SNAP Restaurant Meals Program Resources

Below find the criteria for the SNAP Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) Pilot Notice of Opportunity and a list of application questions.

Notice of Opportunity Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated and scored based on the criteria listed below. Please note that during the selection process, DTA may request additional information from the applicants.

  1. Physical location(s) and/or location(s) served in relation to communities that would be best served by the RMP. Location-based evaluation criteria will factor in the following quantitative metrics (at town-level):
    1. Count of RMP-eligible clients
    2. Percentage of environmental justice (EJ) populations and EJ criteria met
    3. Percentage of census tracts that are food deserts
    4. Ratio of SNAP client population to SNAP spending
    5. Count of eligible SNAP clients who are not currently receiving SNAP
  2. Business size and business model, including but not limited to:
    1. Type of ownership (e.g., local, private)
    2. Ownership profile (e.g., minority, women owned)
    3. Type of food establishment (e.g., brick & mortar, food truck)
    4. Number of restaurant locations, or if applicable, number of locations served via food truck
  3. Manner of meeting the RMP requirement of offering a reduced-price meal option.
  4. Accessibility to RMP-eligible clients and demonstrated effort of ensuring accessibility to diverse populations, including but not limited to:
    1. Measures taken to address accessibility barriers
    2. Methods of payment offered (debit/credit, cash)
  5. Demonstrated capacity and commitment to serve RMP/SNAP clients in culturally appropriate ways, including but not limited to:
    1. Cultural competence and cultural humility of business owner and staff
    2. Ability to provide service in languages spoken by community members
    3. Historical presence and/or familiarity with the community
    4. Connections with other local business and community groups
    5. Cultural relevance of restaurant menu items in the community served

RMP Application Questions

You can find a list of RMP application questions here: RMP Application Questions 

The application period has closed.

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