You can also download a printable version of this list, sorted by common or scientific name.
Common Name | Scientific Name |
aeginetia | Aeginetia spp. |
African boxthorn | Lycium ferrocissimum |
African couch grass | Digitaria abyssinica; D. scalarum |
African feathergrass | Pennisetum macrourum |
alectra | Alectra spp. |
alfombrilla | Drymaria arenarioides |
ambulia | Limnophila sessiliflora |
Amur cork-tree | Phellodendron amurense |
Amur honeysuckle | Lonicera maackii |
anchored water hyacinth | Eichhornia azurea |
animated oat | Avena sterilis |
Argentine screwbean | Prosopis strombulifera |
arrowhead | Sagittaria sagittifolia |
Asian sprangletop | Leptochloa chinensis |
Asiatic bittersweet | Celastrus orbiculatus |
autumn olive | Elaeagnus umbellata |
Bell's honeysuckle | Lonicera x bella [L. morrowii x L. tatarica] |
Benghal dayflower | Commelina benghalensis |
Bishop's weed; goutweed | Aegopodium podagraria |
black locust | Robinia pseudoacacia |
black swallow-wort; Louise's swallow-wort | Cynanchum louiseae |
border privet | Ligustrum obtusifolium |
borreria | Spermacoce alata |
Brazilian satintail | Imperata brasiliensis |
Brazilian waterweed; anacharis; Brazilian elodea | Egeria densa; Elodea densa; Anacharis densa |
brittle water-nymph; lesser naiad | Najas minor |
broad-leafed pepperweed; tall pepperweed | Lepidium latifolium |
broomrape | Non-native Orobanche spp. |
brownbeard rice; red rice | Oryza rufipogon |
burning bush; winged euonymus | Euonymus alatus |
bushy rock-cress; narrowleaf bittercress | Cardamine impatiens |
Callery/Bradford pear* | Pyrus calleryana* |
Cape tulip | Homeria spp.; Moraea spp. |
Carolina fanwort; fanwort | Cabomba caroliniana |
catclaw mimosa | Mimosa pigra |
cattail grass; yellow foxtail | Setaria pallidifusca; S. pallidefusca; S. pumila |
caulerpa | Caulerpa taxifolia |
coat buttons | Tridax procumbens |
coltsfoot | Tussilago farfara |
common barberry; European barberry | Berberis vulgaris |
common buckthorn | Rhamnus cathartica |
common crupina | Crupina vulgaris |
common reed | Phragmites australis |
creeping buttercup | Ranunculus repens |
creeping Jenny; moneywort | Lysimachia nummularia |
crisped pondweed; curly pondweed | Potamogeton crispus |
crofton weed | Ageratina adenophora |
Cypress spurge | Euphorbia cyparissias |
dame's rocket | Hesperis matronalis |
devil's thorn | Emex spinosa |
dodder | Non-native Cuscuta spp. |
duck-lettuce | Ottelia alismoides |
Eurasian or European water-milfoil; Spike water-milfoil | Myriophyllum spicatum |
European buckthorn; glossy buckthorn | Frangula alnus; Rhamnus frangula |
exotic bur-reed | Sparganium erectum |
flowering rush | Butomus umbellatus |
forget-me-not | Myosotis scorpioides |
garlic mustard | Alliaria petiolata |
giant false sensitive plant; false sensitive plant | Mimosa diplotricha; M. invisa |
giant hogweed | Heracleum mantegazzianum |
giant salvinia; eared watermoss | Salvinia auriculata |
giant salvinia; kariba-weed | Salvinia molesta |
giant salvinia | Salvinia biloba |
giant salvinia | Salvinia herzogii |
goatsrue | Galega officinalis |
gray willow, rusty willow | Salix cinerea, Salix cinerea ssp.oleifolia |
hair fescue; fineleaf sheep fescue | Festuca filiformis |
hairy joint grass; jointhead; small carpetgrass | Arthraxon hispidus |
hairy willow-herb; codlins and cream | Epilobium hirsutum |
horned poppy; sea poppy; yellow hornpoppy | Glaucium flavum |
hydrilla; water-thyme; Florida elodea | Hydrilla verticillata |
itchgrass | Rottboellia cochinchinensis |
Japanese barberry | Berberis thunbergii |
Japanese black pine* | Pinus thunbergii* |
Japanese honeysuckle | Lonicera japonica |
Japanese hops | Humulus japonicus |
Japanese knotweed | Fallopia japonica; Polygonum cuspidatum; Reynoutria japonica |
Japanese sedge; Asiatic sand sedge | Carex kobomugi |
Japanese stiltgrass; Nepalese browntop | Microstegium vimineum |
jointed prickly pear | Opuntia aurantiaca |
kiawe | Prosopis pallida |
