Liquefied Petroleum Gas Installer Tier Program

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Tier 1 (LP) - First Year Lessons

Tier 1 (LP) - First Year Lessons

LESSON 1: Basic Principles of Propane   21 hours
LESSON 2: Safety and Installation Practices (OSHA)   10 hours
LESSON 3: Education & Experience Requirements 248 CMR 3.00 and 11.00   3 hours
LESSON 4: NFPA 58-2011 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code   25 hours
LESSON 5: 248 CMR 8.00 Amendments to NFPA 58-2011   1 hour
LESSON 6: Designing a Propane Distribution System   16 hours
LESSON 7: Installing Propane Vapor Distribution Systems   32 hours
LESSON 8: Delivery basics   2 hours


  110 hours

LESSON 1: Basic Principles of Propane (21 hours)

  1. Course Overview and Objectives
  2. Sources and Characteristics of LP Gases
    1. Physical Properties of Propane
    2. Effects of Pressure and Temperature on Propane
  3. Odorants
    1. Purpose
    2. Characteristics
    3. Maintenance
  4. Odor Complaints
    1. Gas leaks
    2. Service Interruptions
  5. Combustion Characteristics of Propane
    1. Definition of Combustion
    2. Basic Chemistry of Combustion
    3. Air Needed for Proper Combustion
    4. Products of Complete Combustion
    5. Incomplete Combustion
      1. Products of Incomplete Combustion
        1. Carbon Monoxide
        2. Acid Damage to Equipment, Flues and Chimney Systems
      2. Cause and Effects
      3. Flame Characteristics
        1. Primary and Secondary Air
  6. Carbon Monoxide at Customer Locations
  7. Propane Industry Standards, Regulations and Organizations
  8. Safe Working Practices
    1. Handling and Storage
    2. Protective Equipment
  9. Fire Prevention Rules and Procedures
  10. Common Features and Equipment
  11. Receiving Propane at a Bulk Plant
  12. Delivery of Propane to Customers
  13. Agencies Related to Delivery of Propane)
    1. DOT (Department of Transportation)
    2. ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission)
    3. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
  14. 14. DOT/ICC Cylinders and ASME Tanks
    1. Service Applications
    2. Construction and Features
      1. Safety Devices
      2. Converting Pounds to Gallons
    3. C. Inspection Regulations and Filling
  15. Propane Piping, Tubing, Fittings and Residential Systems

LESSON 2: Safety & Installation Practices (10 hours)

Each apprentice must attend and receive an OSHA 10 card through an OSHA certified instructor or program.

LESSON 3: Education & Experience Requirements 248 CMR 3.00 and 11.00 (3 hours)

  1. Scope and Application 11.01
    1.  What does 11.00 cover and to whom does it apply.
  2. Education and Experience Requirements for Apprentices and Licensees 11:02
    1. Qualifications for admission to LP Installer Exam 11.02 (5)
      1. LP Installer in training experience and education requirements
        1. Experience
        2. Education
    2. Limitation on Examination Attempts
  3. Out-of State/Country Licensee Waiver and Equivalency Requirements 11.02 (7)
  4. Unlicensed Practice 11.02 (8)
  5. Application Requirements and Examination Administration 11.03
    1. Application Materials 11.03 (1)
    2. Reasonable Accommodations for Examination 11.03 (2)
    3. Examination Scores 11.03 (3)
    4. Examination Review 11.03 (4)
  6. Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) Requirements 11.04
    1. General Continuing Education Provisions 11.04 (1)
    2. Requirements for License Renewal 11.04 (2)
    3. Qualifications for Exemption of the Continuing Education Requirements 11.04 (3)
      1. Exemptions
      2. Waivers
    4. Failure by a Licensee to Complete Continuing Education Requirements 11.04 (4)
    5. Reinstatement of lapsed/expired/suspended licenses 11.04 (5)
    6. Initial Documentation of Completion of Continuing Education Requirements 11.04 (6)
    7. Duplicate Continuing Education Certificates 11.04 (7)
    8. Falsification of Continuing Education Certificates 11.04 (8)
  7. Qualifications and Requirements Continuing Education Providers and Educators 11.05
    1. Qualifications and requirements for Continuing Education Providers 11.05 (1)
    2. Instructor Qualifications to Conduct Continuing Education Courses 11.05 (2)
    3. Mandatory Record Keeping Requirements 11.05 (3)
    4. Formats for Providers to offer Continuing Education Courses 11.05 (4)
    5. Expiration and Denial of Board Approval 11.05 (5)
    6. Course Material 11.05 (6)
  8. Education Hours and Course Content Requirements 11.06
    1. Board Certification Required 11.06 (1)
    2. Administrative Requirements for Educational Programs 11.06 (2)
      1. Instructor Qualifications
      2. Education Requirements for 550 hour Program
      3. Education Requirements for 330 hour Program
      4. Education Requirements for 220 hour Program
      5. Grandfathering
  9. 248 CMR, Section 3.03 Apprentice Licenses
    1. 3.03 (2) (a) General Provisions
      1. 6. Retaining W-2 records of employment

