• This page, 130 CMR 518.000: MassHealth: Citizenship and Immigration, is   offered by
  • MassHealth

Regulation  130 CMR 518.000: MassHealth: Citizenship and Immigration

  • Beginning on Friday, March 14, 2025, at 12:00 pm the POSC will be unavailable until Monday morning at 7:00 a.m. Please review MassHealth's, all provider bulletin #401 for additional details about the migration and system availability.

Date: 08/19/2022
Organization: MassHealth
Regulatory Authority: M.G.L. c. 118E s. 7 and 12
Official Version: Published by the Massachusetts Register

This is an unofficial version of Commonwealth regulations and is posted here for the convenience of the public. It is not an official statement of the regulations.

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