Chat or text with a law librarian

Get help finding Massachusetts legal information via online chat or text messaging

Law librarians are here to help you find legal information, but they can’t provide legal advice. Visit the Legal assistance page to learn how to get help from a lawyer.

Online chat

Two chat bubbles

This service is offered Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 12:00pm and from 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Online chat works best for questions that can be answered quickly by using online resources. Please use our email reference service for more complicated questions. Responses come directly from a Trial Court law librarian.

Text messaging

Text your question to 866-885-6277 (866-885-MASS).

Questions will be answered Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. If your answer will require more than 140 characters, please text your email address along with your question. This number is only for text messaging

Contact   for Chat or text with a law librarian

Image credits:  Chat bubbles (Shutterstock)

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