FY25 Recipients
- Edgartown and West Tisbury – The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $65,100 to conduct prescribed burns at Katama Plains and The Frances Newhall Woods Preserve.
- Edgartown – The Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation has been awarded $75,000 to manage southern pine beetle-infested pitch pine and pitch pine/oak forest at Caroline Tuthill Preserve. This expansion of a sanitation harvest is aimed at combating the spread of southern pine beetle, a southern species that has been expanding its range north, threatening our pitch pine forests.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Conservation Foundation has been awarded $46,433 to help protect pitch pine barren habitat at Head of the Plains. This funding will cover the removal, chipping, and safe disposal of southern pine beetle-infected pitch pine.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Island Land Bank has been awarded up to $75,000 to help restore pine barrens at Gardner Farm. Areas of dense pitch pine forest that are most susceptible to southern pine beetle outbreaks will be thinned to promote site resiliency and a heathland / sandplain-grassland understory, both of which are beneficial to numerous rare moths and butterflies.
- Sheffield – The Sheffield Land Trust has been awarded $28,150 to treat invasive species at The Schenob Brook Preserve, a large calcareous wetland complex surrounding Schenob Brook.
- Sudbury and Marlborough – The Sudbury Valley Trustees has been awarded $36,526 to conduct a prescribed burn at Desert Natural Area.
FY24 Recipients
- Falmouth – The Town of Falmouth has been awarded $70,000 to improve sandplain grasslands by removing invasive vines, woody shrubs, plants, and trees. This project will also improve the connectivity of these parcels to upland forest habitats at Coonamessett Reservation, which will expand and improve rare species habitat.
- Great Barrington – The Berkshire Natural Resources Council has been awarded $28,930 to treat invasive plant species on Housatonic River floodplain forest and a wooded oxbow at the Rising Pond Conservation Area.
- Kingston – The Town of Kingston has been awarded $23,765 to treat the invasive aquatic plant species, variable‐leaved milfoil, at Smelt Pond. This aggressive non-native species outcompetes native aquatic species and reduces water quality.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Conservation Foundation has been awarded $75,000 to help protect pitch pine barren habitat at Ram Pasture. This funding will cover the removal, chipping, and safe disposal of southern pine beetle infected pitch pine.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Island Land Bank has been awarded $74,700 to help restore pine barrens at Gardner Farm. Areas of dense pitch pine forest that are most susceptible to southern pine beetle outbreaks will be thinned to promote site resiliency and a heathland / sandplain-grassland understory, both of which are beneficial to numerous rare moths and butterflies.
- South Lee – South Lee Associates has been awarded $17,990 to treat invasive species along the Housatonic River to improve floodplain forest and early successional grasslands that are being overgrown with woody species.
- Tisbury – The Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation has been awarded $75,000 to manage southern pine beetle-infested pitch pine and pitch pine/oak forest at Phillips Preserve. This expansion of a sanitation harvest is aimed at combating the spread of southern pine beetle, a southern species that has been expanding its range north, threatening our pitch pine forests.
- Falmouth – The Town of Falmouth has been awarded $70,000 to improve sandplain grasslands by removing invasive vines, woody shrubs, plants, and trees. This project will also improve the connectivity of these parcels to upland forest habitats at Coonamessett Reservation, which will expand and improve rare species habitat.
- Great Barrington – The Berkshire Natural Resources Council has been awarded $28,930 to treat invasive plant species on Housatonic River floodplain forest and a wooded oxbow at the Rising Pond Conservation Area.
- Kingston – The Town of Kingston has been awarded $23,765 to treat the invasive aquatic plant species, variable‐leaved milfoil, at Smelt Pond. This aggressive non-native species outcompetes native aquatic species and reduces water quality.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Conservation Foundation has been awarded $75,000 to help protect pitch pine barren habitat at Ram Pasture. This funding will cover the removal, chipping, and safe disposal of southern pine beetle infected pitch pine.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Island Land Bank has been awarded $74,700 to help restore pine barrens at Gardner Farm. Areas of dense pitch pine forest that are most susceptible to southern pine beetle outbreaks will be thinned to promote site resiliency and a heathland / sandplain-grassland understory, both of which are beneficial to numerous rare moths and butterflies.
