Corvan (Corvin?)

Find information on this shipwreck and dive site managed by the Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources (BUAR).

BUAR classifies certain shipwrecks and other underwater archaeological resources as "Exempted Sites" for a variety of reasons, including (but not limited to): commonly known location, previous salvage, recreational value, educational value, or lack of significant archaeological or historical value. Recreational diving activities on these sites, including casual artifact collection, do not require a BUAR permit. However, any major disruption of the site is prohibited. The intent of creating an exempted shipwreck site is to preserve such sites for the continued enjoyment of the recreational diving community, who is encouraged to protect these sites for the continued enjoyment of all.

Note: All dives are conducted at your own risk. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts accepts no responsibility for loss of any kind, including personal injury or property damage. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts assumes no liability for inaccuracies in dive information contained in these pages including site locations and dive conditions.

Vessel Details

Description: freighter, steel.

The Shipwreck

Date Sunk: pre-World War II.
Cause: struck Sow and Pigs Reef, drifted off and foundered.
Location: one half mile WNW from the flashing bell buoy due NNW of Penikese Island, Buzzards Bay.
Coordinates: AWOIS; latitude 41° 28' 12" N; longitude 70° 58' 03" W.
Luther, 1958; latitude 41° 28' 00" N; longitude 70° 57' 20" W.

Three source documents list this freighter as sunk in Buzzards Bay, however the actual vessel Corvan (Corvin) does not appear to be listed in any ship registries.

The earliest account of the wreck comes from an entry in the "Automated Wreck and Obstruction Information Service (AWOIS)", NOS, 1988, listing; "27 No.569; Reported thru 1st Naval District HQ Wreck List 9/20/42; Pos. 41-28-12N, 70-58-03W. Name: Corvin"

In "Wrecks Below", 1958, author Brad Luther goes further in stating that; "the freighter Corvin is located one half mile west north west from the flashing bell buoy due north north west of Penikese Island, Buzzards Bay. Sunk for unknown reason, before World War II, no date for the sinking can be found. In recent conversation with fishermen who work in the area, they report that they hit this large wreck every now and then when dragging in the area. They also indicate that there is some kind of aircraft. This wreck should be very easy to locate and the author has started for the spot a number of times only to be delayed by weather and other reasons."


Wrecks Below; Brad Luther, 1958
The Vanishing Fleet; Brad Luther, 1965
Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks; B.D. Berman, 1972
AWOIS; NOS, 1988

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