CZ-Mail - March 2022

The monthly electronic newsletter from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).

Welcome to CZ-Mail, the monthly electronic newsletter from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). Each issue provides information on major CZM initiatives, available tools and publications, upcoming workshops and events, grants, contracting opportunities, job openings, coastal legislation, and other news of interest to people working on coastal issues. Additional information about CZM's programs, publications, and other coastal topics can be found on the CZM website. To subscribe, send a blank email (please be sure that the email is completely blank, with no signature line) to Also, please feel free to share CZ-Mail with colleagues and friends—and if you have any suggestions for future editions, or would like make a change to your CZ-Mail subscription, please email your request to For daily updates from CZM, please follow us on Twitter.

All links on this web page were current and working on the date of publication.


Commemorating 50 Years of Coastal Protection - In 1972, four important pieces of legislation were enacted that form the foundation for ocean and coastal protection in the United States—the Clean Water Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, National Marine Sanctuaries Act, and Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). The CZMA established the voluntary program that gives coastal states the funding and opportunity to develop and implement plans to manage coastal resources, which led to the development of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. To commemorate this 50th anniversary, CZM has released 50 Ways to Protect the Massachusetts Coast - CZMA Anniversary Edition. In addition, CZM joins the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office for Coastal Resources and other partners in highlighting 50 Years of Ocean & Coastal Conservation, which includes a year-long social media campaign. Follow #OceanAndCoasts50 on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and share your own stories.

Upcoming Coastal Resilience Grants - Get CZM Assistance - CZM anticipates the release of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Request for Responses (RFR) for the Coastal Resilience Grant Program in the spring. Coastal Resilience Grants provide funding and technical assistance to coastal communities and eligible nonprofit organizations to reduce risks associated with coastal storms, flooding, erosion, and sea level rise through innovative and transferable local projects. The following CZM support is available for this grant program:

  • Direct Support - Up until the RFR is released, CZM can discuss project ideas and eligibility for the grants with potential applicants. See the contact information at the bottom of the Coastal Resilience Grant page to connect with CZM.
  • Coastal Resilience Grant Program Webinar - On March 3 from 1:00-2:30 p.m., CZM will host an informational webinar on the next Coastal Resilience Grant opportunity. The webinar will highlight a variety of successful projects supported by CZM, along with grant program goals, requirements, expected funding levels, timeline, and tips for developing competitive proposals. There will be time for questions and discussion of potential project ideas. Please email to register and receive the Zoom meeting details. A recording of the presentation will be linked from the Coastal Resilience Grant Program website following the webinar.

CZM Offices Remain Closed - All CZM offices are currently closed for in-person services, however, CZM staff are available to assist with coastal management issues. See Contact CZM for details.

Grants/Funding/Proposal Opportunities

Coastal Resilience Grants - CZM anticipates the release of the FY 2023 RFR for the Coastal Resilience Grant Program in the spring. Coastal Resilience Grants provide funding and technical assistance to coastal communities and eligible nonprofit organizations to reduce risks associated with coastal storms, flooding, erosion, and sea level rise through innovative and transferable local projects. CZM will host an informational webinar on the Coastal Resilience grant program on March 3 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. See Upcoming Coastal Resilience Grants - Get CZM Assistance at the beginning of this CZ-Mail for additional details.

Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance Grants - The Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) is seeking proposals from Massachusetts municipalities for the Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance Grant Program to replace undersized, perched, and/or degraded culverts in areas with high ecological value with new structures that meet environmental design and structural standards along with climate resiliency criteria. Total funding for this grant round is anticipated to be $2.75 million. Only projects that will meet the goals of the Massachusetts Stream Crossing Standards are eligible. See the Culvert Replacement Grant RFR (PDF, 5 MB) for grant and application details, along with the Massachusetts Stream Crossing Standards, which can be found in Appendix A. Proposals must be submitted through the online submission portal by March 14.

Massachusetts Dredging Program Grants - The Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development is seeking proposals for the 2022 grant round of the Massachusetts Dredging Program. One-year construction grants for saltwater dredging will be competitively awarded with a focus on shovel-ready projects that contribute to the economic vitality, recreational value, public safety, and/or environmental resilience of the Commonwealth’s coastal harbors. All municipalities in the Massachusetts coastal zone are eligible to apply. An online information session will be held on March 8 at 10:00 a.m. Applications are due by April 15 via electronic submission. See the How to Apply for details on the information session and application instructions.