- South Lee – South Lee Associates has been awarded $17,990 to treat invasive species along the Housatonic River to improve floodplain forest and early successional grasslands that are being overgrown with woody species.
- Tisbury – The Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation has been awarded $75,000 to manage southern pine beetle-infested pitch pine and pitch pine/oak forest at Phillips Preserve. This expansion of a sanitation harvest is aimed at combating the spread of southern pine beetle, a southern species that has been expanding its range north, threatening our pitch pine forests.
FY23 recipients
- Dartmouth – Mass Audubon has been awarded $72,688 to restore coastal shrubland habitat at Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Edgartown – The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $75,000 to conduct prescribed burns on Katama Plains to improve sandplain grassland habitat.
- Edgartown / Chilmark – Sherriff’s Meadow Foundation has been awarded $17,980 to improve scrub oak shrubland habitats at Pocketapaces and Quansoo Farm.
- Edgartown / West Tisbury – The Trustees of Reservations has been awarded $75,000 to conduct prescribed burning at Wasque Reservation and Long Point Refuge to promote coastal sandplain heathland habitat.
- Falmouth – The Town of Falmouth has been awarded $7,067 to improve the sandplain grassland habitat at Coonamessett Reservation.
- Great Barrington – The Berkshire Natural Resources Council has been awarded $33,875 to control invasive species in the Housatonic River watershed.
- Marlborough / Sudbury – The City of Marlborough, in conjunction with the Sudbury Valley Trustees, has been awarded $49,182 to conduct pitch pine–scrub oak habitat improvements at Desert Natural Area and Memorial Forest.
- Monson / Wales – Norcross Wildlife Foundation has been awarded $21,185 to control invasive species at Chapin Meadow.
- Nantucket – The Linda Loring Nature Foundation has been awarded $75,000 to improve sandplain grassland habitats by removing non-native tree species.
- Stockbridge – Stockbridge Bowl Association has been awarded $11,885 to conduct hardy kiwi invasive species control at Bullard’s Woods.
- Templeton – North County Land Trust has been awarded $12,299 to control invasive species on the Dwelly Farm Conservation Area.
- Westport – The Westport Land Conservation Trust has been awarded $16,341 to convert an abandoned corn field to native grassland and shrubland habitat.
- West Tisbury – BioDiversityWorks has been awarded $16,428 to create artificial reptile hibernacula and a wildlife crossing on The Trustees of Reservation’s Long Point Wildlife Refuge.
FY22 recipients
MassWildlife awarded $184,400 in grants for 8 wildlife habitat improvement projects across Massachusetts.
- Dunstable – Zoo New England, in conjunction with the Town of Dunstable, has been awarded $11,289 to conduct scrub-shrub habitat improvement work to benefit rare species at the Pierce Town Forest.
- Falmouth – The Town of Falmouth will receive $20,587 to improve sandplain grasslands at Coonamessett Reservation.
- Fitchburg – Mass Audubon has been awarded $50,000 to improve pitch pine forest at the Flat Rock Reservation.
- Groton – The Town of Groton will receive $29,050 to create and improve open field and shrub habitat at Priest Hill.
- Lenox – The Town of Lenox, in conjunction with the Berkshire Natural Resources Council, has been awarded $26,810 to control the hardy kiwi vine at Kennedy Park and adjacent properties.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Conservation Foundation has been awarded $13,024 to manage sandplain barrens and heathlands on the Middle Moors property.
- Sheffield – The Sheffield Land Trust will receive $16,040 to conduct brush hogging and invasive species control at Ashley Falls Woods.
