• This page, Apply for the Support & Incentive Grant, is   offered by
  • State 911 Department

Apply for the Support & Incentive Grant

The Support and Incentive Grant is designed to assist public safety answering points (PSAPs) and regional emergency communication centers (RECC) in providing enhanced 9-1-1 service.

State 911 Department

The Details   of Apply for the Support & Incentive Grant

What you need   for Apply for the Support & Incentive Grant

To be eligible for the Support Grant, you must be one of the following:

  • A primary public safety answering point 
  • A regional public safety answering point
  • A regional secondary public safety answering point
  • A regional emergency communication center

To be eligible for the Incentive Grant, you must be:

  • An existing regional public safety answering point or regional emergency communication center that is expanding

How to apply   Apply for the Support & Incentive Grant

You will need to complete and submit:

  • A Support & Incentive Grant Application

Once completed, you can mail the application package to:

State 911 Department

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite A

Middleborough, MA 02346

Downloads   for Apply for the Support & Incentive Grant

Contact   for Apply for the Support & Incentive Grant

151 Campanelli Drive, Suite A, Middleborough, MA 02346
Main (508) 828-2585
Training Department (508) 828-2587

Please send all training applications to this fax number

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