Massachusetts law about domestic violence (209A)

Laws, regulations, cases, and web sources on domestic violence law under Mass. General Laws c. 209A.

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Table of Contents

Best bets

Abuse & harassment court orders, Mass. Trial Court.
Explains the difference between MGL c. 209A and MGL c. 258E as well as how to request an order under each law.

Massachusetts law

Primary domestic violence law

MGL c. 209A  Abuse prevention; see also:

Other laws related to domestic violence

MGL c. 186, §§ 23-29 Housing rights for victims of domestic violence

MGL c. 209C, § 15 Nonmarital children--domestic violence record search

MGL c. 258E Harassment prevention orders

MGL c. 265, § 43 Stalking; punishment

MGL c. 277, § 62A Violations of chapter 209A; jurisdiction

MGL c. 277, § 62B Stalking; jurisdiction

Latest updates

St. 2024, c. 118 An act to prevent abuse and exploitation
For more information about this session law, see:

Massachusetts regulations

950 CMR 130 Address confidentiality program

Massachusetts guidelines

Domestic violence law enforcement guidelines, Mass. Executive Office of Public Safety, July 2017.
"These guidelines set forth appropriate and effective responses to domestic violence for police departments in Massachusetts."

Massachusetts Guide to Evidence, § 1106: Abuse prevention and harassment prevention proceedings, Mass. Supreme Judicial Court's Advisory Committee on Massachusetts Evidence Law.
"In all civil proceedings under the Abuse Prevention Act, G. L. c. 209A, the rules of evidence should be applied flexibly by taking into consideration the personal and emotional nature of the issues involved, whether one or both of the parties is self-represented, and the need for fairness to all parties."

Guidelines for Judicial Practice: Abuse prevention proceedings, Mass. Trial Court, October 2021.
Caution: In V.M. v. R.B., 94 Mass. App. Ct. 522 (2018), the court states that these guidelines "erroneously suggest[] that establishing the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant is necessary to confer 'subject matter jurisdiction to issue an abuse prevention order under c. 209A.'"

Selected cases

Court forms


PO Box 690267
Quincy, MA 02269
617-471-1234 – 24 hour hotline

"DOVE, Inc. is committed to serving communities, families, and individuals impacted by domestic violence. We seek to empower our clients and the community by providing safety, shelter, education, and support services. By promoting an environment free from abuse, we strive to see - Domestic Violence Ended."

Jane Doe, Inc.
PO Box 960849
Boston, MA 02196
(617) 248-0922

Information and referrals for battered men and women. Also has a statewide online resource guide. Website lists a toll-free "Safelink" hotline that is available 24 hours per day: (877) 785-2020.

Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA)
Coordinates victim assistance programs on a statewide basis.

  • Boston office:
    One Ashburton Place, Suite 1310
    Boston, MA 02108
    (617) 586-1340
  • Northampton office:
    403 Pleasant Street
    Northampton, MA 01060
    (413) 387-4300
  • AskMOVA voicemail:
    (844) 878-MOVA (6682)

Web sources

Address Confidentiality Program, Safe Address (1-866-SAFE-ADD).
ACP provides a means by which domestic violence victims may use a confidential address in order to stay safe from actual or threatened violence.

Attorney General's Advisory concerning M.G.L. c. 149, § 52E employment leave for victims and family members of abuse, Mass. Attorney General, 2014.
Provides an explanation of the law granting leave for victims of domestic violence, with guidance for employers.

Can I take time off from work to deal with domestic violence?, Mass. Legal Help, 2023.
Explains who may take off and for what purposes under the 2014 domestic violence law.

Domestic abuse & crime victims, Mass. Legal Help.
Provides collections of pages containing information on issues relating to domestic abuse and crime victims. Collections include:

Find out if you're eligible to request an abuse prevention order, Mass. Trial Courts.
Details the eligibility requirements for abuse prevention orders., Mass. 2-1-1 Service.
"HelpSteps connects individuals to local health and human resources." Provides information about domestic violence resources, including hotlines and shelters.

Massachusetts 211: Domestic violence & sexual assault help
This website helps connect victims to resources and organizations in their area.

Orders concerning domesticated animals in conjunction with restraining orders, Memo from Chief Justice of the Trial Court and Court Administrator, October 31, 2012.
Includes explanation of the law and procedures, with forms.

Safety and protection issues: Family law advocacy for low and moderate income litigants, 3d ed., 2018. Chapter 3. Mass. Legal Services.
"This chapter covers information about how the law can help you if you are a victim of domestic violence and what help is available for children who have been abused or neglected. This chapter contains basic information on how to obtain a restraining order (an order that aims to protect you from abuse and also known as an abuse prevention order); how to defend yourself against the same kind of order; an overview of Department of Social Services (DSS) child abuse investigations; and how all of this can affect a family law court case."

Provides "plain-language legal info for victims of abuse".

“Any liar can get an order by merely asserting fear”:  Why Chapter 209A must be revamped to protect against the issuance of unnecessary abuse protection orders. Brittany Pierce, 47 New Eng. L. Rev. 427 (No. 2, Winter 2012).

Domestic abuse in divorce & custody litigation by Donald G. Tye, MCLE, 2012.

Domestic violence trial notebook by Carrie W. Newton, 1st ed., Mass. District Attorneys Association, 2013.

Family law and practice: With forms by Charles P. Kindregan, 4th ed. (Mass Practice v.2A), Thomson Reuters, 2013 with supplement.
Chapter 77: Pleadings, orders and appeals in Chapter 209A abuse prevention cases.

Ins and outs of restraining orders by Alicia A. McNeil, MCLE, 2022.

Massachusetts domestic relations by John G. DiPiano, 5th ed., LexisNexis, loose-leaf. (eBook available with library card)
Chapter 22: Abuse prevention (includes forms).

Obtaining, enforcing and defending c. 209A restraining orders in Massachusetts by Timothy J. Cruz, 3rd ed., MCLE, loose-leaf.

Obtaining or fighting a restraining order by Irvin J. Rakhlin, MCLE, 2021.


Last updated: February 18, 2025

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