Navigating Unemployment Assistance

If you lost your job, or have had your hours greatly reduced, you may qualify for temporary income assistance while you search for work.

Before filing a claim

We understand that losing a job can be overwhelming, and you probably have a lot of questions. Before you file your first claim, take a moment to explore the resources below—they’ll help guide you through the process.

File a claim

Apply and manage your claim online through your UI Online account. Access it on a laptop or desktop computer. 

After filing a claim

After you submit your claim, there’s no need to call us immediately. We process most claims in 3-4 weeks. During this period, we ask all employers you listed on your claim about your past wages and why you stopped working there. If an employer does not respond within 10 business days, we may contact you for this information.

Staying eligible while your claim is under review

While waiting for a decision on your claim, you must complete certain tasks to stay eligible for unemployment. Starting the week you file, complete at least three work searches weekly and keep records of your efforts.

Return to work

You may be randomly selected to participate in the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment program (RESEA, for short). This program, supported by the federal government, is designed to help you find work suited to your skills as soon as possible. 

Help us prevent fraud

If you believe someone has applied for unemployment benefits using your personal information, the fastest way to alert us is using our secure fraud reporting form.

Still have questions?

View answers to frequently asked questions about unemployment assistance in Massachusetts.

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