The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) is the independent state agency that enforces the Massachusetts anti-discrimination laws by investigating complaints of discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and other aspects of everyday life. Pursuant to its mission to eradicate discrimination in the Commonwealth, the MCAD also offers remedial and preventative training, and publishes resources online such as model policies, posters, and guides.
MCAD Resources
What would you like to do?
Learn the Anti-Discrimination Laws Enforced by the MCAD
File a Complaint of Discrimination
Request a Case Status Update
Amend, Appeal, Remove, or Withdraw a Complaint
Submit a Public Records Request
Respond to a Complaint of Discrimination
Find an Attorney or Other Legal Assistance
Access the MCAD Statutes & Regulations
Work & Intern at the MCAD
Contact Us

Call MCAD Boston
(617) 994-6000
Call MCAD Springfield
(413) 739-2145
Call MCAD Worcester
(508) 453-9630
(617) 994-6196
MCAD Boston
(617) 994-6024
MCAD Springfield
(413) 784-1056
MCAD Worcester
(508) 755-3861
Social media links
MCAD Public Hearings & Open Meetings
Complete List of MCAD Hearing Decisions
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