Memorial Drive Greenway Improvements, Phase III

From the Eliot Bridge, just west of the Cambridge Boat House, to JFK Street at the Anderson Memorial Bridge in Cambridge.

The Memorial Drive Phase III project is just under one mile in length.  The project limits go from the Eliot Bridge, just west of the Cambridge Boat House, to JFK Street at the Anderson Memorial Bridge in Cambridge.

Table of Contents

Project Description & Update

The project includes numerous parkway and parkland improvements that will provide a safer experience for pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicles that travel through this segment of Memorial Drive and the Charles River Reservation.

One of the primary goals of the project is to reduce the existing parkway cross section from 4 lanes to 2 lanes in the parkway segment where traffic impacts will be minimal.  Existing lane capacity and cross-section will not be altered at the western and eastern project limits where vehicle storage is needed to achieve acceptable traffic operations (see attached “Lane & Signalized Crossing Plan”).  Minimal roadway lane changes are proposed at Gerrys Landing Road and JFK Street signal locations.

New, updated traffic and pedestrian signals are proposed at Hawthorn Street where there is strong public demand for safer access to the Charles River Reservation. Two new mid-block crossings with pedestrian actuated signal control opposite Sparks Street and the westerly end of JFK Park will facilitate pedestrian and bicyclist access to/from the riverfront and parkland amenities. New historically appropriate, DCR standard, ornamental light poles are proposed to replace existing cobra head poles along the parkway.

Improvements to the existing stormwater system include new catch basin structures and the provision of water quality swales to help reduce the amount of phosphorus entering the Charles River. A new porous pavement sidewalk is proposed on the north side of the parkway adjacent to Mount Auburn Hospital, Riverbend Park, residences and JFK Park.

The lane reduction segment of the project, coupled with the elimination of uncontrolled right turns at Gerrys Landing Road and Hawthorn Street, allows for the reallocation of existing parkway width to other parkland uses such as expanded parkland and new trees; a wider (11-foot) bike and pedestrian path; a new 5-foot stone dust path along the river for pedestrians only; 56 new native tree plantings; native shrub plantings; 24 new London Plane Tree plantings; improved health for the existing historic London Plane Tree Allee; and overall major safety improvements for connectivity and public use of the Charles River Reservation.

The expansion of parkland and full restoration of the river front area provides many public amenities including much needed park benches, two scenic viewing platforms, enhanced cultural elements, directional signs, security lighting, a formal rest area, bicycle racks and a water fountain.

Collectively, the above project improvements will contribute to a safer vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian environment while improving access through and to a restored riverfront and pathway network that will enhance the parkland experience for all users along this segment of the Charles River Reservation. 

Project Update

  • Memorial Drive Phase III design is at 90%.  DCR anticipates being at 100% PS&E bid ready design by early Winter 2024.
  • A public meeting was held in Winter 2024 to present the final plans and discuss the construction schedule.
  • All required permits have been obtained except for a Chapter 91 License for the two proposed public overlooks.  DCR anticipates DEP issuing of the Chapter 91 License in November 2024.
  • DCR intends to bid the project for construction in Winter 2025.  The goal is to start construction in Spring 2025.
  • Anticipated construction duration is 2 to 2.5 years, depending on ability to continue construction during winter months. Conservative estimate is that project will be completed by 2028.

Existing Conditions & Proposed Improvements

Project Area

  • A 4,200 foot long segment of Memorial Drive in Cambridge from the Eliot Bridge to the Anderson Memorial Bridge

Existing Conditions

  • 40-44 ft parkway with two 10 ft travel lanes each way; no shoulders
  • One westbound lane used for parking off-peak (Hawthorn St to JFK St)
  • Traffic/pedestrian signals at Hawthorn St in need of upgrade
  • 6.5 ft wide shared-use path that is not in compliance with current safety and ADA standards.
  • Large gaps in historic London Plane Tree Allee (some trees in poor health)
  • Cobra head parkway lighting in need of upgrade to DCR standard
  • No pre-treatment of stormwater prior to discharge to Charles River
  • Unsafe loading/unloading of sculls at Cambridge Boat Club occurs in active roadway
  • Unsafe free-flow right turns at Gerrys Landing Rd and Hawthorn St
  • Access to riverfront area from adjacent Cambridge community is difficult (i.e., lack of crosswalks, guard rail obstruction, etc.)

