Help for Applicants & Clients with Disabilities

Do you have a disability and need additional help? This could be mental, physical, sensory, learning, intellectual, cognitive or developmental. The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) may be able to give you extra help or adjust a rule.

We can work with you to provide additional assistance, known as “accommodations.” There are things you may need to do to get or keep your food (SNAP) or economic assistance (TAFDC/EAEDC) benefits, while working towards your educational and employment goals.

Table of Contents

Some of the things we ask you to do to maintain benefits are:

  • Read and understand DTA notices that may impact your benefits 
  • Fill out DTA forms
  • Provide documents that accompany your application for cash or food assistance 
  • Tell us about changes in your household/case
  • Meet deadlines

DTA can help make things easier and understandable for people with disabilities.

What kind of help can I get?

Examples of common accommodations DTA can provide include:

  • Person-centered communication options known as auxiliary aids for your appointments at DTA
  • Remind you of DTA appointments
  • Provide forms in large print
  • Provide an ASL interpreter or Certified Deaf Interpreter at appointments
  • Help you fill out DTA forms
  • Explain DTA notices to you
  • Send DTA mail to a person you choose to help you keep your benefits while working towards your employment goals 

All 20 DTA local offices have on-demand Video Remote Interpreting (VRI).

We will work with you to provide an accommodation that best meets your individual needs and the needs of your family.  


How do I get an accommodation?

If you think you need help, just ask! If you are a SNAP applicant or recipient, call the DTA Assistance Line at (877) 382-2363. If you are an economic assistance (cash benefits) applicant or recipient, talk to your case manager.

We will speak with you to find the accommodations that best meet your individual needs.

Client Assistance Coordinators (CAC)

We can also have you speak with our Client Assistance Coordinators that focus on helping our clients with disabilities. Each DTA office has at least one CAC that can help you determine the best accommodation for you to maintain your benefits. 

To speak with your local CAC:

  1. Call the DTA Assistance Line at 877-382-2363
  2. Listen to the options and press the number for your language
  3. Press 3 to speak with a Client Assistance Coordinator
  4. Enter your 5-digit zip code

Employment Supports

Contact   for Help for Applicants & Clients with Disabilities


Get case information and make certain updates to your case 24/7 via the automated prompts. Talk to a case manager between 8:15am-4:45pm, M-F.

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