department's process for updating the existing 'Stretch Building Energy Code' as well as the new 'Municipal Opt-in.' Includes the Specialized Stretch Energy Code according to the statutory requirements most recently updated by the Climate Act of 2021.

Alternative clauses to standard construction contracts, Wolters Kluwer, 2014. Current edition is available online. Sections can be requested from the Trial Court Law Libraries’ document request service.

American jurisprudence pleading and practice forms annotated, Building and Construction Contracts, Part II C, Sec. 57-104. Defective Performance. Current edition is available online. Sections can be requested from the Trial Court Law Libraries’ document request service.

Building code essentials: Based on the 2015 International Building Code, International Code Council, 2015.

Building codes illustrated: A guide to understanding the 2015 International Building Code, John Wiley & Sons, 2016.

Construction litigation: Representing the owner, Wolters Kluwer, 2020.

Home improvement contractor act, MCLE, 2010.

Massachusetts construction law and litigation, MCLE, 2024.


Last updated: December 2, 2024

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