- South Lee – South Lee Associates, in conjunction with the Berkshire Natural Resources Council, will receive $17,400 to control invasive species and improve floodplain forest habitats on multiple Housatonic River properties.
FY21 recipients
MassWildlife awarded $307,631 in grants for 10 wildlife habitat improvement projects across Massachusetts.
- Brimfield –– For $22,153, the Post 430 Sportsman’s Club will enhance and create young forest, shrubland, and fields habitats.
- Falmouth – The Town of Falmouth has been awarded $11,306 to improve sandplain grasslands at Coonamessett Reservation.
- Gloucester – For $43,900, The Trustees of Reservations will enact long term protections to save one of the best populations of a State Endangered plant at Ravenswood Park.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Conservation Foundation will receive $24,074 to manage sandplain barrens and heathlands on the Middle Moors property.
- Nantucket – Mass Audubon will use $44,007 to conduct sandplain and heathland restoration work at Sesachacha Heathlands Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Orange – Fred Heyes is being granted $31,768 to create and improve young forest and shrubland habitat.
- Shelburne – For $41,335, Foxbard Farm will create and improve young forest and shrubland habitat.
- South Lee – South Lee Associates, in conjunction with the Berkshire Natural Resources Council, will receive $14,887 to control invasive species and improve floodplain forest habitats on multiple Housatonic River properties.
- West Tisbury – With $50,000, The Trustees of Reservations will restore savanna and scrub oak-heath shrublands at Long Point Wildlife Refuge.
- Wilbraham – Using $24,200 in grant funds, the Town of Wilbraham will work to promote regeneration of an inland Atlantic White Cedar Swamp.
FY20 recipients
MassWildlife awarded $341,396 in grants for 13 wildlife habitat improvement projects across Massachusetts.
- Barnstable – The Town of Barnstable has been awarded $23,570 to use prescribed fire to improve pitch pine – oak woodland habitat at the West Barnstable Conservation Area.
- Edgartown – The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $25,889 to improve sandplain grasslands on the Katama Plains.
- Sheffield – The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $28,576 to create and improve old field and shrubland habitats at the Schenob Brook Preserve.
- Hardwick and North Brookfield – The East Quabbin Land Trust has been awarded $13,642 to conduct invasive species control at Mandell Hill and Wendemuth Meadow.
- Lenox – The Town of Lenox has been awarded $26,810 to remove the invasive hardy kiwi plant at Kennedy Park and Mass Audubon’s Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Marshfield – Mass Audubon has been awarded $40,814 to perform field restoration work at the Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Mashpee – The Orenda Wildlife Land Trust has been awarded $16,704 to conduct a prescribed burn to improve wildlife habitat.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Conservation Foundation has been awarded $9,433 to manage heathlands on the Middle Moors property.
- North Andover – The Trustees of Reservations has been awarded $44,272 to conduct habitat restoration work at the Weir Hill Reservation.
- Orange – Fred and Heather Heyes have been awarded $49,681 to create young forest habitat.
- Sandwich –Town of Sandwich has been awarded $23,570 to conduct a prescribed burn on the Maple Swamp Conservation Area.
- South Lee – South Lee Associates has been awarded $13,655 for efforts to control invasive species on Housatonic River properties.
- Yarmouth – The Town of Yarmouth has been awarded $24,780 to conduct a prescribed fire to restore pitch pine – oak woodlands.
FY19 recipients
MassWildlife awarded $303,521 in habitat management grants for 12 habitat improvement projects totaling 307 aces. The following landowners will receive Habitat Management Grants:
- Barnstable – The Town of Barnstable has been awarded $11,820 to conduct prescribed fire to improve pitch pine – oak woodland habitat at West Barnstable Conservation Area.
- Edgartown – The Trustees of Reservations has been awarded $25,127 to improve sandplain grasslands on the Katama Plains.
- Great Barrington – The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $39,325 to create and improve old field and shrubland habitats at the Schenob Brook Preserve.