kikuyugrass | Pennisetum clandestinum |
Kodo-millet | Paspalum scrobiculatum |
kudzu; Japanese arrowroot | Pueraria montana |
Kyasuma grass | Pennisetum pedicellatum |
large gray willow | Salix atrocinerea, Salix cinerea ssp. oleifolia |
leafy spurge; wolf's milk | Euphorbia esula |
lesser celandine; fig buttercup | Ranunculus ficaria; Ficaria verna |
liverseed grass | Urochloa panicoides |
longstamen rice; red rice | Oryza longistaminata |
Malabar melastome | Melastoma malabathricum |
melaleuca | Melaleuca quinquenervia |
mile-a-minute vine or weed; Asiatic tearthumb | Polygonum perfoliatum, Persicaria perfoliata |
mile-a-minute; bittervine | Mikania micrantha |
mile-a-minute; heartleaf hempvine | Mikania cordata |
Miramar weed | Hygrophila polysperma |
missiongrass | Pennisetum polystachyon; P. polystachion |
monochoria | Monochoria hastata |
Morrow's honeysuckle | Lonicera morrowii |
mosquito fern | Azolla pinnata |
multiflora rose | Rosa multiflora |
murain-grass | Ischaemum rugosum |
Norway maple | Acer platanoides |
onion weed | Asphodelus fistulosus |
oxygen weed | Lagarosiphon major |
pale swallow-wort | Cynanchum rossicum |
parrot-feather; water-feather; Brazilian water-milfoil | Myriophyllum aquaticum |
pickerel weed | Monochoria vaginalis |
pilipiliula | Chrysopogon aciculatus |
plume grass; Amur silvergrass | Miscanthus sacchariflorus (also covers Miscanthus x giganteus, a hybrid of M. sacchariflorus and M. sinensis) |
porcelain-berry; Amur peppervine | Ampelopsis brevipedunculata |
purple loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria |
red rice | Oryza punctata |
reed canary-grass, ribbon grass | Phalaris arundinacea |
Scotch broom | Cytisus scoparius |
serrated tussock | Nassella trichotoma |
sessile joyweed | Alternanthera sessilis |
spotted knapweed | Centaurea biebersteinii; C. stoebe ssp. micranthos |
sycamore maple | Acer pseudoplatanus |
tall mannagrass; reed mannagrass | Glyceria maxima |
tansy ragwort; stinking Willie | Senecio jacobaea |
Tatarian honeysuckle | Lonicera tatarica |
three-cornered jack | Emex australis |
tornillo | Prosopis reptans |
tree of heaven | Ailanthus altissima |
tropical soda apple | Solanum viarum |
turkeyberry | Solanum torvum |
variable water-milfoil; two-leaved water-milfoil | Myriophyllum heterophyllum |
velvet fingergrass | Digitaria velutina |
velvet mesquite | Prosopis velutina |
wall-lettuce* | Mycelis muralis* |
water yellowcress; great yellowcress | Rorippa amphibia |
water chestnut | Trapa natans |
water spinach Permit required - contact Department | Ipomoea aquatica Permit required - contact Department |
weeping lovegrass | Eragrostis curvula |
wetland nightshade | Solanum tampicense |
wild blackberry complex | Rubus fruticosus |
wild blackberry | Rubus moluccanus |
wild chervil | Anthriscus sylvestris |
wild safflower; jeweled distaff thistle | Carthamus oxyacanthus; C. oxycantha |
wild sugarcane | Saccharum spontaneum |
wineberry; Japanese wineberry; wine raspberry | Rubus phoenicolasius |
witchweed | Striga spp. |
wormleaf salsola | Salsola vermiculata |
yellow floating heart | Nymphoides peltata |
yellow Iris | Iris pseudacorus |
*Phase-out period for newly listed prohibited species:
Once a species is added to the Prohibited Plant List, nursery agents/growers may no longer receive or begin propagation of those species. Existing stock is subject to a phase-out period according to the following schedule:
- Pinus thunbergii (Japanese Black Pine): No imports, acquiring of new stock, or propagation as of 09/19/2024; No sales permitted after 12/31/2025
- Mycelis muralis (wall-lettuce): No imports, acquiring of new stock, or propagation as of 09/19/2024; No sales permitted after 12/31/2025
- Pyrus calleryana (Callery pear/Bradford pear): No imports, acquiring of new stock, or propagation as of 09/19/2024; No sales permitted after 12/31/2028
Contact for Massachusetts Prohibited Plant List
Last updated: | January 8, 2025 |