Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons

The Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons licenses qualified individuals, businesses, and schools who meet the requirements to engage in the practice of real estate brokering and sales in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Licensed real estate brokers and salespersons assist consumers wishing to purchase, sell, lease or exchange real property. This assistance encompasses a host of services including appraising property for basic valuations, negotiating purchase, sale or lease agreements, maintaining escrow accounts, and advertising properties for sale, rent or lease. The Board also protects consumers by investigating and disciplining licensees who violate the laws and regulations governing the practice of real estate brokering and sales.

Broker and Salesperson Affiliation/Termination

As of March 19, 2023, information as to broker and salesperson affiliations will be maintained in connection with the licensed brokerage with which they are affiliated. All broker and salesperson affiliations must be updated in connection with the licensed brokerage.  Please find the updated instructions on how to complete these affiliations here. Please note: Users will not be able to make these changes until after the 3/19 system update. Any previous affiliations completed in connection with the broker of record/broker’s license will be defunct as of March 19, 2023.

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One Federal Street
Suite 600
Boston , MA 02110-2012

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