- Lenox – The Berkshire Natural Resources Council has been awarded $34,100 to remove the invasive hardy kiwi plant at Parson Marsh Reserve.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Conservation Foundation has been awarded $24,681 to manage heathlands on the Head of The Plains properties.
- Nantucket – The Linda Loring Foundation has been awarded $35,200 to create and improve grassland habitats by removing non-native tree species.
- Plainfield – The Franklin Land Trust has been awarded $32,228 to increase young forest cover on Guyette Farm.
- South Lee – South Lee Associates has been awarded $12,350 to control invasive species on Housatonic River properties.
- Sheffield – The Sheffield Land Trust has been awarded $17,290 to improve the Ashley Falls Woods riparian corridor by conducting invasive species removal.
- Stockbridge – The Laurel Hill Association has been awarded $25,800 to treat invasive species at the Four Corners - Larrywaug Brook property.
- West Tisbury – The Trustees of Reservations has been awarded $21,720 to improve sandplain grassland and frost bottom habitat at Long Point Refuge.
- Yarmouth – The Town of Yarmouth has been awarded $23,880 to use prescribed fire to restore pitch pine – oak woodlands.
FY18 recipients
MassWildlife awarded $506,856 in grants for 18 habitat improvement projects across the state totaling 950aces.
- Barnstable – The Town of Barnstable was awarded $10,000 to conduct prescribed burning in an effort to improve pitch pine/oak woodland habitat.
- Great Barrington – The Berkshire Natural Resources Council was awarded $36,500 to conduct invasive species control at Housatonic Flats and Thomas and Palmer Preserves.
- Heath and Plainfield – The Franklin Land Trust was awarded $16,675 to enhance native shrub habitat on Crowningshield Farm (Heath) and Guyette Farm (Plainfield).
- Lenox – The Town of Lenox was awarded $36,630 to conduct hardy kiwi invasive species control within Kennedy Park.
- Marlborough – The City of Marlborough was awarded $44,500 to create and improve young forest habitat in the Desert Natural Area.
- Mashpee – The Town of Mashpee was awarded $24,000 to conduct prescribed burning to improve habitat within the Holland Mill Pine Barrens.
- Nantucket – The Nantucket Conservation Foundation was awarded $18,997 to manage heathlands on the Head of The Plains properties.
- Newbury – The Trustees of Reservations was awarded $30,264 to expand and improve grasslands at Old Town Hill Reservation.
- Orange – Fred Heyes was awarded $38,608 to create young forest and shrubland habitat along the West Branch Tully River.
- Sharon – Mass Audubon was awarded $38,201 to manage shrubland habitats and create young forest habitat at the Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Sheffield – Sheffield Land Trust was awarded $15,632 to work to control invasive species at Ashley Falls Woods.
- Sheffield – The Nature Conservancy was awarded $20,503 to create and improve old field and shrubland habitats at the Schenob Brook Preserve.
- Stockbridge – The Cherry Hill Realty Trust was awarded $15,500 to remove the invasive hardy kiwi plant.
- Stockbridge – The Town of Stockbridge was awarded $20,905 to treat invasive species at Gould Meadows and Bullard Woods.
- Tolland – Mass Audubon was awarded $24,493 to create shrubland habitat at the Richardson Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Topsfield – Mass Audubon was awarded $36,646 to expand and improve shrubland habitat at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Ware – Brian and Martha Klassanos were awarded $4,859 to create and improve shrubland and field habitat.
- Westport – The Westport Land Conservation Trust was awarded $12,783 to improve shrubland habitat and conduct stream restoration work at the Dunham Brook Conservation Area.
- Wilbraham – The Town of Wilbraham was awarded $26,150 to improve pitch pine habitat at Twelve Mile Brook Conservation Area.
- Yarmouth – The Town of Yarmouth was awarded $25,000 to use prescribed burning to restore pitch pine/oak woodlands.
FY17 recipients
MassWildlife awarded $317,243 in habitat management grants for 12 habitat improvement projects totaling 534 aces.
