Regional Planning

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO)

The MPO Activities Group is a part of the Office of Transportation Planning. The team organizes the MassDOT and MBTA annual Capital Investment Plan update. The team is also a contact for the State’s 10 MPOs and 3 rural Transportation Planning Organizations.

What is an MPO?

An MPO is a federally required regional transportation policy-making organization. It consists of representatives from local government, regional transit operators, and state transportation agencies. MPOs ensure expenses for transportation projects and programs follow a “3-C planning process”:

  • Continuing – Planning must be an ongoing activity. It should address both short-term needs and the long-term vision for the region;
  • Cooperative – The process must involve a wide variety of interested parties through a public participation process; and
  • Comprehensive – The process must cover all transportation modes. It must be consistent with regional and local land-use and economic-development plans

What do MPO's do?

MPOs create a fair and impartial setting for effective regional decision making. Through inclusionary approaches, MPOs are able to effectively engage communities and stakeholders.

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