Proposed Improvements

  • Lane reductions in select parkway locations with shoulders calms traffic. Elimination of nighttime parking lane eliminates dangerous condition for motorists using this segment of Memorial Drive.
  • New traffic and pedestrian signals at Hawthorn Street improve function for motorists and safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Addition of two new mid-block crosswalks will provide major safety improvement to public access to the Charles River Reservation.
  • Increased open space from parkway lane reduction will be reallocated to parkland uses (paths, stormwater treatment swales, new trees/shrubs, etc.).
  • Elimination of free flow right turns at Hawthorn Street and Gerry’s Landing Road improves safety for motorists and all park users and expands parkland.
  • Bringing all pathways into compliance for public safety and ADA accessibility. Will include 11ft paved shared use path for all users and a pedestrian only 6ft stone dust path along the river. In addition, DCR will restore the northern sidewalk adjacent to MIT and Riverbend Park with a 6ft porous pavement sidewalk. The porous pavement will help protect the large London Plane Trees.
  • Planting of 24 new London Plane Trees and protective measures for the existing historic London Plane Tree Allee. 60 new native trees also proposed.
  • Drainage structure upgrades include deep sumps and hoods to compliment bioengineered best management practices.
  • Treatment swales to remove phosphorus from stormwater prior to discharge to meet DEP standards.
  • New DCR Parkway standard ornamental LED lighting system for the parkway.
  • Separate loading/unloading area at Cambridge Boat Club for sculls improves safety and CBC operations.
  • Viewing platforms at two select locations enhance park user experience.
  • Creation of public “rest area” with security lighting, benches, bike racks, river views, and water fountain.
  • Restored public parking lot adjacent to Cambridge Boat Club to serve public use of the Charles River Reservation and the Cambridge Boat Club.
  • Safe ADA compliant pathway connections to the Eliot Bridge underpass.

More Information

This project is the third phase of DCR’s planned rehabilitation and restoration of Memorial Drive, as recommended by the Master Plan for the Charles River Basin (April 2002). Previous phases addressed deficiencies between the Longfellow Bridge and Boston University’s DeWolfe Boathouse. DCR is committed to involving the community during all phases of design and construction. A series of public meetings will be held as various design milestones are reached. To receive project-related emails, including public meeting announcements, please email a request to or call 617-626-4973.

Public Process

December 12, 2024: Public Meeting  |  Notice  |  Presentation   |  Video Recording   

June 30, 2022: Public Meeting  Notice  |  Presentation  |  Video Recording   |  Public Comments and Letters - deadline 2022-7-21 

June 25, 2019: Public Meeting    Notice  |  Presentation  |  Minutes  |  Public Comments

April 11, 2019:  Public Listening Session   Notice  |  Presentation  |  Minutes  |  Public Comments

Overall Project Benefits

  • Design informed by public comment – multiple planning studies and public meetings
  • Substantial benefits to all members of community, including EJ communities, to use the parkway for recreation and travel
  • Substantial expansion of greenspace - removing 2 travel lanes and Gerry’s Landing Road, with 1‑acre reduction of impervious surface
  • Safer facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists – expanded, separated facilities, improved road crossings and sidewalks
  • Stormwater improvements
  • Extensive landscaping improvements

Ecological Improvements

  • Enhanced stormwater treatment
  • Restoration of Riverfront Area
  • Substantial Landscaping Plan with dozens of new trees, bushes, benches, overlooks
    Scenic vista – low growing native plants, removal of non-native plans

Alternatives Analysis

  • 12 alternatives considered to balance goals of the project


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