- Amherst – Using $18,426 in grant funds, the Town of Amherst will remove woody vegetation and control invasive species to improve old field habitats.
- Ashfield and Hawley – The Massachusetts Forest Alliance has been awarded $47,950 in order to create young forest habitat.
- Dalton and Hinsdale – For $18,000, the Berkshire Natural Resources Council will work to control invasive plants and improve floodplain forest along the Old Mill Trail.
- Ipswich – The Trustees of Reservations has been awarded $19,500 to improve meadow habitat on the Appleton Farms property.
- Lenox – The Town of Lenox has been awarded $33,500 to combat the hardy kiwi invasive plant infestation.
- Marlborough – For $14,483, the Town of Marlborough will work to control invasive plants in pitch pine – oak habitat at Desert Natural Area.
- Mashpee – The Town of Mashpee has been awarded $11,611 to convert an old bog into seasonal waterfowl habitat.
- Nantucket – For $38,469, the Nantucket Conservation Foundation will reduce shrub and tree species cover to improve habitat conditions for wildlife dependent on grasslands and heathlands.
- Sheffield – The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $23,640 to improve wetland and grassland habitats through the removal of woody plants on the Schenob Brook Preserve.
- Sheffield – The Trustees of Reservations has been awarded $35,701 to restore grassland habitat through woody species removal and invasive species control on the West Grumpelt Parcel of Bartholemew’s Cobble Preserve.
- Otis – Using $29,213 in grant funds, MassAudubon will create new, and expand existing, shrubland habitat on the Cold Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Ware – Using $26,750 in grant funds, private landowners Brian and Martha Klassanos will treat invasive plants, establish grassland habitat, and improve shrublands on their Muddy Brook Valley property.
FY16 recipients
MassWildlife awarded $320,464 in grants for 13 wildlife habitat improvement projects across Massachusetts.
- Athol – Using $24,610 in grant funds, the Town of Athol Conservation Commission will conduct forestry activities to create young forest habitats on Athol’s Bearsden Conservation Area.
- Brookfield and Ware – The East Quabbin Land Trust has been awarded $16,730 to use fire to promote native wildlife in Pitch Pine-Scrub Oak and wet meadow habitats on Frohloff Farm and Wendemuth Meadow Preserve.
- Dartmouth – The Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust has been awarded $18,096 for field and grassland creation and restoration at Smith Farm Reserve.
- Edgartown – The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $32,908 to conduct prescribed burns to maintain sandplain grassland habitat on the Katama Plains Conservation Area.
- Great Barrington – For $20,900, the Berkshire Natural Resources Council will work to control invasive plants on the Housatonic Flats Reserve.
- Hardwick – The East Quabbin Land Trust has been awarded $16,290 to maintain and promote shrubland and to treat invasive species of plants.
- Heath – The Franklin Land Trust will be using $19,899 to create grassland habitat and remove invasive plants on Crowningshield Farm.
- Monson – The Town of Monson has been awarded $27,750 to restore young forest habitat on its Carpenter Road property.
- Nantucket – For $20,357, the Nantucket Conservation Foundation will reduce shrub and tree species cover to improve habitat conditions for wildlife dependent on grasslands and heathlands.
- Sheffield – The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $49,480 to improve fen and grassland habitats through invasive plant control and removal of woody plants on the Schenob Brook Preserve.
- Sheffield – The Trustees of Reservations has been awarded $33,000 to restore grassland habitat on the West Grumpelt Parcel of Bartholemew’s Cobble Preserve.
- Wilbraham – Using $11,600 in grant funds, the Town of Wilbraham will treat invasive species and improve meadow and old field habitats at the Thayer Brook Conservation Area.
- Wilbraham – Using $28,844 in grant funds, the Town of Wilbraham will treat invasive plants, improve young forest habitat, and install shelter for wildlife on its Twelve Mile Brook Conservation Area.