LESSON 4: NFPA 58-2011 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (25 hours)

  1. How to Properly Read a Code Book
  2. General Provisions
    1. Definitions
  3. Propane Equipment and Appliances
    1. Containers
    2. Piping
    3. Appliances and Equipment
  4. Propane System Installations
    1. Industrial
    2. Appliances
    3. Vehicles
    4. Fire Protection
  5. Propane Liquid Transfer
  6. Cylinder Storage
  7. Transporting Propane Gas
  8. Structure that House Propane Distribution Facilities
  9. Engine Fuel Systems
    1. General Purpose Vehicles
    2. Forklifts and Industrial Vehicles
    3. Garaging of Vehicles
  10. Refrigerated Containers
    1. Provisions
    2. Locations
  11. Marine Shipping and Receiving
  12. Operations and Maintenance
  13. Tables and Charts
  14. Referenced Publications
  15. Appendixes

LESSON 5: 248 CMR 8.00 Amendments to NFPA 58-2011 (1 hour)

  1. 248 CMR 8.03 Modifications to Chapter 3 – Definitions
  2. 248 CMR 8.04 Modifications to Chapter 4 – LP Gas Equipment & Appliances
  3. 248 CMR 8.05 Modifications to Chapter 5 – Installation of LP Gas Systems

LESSON 6: Designing a Propane Distribution System (16 hours)

  1. Reading Architectural and Construction Drawings
  2. Determining System Loads and Demands
  3. Designing DOT Exchange and Stationary
  4. Designing Above Ground ASME Containers
  5. Designing Under Ground ASME Tank Installations
    1. Proper Corrosion Control for Under Ground Tanks and Piping
  6. Selecting proper Regulators for Distribution Systems
  7. Selecting Piping and Tubing
  8. Selecting Vapor Meters

LESSON 7: Installing Propane Vapor Distribution Systems (32 hours)

  1. Preparing ASME Tanks for Transportation and Installation
  2. Transporting Materials
  3. Procedures to Locate Underground Utilities and Services
  4. Preparing Foundations for DOT/ICC Cylinders and ASME Tanks
  5. Trenching, Digging and Backfilling
  6. Installing DOT/ICC Stationary or Exchange Cylinders
  7. Installing ASME Tanks
    1. Above Ground
    2. Under Ground
  8. Corrosion Protection Systems for Under and Above Ground Tanks and Distribution Lines
  9. Installing Manifold Cylinders
  10. Installing Underground Piping Using Polyethylene Tubing and Fittings
    1. Installing Polyethylene Tubing Using Heat Fusion
    2. Repairs to Polyethylene Tubing
  11. Regulator Installations
    1. Using Copper Tubing for Distribution Systems
  12. Using Steel Piping for Distribution Systems
  13. Installing CSST (Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing)
  14. Pressure Testing Propane Distribution Lines
  15. Installation of Vapor Meters
  16. Purging Propane Distribution Lines
  17. Checking for Leaks
  18. Placing Appliances and Equipment into Service
  19. Documentation and Record Keeping
  20. Providing Propane Information to the Consumer

LESSON 8: Delivery Basics (2 hours)

  1. DOT Driver Qualifications
  2. Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Information
  3. Drug and Alcohol Awareness
  4. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance
    1. Identification Requirements
    2. Documentation Requirements
  5. Methanol and Other Flammable Liquids

Tier 2 (LP) - Second Year Lessons

Tier 2 (LP) - Second Year Lessons

LESSON 1: NFPA 54-2012 National Fuel Gas Code   15 hours
LESSON 2: Massachusetts Modifications to Sections of NFPA 54-2012   20 hours
LESSON 3: General Provisions for Gas Work in Massachusetts 248 CMR 3.00   5 hours
LESSON 4: Education and Experience Requirements for Licensure   2 hours
LESSON 5: Propane Appliance Installations   15 hours
LESSON 6: Basic Appliance Troubleshooting   10 hours
LESSON 7: Large Gas Utilization Equipment   10 hours
LESSON 8: Liquid Piping and Vaporizers   12 hours
LESSON 9: Code Review for Exam   21 hours


  110 hours

LESSON 1: NFPA 54-2012 National Fuel Gas Code (15 hours)

