The Division of Occupational Licensure's (DOL) Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine licenses qualified individuals to practice veterinary medicine in Massachusetts. We serve to protect the public by monitoring the practices of the veterinarians, ensuring they meet all educational and examination requirements. Veterinarians generally diagnose, treat and prescribe for disease, pain or injury in animals.
What would you like to do?
- Request a duplicate license/change of address/change of name
- Tufts Practitioners in veterinary medicine
- Veterinarians consumer fact sheet
- Animal cruelty manual
- File a complaint
- View records of disciplinary actions
Open PDF file, 231.36 KB, Devocalization reporting form (English, PDF 231.36 KB)
- Submit a public records request
- DOL licensing benefits for active military, spouses & veterans
Upcoming events
No upcoming events scheduled
Contact us
One Federal Street
Suite 600
Boston, MA 02110-2012
Suite 600
Boston, MA 02110-2012