- This page, Chelsea District Court, is offered by
- District Court
- Massachusetts Court System
Chelsea District Court
Details of Chelsea District Court
Overview of Chelsea District Court
Hours for Chelsea District Court
Monday - Friday:
8:30 am-4:30 pm
Parking at Chelsea District Court
There is long term metered parking on Arlington St. Extension. Please note the street cleaning restrictions.
Public Transportation
For public transportation information to the courthouse, visit the MBTA website or call (800) 392-6100.
The Chelsea District Court is accessible by the following routes of the MBTA Bus: Bus 11, Bus 112, Bus 114, Bus 116 and Bus 117. The courthouse is also accessible through the Newburyport/Rockport line of the MBTA. The closest stop to the courthouse is Chelsea Station which is a little over a mile from the courthouse.
Services at Chelsea District Court
In addition to traditional District Court services, this location also includes:
- Adult Drug Court
- Mental Health Court
- Traffic Court
Public Wi-Fi is available at this courthouse.
Accessibility at Chelsea District Court
Please contact the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) coordinator below for more information about accessibility at this court location.
Carmine DiRuzza
Phone: 617-660-9273
Fax: 617-660-9213
email: carmine.diruzza@jud.state.ma.us
Jurors Only
For assistance, please contact the Office of Jury Commissioner at 1-800-THE-JURY (843-5879) or JurorHelp@jud.state.ma.us
TTY: 1-800-328-3202
More info for Chelsea District Court
Judge's Lobby
Hon. Matthew J. Machera, First Justice
Clerk's Office
Kevin G. Murphy, Clerk-Magistrate
Probation Department
Jessica Iovanna, Chief Probation Officer