The Board of Registration in Medicine is responsible for licensing, regulation, and discipline of Massachusetts physicians and acupuncturists.
Contact Us

For general information
For help with Physician Profiles
For help with questions about consumer complaints (please do not submit the complaint to this email address)
To File a Complaint against a Physician or Acupuncturist
Complaints can be submitted using our online system here
(781) 876-8383
178 Albion Street
Suite 330
Wakefield, MA 01880
Suite 330
Wakefield, MA 01880
Who we serve
The Board of Registration in Medicine’s mission is to ensure that only qualified and competent physicians of good moral character are licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and that those physicians and health care institutions in which they practice provide to their patients a high standard of care, and support an environment that maximizes the high quality of health care in Massachusetts.