The Leading by Example Program works with its public partners across Massachusetts state government to provide leadership, technical assistance, guidance, and grant funding to ensure successful implementation of strategies outlined in Executive Order 484. LBE accomplishes this with a comprehensive set of energy and environmental initiatives.
For municipalities seeking assistance in clean energy and environmental measures, please visit the DOER Green Communities Division.
Building Energy Efficiency
LBE is working to reduce overall energy consumption at state-owned and leased buildings, as well as non-building infrastructure such as streetlights, tunnels, dams, and subway operations. By 2012, nine LBE partners reduced their building energy usage intensity (energy usage per square foot) at least 20% by 2012, and all LBE Partners combined reduced energy usage intensity by 3%. LBE is working towards a 35% reduction by 2020.
DOER statewide energy efficiency initiatives include, but are not limited to:
- Work with the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council and Program Administrators on the nation-leading MassSave® program
- Energy Assessment and Audits
- Assistance for Building Institutions
- Resources for Energy Efficiency Practitioners
LBE energy efficiency actions includes, but are not limited to:
- Work with DCAMM, including the DCAMM Energy Team, on clean energy and energy efficiency initiatives that is implementing energy conservation measures at 700 state sites over 700 days as well as future comprehensive, innovative, and cost-effective energy projects.
Work with DCAMM on the Commonwealth Building Energy Intelligence (CBEI) program, an advanced energy metering and analytics program to reduce energy consumption and costs at state facilities. Additional energy information is gathered through utility account data collected through DOER’s MassEnergyInsight (MEI) tool that gathers monthly energy use data for thousands of electricity and natural gas accounts.
- Promoting renewable thermal and innovative energy efficient technologies through grant opportunities, technical expertise, and support.
- Offering resources and technical support for weatherization improvements, conversion to LED light bulbs, computer power management, light motion sensors, and zero net energy buildings, among many others.
See LBE Guidance Documents and LBE Progress data on energy efficiency.
Non-Building Energy Efficiency
LBE is working to increase energy efficiency at non-building state infrastructure such as streetlights, tunnels, dams, and subway operations.
LBE non-building efficiency efforts include, but are not limited to, promoting efficiency at non-building state operations through project financing, and technical expertise.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction
The Leading by Example Program tracks greenhouse gas emissions for state agencies and public colleges and universities. LBE met its 2012 goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2012, and is working towards reducing GHG emissions in state government 40% by 2020 and 80% by 2050.
DOER statewide greenhouse gas reduction efforts include, but are not limited to:
- Partnering across the state to meet the ambitious goals of the Global Warming Solutions Act, including reducing greenhouse gases, improving energy efficiency, and increasing renewable energy across all sectors in Massachusetts
- The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the first market-based regulatory program in the nation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Green Communities designations for municipalities across Massachusetts.
LBE greenhouse gas reduction efforts include, but are not limited to:
- Data collection, analysis, and modeling for energy consumption and GHG emissions at state facilities
- Technical assistance and preliminary analyses for agencies interested in fuel switching or generating renewable energy
- Grant funding for renewable thermal feasibility studies and project implementation targeting fossil fuel reduction
- Grant funding targeting energy use at non-building assets, such as streetlights, bridges, tunnels, dams, and other locations
- Grant funding for solar photovoltaic canopies, reducing on-site GHG emissions from grid electricity.
See LBE Guidance Documents and LBE Progress data on greenhouse gas reductions.
Green Buildings
Under Executive Order EO 484, all state construction must meet the Massachusetts LEED Plus Standard, which requires 20% better energy performance than the state building energy code.
DOER statewide green building efforts include, but are not limited to:
- Pathways to Zero Net Energy Program
- Grant funding for buildings targeting zero net energy
- Building Rating and Labeling for homes and commercial buildings.
LBE green building efforts include, but are not limited to:
- Work with DCAMM and other state construction agencies, which have designed and constructed dozens of LEED certified buildings
- Support for zero net energy buildings (ZNEBs), with two buildings built to this standard and several others at various stages of design and construction
- Technical assistance tracking energy projects and building performance for LEED buildings, ZNEBs, and other targeted buildings
- Offering resources and technical support for innovative technologies and strategies.
See LBE Progress data on green buildings .
Renewable Energy
In FY 2012, agencies and campuses obtained 15% of total electricity consumption from on-site renewable and clean combined heat and power sources, helping to reduce dependence on grid electricity, lower peak demand from the grid, and reduce emissions and costs. Efforts are underway to meet the 30% renewable energy goal by 2020.
DOER statewide renewable energy and on-site generation initiatives include, but are not limited to:
- Promoting the use of renewable technologies such as solar, wind, biomass, renewable thermal, and advanced biofuels.
- Implementing the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS).
- The state met its 250 MW goal of installed solar four years early, then set a new goal of 1.6 gigawatts of installed solar PV by 2020. See the most recent information on the amount of installed renewable energy in Massachusetts.
LBE renewable energy and on-site generation efforts include, but are not limited to:
- Guidance on power purchase agreements
- Grant funding for renewable thermal feasibility studies and project implementation
- Grant funding for solar PV canopies
- Technical assistance and support with state wide contracts for demand response, renewable energy generating Sources, alternative energy generating sources, and other qualifying sources.
- Technical assistance and preliminary analyses for agencies interested in renewable energy technologies
See LBE Guidance Documents and LBE Progress data on renewable energy.
Sustainable Transportation
The Commonwealth is working to reduce vehicle fuel consumption in the state fleet by replacing, wherever possible, inefficient and conventionally-fueled vehicles (i.e. those fueled by gasoline or diesel) with highly efficient hybrid, alternative fuel or electric vehicles. With the release of the Fuel Efficiency Standard for the State Fleet (FES), state agencies are now required to meet average fuel efficiency minimums for all new vehicle acquisitions and purchase a minimum percentage of hybrid, alternative fuel, or electric vehicles each year.
Working with the Operational Services Division (OSD) and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), LBE is participating in efforts to fully implement the FES. These efforts include working to incorporate a wide range of clean vehicle options and technologies that will support FES compliance on two new statewide contracts: VEH98 and VEH102. In addition, LBE has developed guidance documents and an easy to use Compliance Calculator that will assist agencies in determining whether they are meeting the FES requirements and help them explore options to identify compliance strategies.
Other LBE efforts include encouraging agencies to implement low-cost strategies such as reducing the number of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) by employees, increased use of public and non-vehicle transportation, and educational efforts to reduce idling and make operational changes to increase vehicle efficiency.
Additional DOER statewide transportation efforts include:
- Promoting the use of alternative fuel and electric vehicles
- Membership in the Massachusetts Clean Cities Coalition, part of a national partnership to reduce the use of petroleum in the transportation sector
- Grant funding for alternative transportation technologies, Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) and Electric Vehicles (EVs)
See LBE Guidance Documents and LBE Progress data on transportation.