Towns: Pepperell
Acreage: 627
Wildlife Management Zone: 9
Waterfowl Zone: Central
In the Nipmuc language, Nissitissit means “between two brooks.” The Nissitissit River WMA contains over 600 acres of forests and wetlands that surround and protect the river and several of its tributaries. The river is widely recognized for its ecological, recreational, cultural, and aesthetic value. Upstream near the New Hampshire border, the river is narrow with high banks and lots of large woody debris—a feature beneficial to aquatic life. Further downstream as Sucker Brook and then Mine Brook flow in, the Nissitissit becomes wider and rockier. In 2015, MassWildlife removed the Millie Turner Dam and reinforced areas of eroding streambank to restore trout and freshwater mussel habitat. Visitors can explore the WMA by way of several unmarked paths.
Location, access, & parking
Two parking areas are available off Prescott Street, one parking area is available off North Street, and an additional parking area is on Brookline Street. The southernmost parcel can be accessed by parking on Hollis Street at the site of the Turner Dam removal. See WMA map.
Note: WMAs are intentionally wild, visitors will find natural landscapes rather than maintained trails.
Habitat management
Removal of the Turner Dam was completed in 2015. Restoration of the river shed area will continue for several years. River bank erosion from ATV trespass was restored along Sucker Brook. Learn more about MassWildlife's habitat management activities.
Hunting opportunities
White-tailed deer, eastern coyotes, foxes, and gray squirrels are found in the uplands. Opportunities for hunting waterfowl and trapping aquatic furbearers can be found near the river. Ring-necked pheasants are stocked during the fall season.
Fishing opportunities
The nearly two-mile stretch of the Nissitissit River from the New Hampshire border downstream to the Prescott Street bridge is a catch-and-release, fly fishing-only area. MassWildlife stocks trout in the river each spring and fall. The excellent water quality and cool water temperatures can support trout in all but the hottest summer months, at which point fish take refuge in deep pools and cooler tributaries. Sections of the river and some tributaries support populations of wild brook trout. The river also holds white suckers, common shiners, yellow bullheads, chain pickerel, largemouth bass, pumpkinseeds, and American eels.
Wildlife viewing & other features
The WMA provides excellent bird watching, wildlife viewing, and nature study opportunities. Listen for the distinctive breeding vocalizations of the common yellowthroat, yellow warbler, and black-capped chickadee and watch the skies for bald eagles. At the river’s edge, look for ducks tucked in under cover along the streambanks. Find dragonflies and damselflies, including the showy ebony jewelwing, flitting along the shorelines. Thanks to good water quality, the river supports an impressive variety of freshwater mussels, including six rare species. Freshwater mussels are filter feeders that play an important role in the river ecosystem by cleaning the water; they are also a valuable food source for many animals.
The reach of the Nissitissit River from the New Hampshire border to the Prescott Street Bridge is designated as fly fishing only (artificial lures only, no bait in possession) and is a catch-and-release only site. Get more information on catch and-release fishing areas.
About Wildlife Management Areas
MassWildlife owns and manages over 220,000 acres of land to conserve fish and wildlife habitats and provide access for outdoor recreation. All WMAs are open to hunting, fishing, trapping, and other outdoor recreation activities. Visit the MassWildlife Lands Viewer for an interactive map of MassWildlife properties.
You can support land protection in Massachusetts. Contributions to the Wildlands Fund help pay for the cost of acquiring wildlife habitat. Learn more about the Wildlands Fund.