Mandated Reporters of Abuse in Adults Aged 60+

Learn who are mandated reporters and how to report abuse.

Who is a mandated reporter?

Certain medical and other professionals are required to report abuse if they encounter it as part of their job. 

Massachusetts law requires mandated reporters to reportsuspected abuse of adults aged 60+ to the Adult Protective Services program. Mandated reporters who fail to report abuse may be subject to a fine. Reports of suspected abuse can be made over the phone at (800) 922-2275 or online using the instructions below. 

Adult Protective Services can only investigate cases of abuse where the person is age 60 and over and lives in the community.  

Abuse of older adults includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, caregiver neglect, financial exploitation, and self-neglect. Learn more about types and signs of abuse. 

Mandated reporters are: 

  • Physicians 
  • Physician assistants 
  • Nurses 
  • Medical interns 
  • Coroners 
  • Dentists 
  • Podiatrists 
  • Osteopaths 
  • Social workers 
  • Occupational therapists 
  • Physical therapists 
  • Psychologists 
  • Family counselors 
  • Police 
  • Probation officers 
  • EMTs 
  • Firefighters 
  • Director of a home health aide agency 
  • Homemaker agency 
  • Assisted living residence 
  • Case managers 
  • Health Aides 
  • Homemakers 
  • Council on aging directors 
  • Outreach workers 

Should I call or use the online system?

As a mandated reporter, you can call or use the online system to report suspected abuse. If you call, you must ALSO submit the Elder Abuse Mandated Reporter Form within 48 hours to the local Adult Protective Services agency.

In cases of emergency, you should call (800) 922-2275.

How to report by phone

  • Reports can be filed 24 hours a day by phone at (800) 922-2275. In cases of an emergency, you should report by phone.  
  • If you are ready to call, please have the victim’s name, address, date(s), and any other relevant information to explain the situation.  
  • When you call as a mandated reporter, you must ALSO submit the Elder Abuse Mandated Reporter Form within 48 hours to the local Adult Protective Services agency. 

How to report online

  • Reports can be filed 24 hours a day online. In cases of an emergency, you should report by phone. 
  • Please see the Elder Abuse Online Reporting User Guide for further instruction before you report elder abuse online. 
  • If you file a report online, you DO NOT need to call and you DO NOT need to fill out the Elder Abuse Mandated Reporter Form. 
  • Online reports will be treated the same as verbal reports over the phone and referred to the local Adult Protective Service agency. 
  • If you include your email address you will receive an email confirmation after the report is submitted. 

What happens after a report is made?

Once a report is received, it will be reviewed by the local Adult Protective Services agency. 

If a report is reviewed and calls for an investigation, an Adult Protective Services caseworker will be assigned to further investigate the situation and the mandated reporter will be notified.

If a report is reviewed and not selected for investigation, mandated reports will be informed of that decision by Adult Protective Services.  

In most cases, reports are reviewed the same day, but regulations allow up to 48 hours in non-emergency situations. 

What happens after a case has been investigated?

Investigations are complete within 30 days of a report being filed. After an investigation is complete, mandated reporters will be informed of the Protective Services Agency’s findings within 45 calendar days of the report being made.  

If abuse is confirmed in the investigation, the Adult Protective Services caseworker will create a plan of action to reduce the abuse in the older adult’s life. The older adult has a choice of whether or not to accept the plan.  Adult Protective Services will not move forward without consent from the older adult.  

These webpages were supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award for Adult Protective Service Public Awareness Campaign totaling $50,000 by ACL/HHS.  The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

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