  1. Definitions
  2. Piping Design, Materials and Components
    1. Interconnections Between gas Piping Systems
    2. Sizing of Piping Systems
    3. Pressure Limitations
    4. Materials and Joining Methods
    5. Regulators
    6. Shutoff Valves
  3. Gas Piping Installations
    1. Underground
    2. Concealed Piping
    3. Drips
    4. Prohibited Devices
    5. Electrical Bonding and Grounding
  4. Inspections, Testing and Purging
  5. Equipment Installations
    1. Accessibility and Clearance
    2. Air for Combustion and Ventilation
    3. Roof Installations
  6. Installation of Specific Equipment
    1. Restrictions in Bedrooms and Bathrooms
    2. Specific Appliance Installations
      1. Locations
      2. Confined Spaces
      3. Clearances
      4. Provisions for Make-Up Air
      5. Prohibited Installations
  7. Venting of Equipment
    1. Connections to Venting Systems
    2. Ventilating Hoods
    3. Direct Vent Equipment
  8. Equipment Draft Requirements
  9. Mechanical Draft Systems
  10. Types of Venting Systems
  11. Types of Chimneys
  12. Sizing Chimneys
  13. Gas Vents
    1. Single Wall
    2. B-Vent
    3. Manufactured
    4. Applications
    5. Terminations
    6. Sizing
  14. Condensing Drains
  15. Vent Connectors
  16. Draft Hoods and Controls

LESSON 2: Massachusetts Modifications to Sections of NFPA 54-2012 (20 hours)

  1. 1. 248 CMR 4.00 Massachusetts Fuel Gas Code
    1. 4.01 Purpose
    2. 4.02 Definitions
    3. 4.03  Scope of the Massachusetts Fuel Gas Code
    4. 4.04 Adoption of Relevant Codes and Order of Precedence
    5. 4.05 Equivalency
  2. 248 CMR 5.00 Amendments to NFPA 54
    1. 5.03 Chapter 3 Definitions
    2. 5.04 Chapter 4 General
    3. 5.05 Chapter 5 Gas Piping System Design, Materials and Components
    4. 5.07 Chapter 7 Gas Piping Installation
    5. 5.08 Chapter 8 Inspections, Testing and Purging
    6. 5.09 Chapter 9 Appliance, Equipment and Accessory Installation
    7. 5.10 Chapter 10 Installation of Specific Equipment
    8. 5.12 Chapter 12 Venting of Appliances

LESSON 3: General Provisions for Gas Work in Massachusetts 248 CMR 3.00  (5 hours)

  1. 3.04  Product Design and Testing Standards
    1. Product Approvals
    2. Variance
    3. Special Permission
    4. Test Sites
  2. 3.05  Permits and Inspections
    1. Permits
      1. Jurisdictions
      2. Requirements
      3. Permit Termination
    2. Inspections
      1. What is Required to be Inspected
      2. Notification
      3. Defective Material and Poor Workmanship
    3. Appeal Procedure
  3. 3.06  Grounds for Imposing Disciplinary Sanctions
    1. Deceptive Advertising
    2. Ethical Standards
    3. Conflict of Interest
  4. 3.07 Complaint Handling Process

LESSON 4: Education and Experience Requirements for Licensure (2 hours)

  1. 11.02 (5) Qualifications to Sit for an Undiluted Liquefied Petroleum Gas Installer Examination
    1. Undiluted Liquefied Petroleum Gas Installer After September 1, 2008
      1. Experience and Education Requirements
  2. 11.02 Qualifications to Sit for an Limited Undiluted Liquefied Petroleum Gas Installer Examination
    1. Experience and Practical Examination
      1. 11.03 Examinations
      2. 11.04 Continuing Education

LESSON 5: Propane Appliance Installations (15 hours)

  1. Proper Container Sizing and Adequate Vapor Supply for Appliances
  2. Adequate Pipe and Regulator Sizing
  3. Installing Piping and Tubing
    1. Pressure Testing
  4. Converting Appliances to Propane
  5. High Altitude Installations
  6. Gas Burner Components, Controls and Normal Operating Conditions
  7. Identifying Burner Problems

LESSON 6: Basic Appliance Troubleshooting (10 hours)

  1. Basic Troubleshooting Principles
  2. Electrical Safety Circuits
  3. Electronic Ignition Systems
  4. Sequence of Operation
  5. Draft Fans and Controls
  6. Troubleshooting Techniques and Guidelines for Propane Equipment

LESSON 7: Large Gas Utilization Equipment (10 hours)

  1. 7.01 Scope and Purpose
  2. 7.02 Definitions
  3. 7.03 General Provisions
    1. Special Permission
    2. Combustion Air and Ventilation
    3. Accessibility for Cleaning and Inspection
  4. Venting
  5. 7.04 Burner and Control Installations
    1. Main Burners
    2. Controls
    3. Pilots
    4. Pressure Ratings
    5. Shutoff Valves and Regulators
    6. Operating Sequencing
  6. 7.05 Initial Start-up and Adjustments
    1. Authorized Representative
    2. Purging
    3. Tests
    4. Operator Instructions

LESSON 8: Liquid Piping and Vaporizers (12 hours)

  1. Design Principles
  2. Materials
  3. Operation
  4. Installing
  5. Servicing

LESSON 9: Code Review for Exam (21 hours)

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