Massachusetts In-Lieu Fee Program - The Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game (DFG) anticipates the release of a Request for Proposals for the Massachusetts In-Lieu Fee Program (ILFP) later this year. This program funds aquatic resource restoration or preservation projects in the Commonwealth. Eligible applicants include Massachusetts cities, towns, academic institutions, certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits, state agencies, and other public entities. The ILFP allows certain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permittees to pay an in-lieu fee to DFG’s ILFP as mitigation for project impacts to federally regulated aquatic resources. DFG then pools ILFP fees to implement larger-scale projects. For more information and to discuss project ideas, contact DFG’s Elisabeth Cianciola at

Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative Special Focus Grant - The Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative is seeking proposals for the Special Focus Grant: Climate Change and Biodiversity to conduct research on the role of biodiversity in climate change mitigation and climate resilience on Nantucket Island. Grants up to $6,000 will be awarded. Proposals are due by April 15.

Reminders - These opportunities, listed previously in CZ-Mail, are still available:

  • Loans for Dam and Seawall Repair or Removal - The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) is seeking applications for loans for the repair or removal of dams, levees, seawalls, and other forms of inland and coastal flood control. The Dam and Seawall Repair or Removal Program offers qualified applicants loan funds for repair, reconstruction, and removal projects. EEA encourages applicants to maximize restoration of natural systems. Projects that minimize or eliminate the use of hard infrastructure are eligible for a zero-percent interest rate. To view the loan RFR, see COMMBUYS. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis until April 29.
  • Drinking Water Supply Protection Grants - The EEA Division of Conservation Services (DCS) is seeking applications for the Drinking Water Supply Protection Grant Program, which provides financial assistance to public water systems and municipal water departments to purchase land or interests in land for the protection of existing Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)-approved public drinking water supplies, planned future public drinking water supplies, or groundwater recharge. Grants up to $300,000 are available this grant round. Applications are due by March 18. See the application instructions for details.
  • Landscape Partnership Grants - DCS is also seeking applications to the Landscape Partnership Grant Program for conservation projects that protect at least 500 acres of land through partnerships between local, state, and federal agencies and nonprofit organizations. Grants up to $1,250,000 will be available this grant round. A virtual grant workshop will be held March 2 at 2:00 p.m. To attend, RSVP to Vanessa Farny at to receive the Teams meeting link. Applications are due by May 2. See the application instructions for details.
  • Conservation Partnership Grant Program - DCS is also seeking applications for a second round of the FY 2022 Conservation Partnership Grant Program. Conservation Partnership Grants provide funds to nonprofit organizations for land acquisitions. For questions, email Melissa Cryan at Applications are due by 3:00 p.m. on March 30. See How to Apply for details.
  • Small Communities Grants - DCS is also seeking applications for the Fiscal Year 2022 Conservation Assistance for Small Communities Grant Program, which provides funding to municipalities with 6,000 or fewer residents to produce Open Space and Recreation Plans, complete other plans to facilitate land conservation, and/or prepare appraisals as required to apply for the other DCS grant programs. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The final deadline is May 6. See the application instructions for details.
  • Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative Small Research Grants - The Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative is seeking proposals for the Small Research Grants Program to conduct research on understudied taxonomic groups and the biodiversity of Nantucket, Tuckernuck, and/or Muskeget Islands. Grants up to $3,500 will be awarded. Proposals are due by March 4.

Online Tools and Resources

NOAA Marine Debris Blog - Recent posts in the NOAA Marine Debris Program’s Marine Debris Blog include work to address marine debris in the Great Lakes and the removal of a deteriorating fishing vessel grounded off the Northern Mariana Island of Saipan since 2015 due a typhoon. All blog topics can be searched by category and date. To receive notifications of new posts, sign up for email updates.

New Resource and Data from NOAA Digital Coast - NOAA’s Digital Coast has posted these new resources:

Newsletters and Other Periodicals

Massachusetts Association for Floodplain Management Newsletter - The Winter 2022 Newsletter (PDF, 4 MB) from the Massachusetts Association for Floodplain Management (massFM) discusses National Flood Insurance Program federal funding, planning for post-disaster damage in communities, Community Rating System tips, and other Massachusetts floodplain management news and resource links.

MVP Program Newsletter - The Winter 2022 newsletter from EEA’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program covers the upcoming pre-RFR webinars for the next round of MVP planning and action grants, the Massachusetts Climate Assessment meetings coming this month, as well as other MVP program resources, upcoming events, and opportunities.

NOAA HabitatNews - The February 2022 issue of HabitatNews, a newsletter of the NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation, includes articles on more than $50 million awarded for two projects in Louisiana that will restore 1,100 acres of wetlands, the annual #IHeartEstuaries social media campaign, research on using satellites to analyze benefits of oyster restoration on a larger scale, and other marine fisheries habitat news.

Northeast Ocean Data Portal Newsletter - The February 2022 issue of Northeast Ocean Data, a newsletter of the Northeast Ocean Data Portal, provides details on new data and map layers for the mid-Atlantic offshore wind planning area, safe port access routes for the New York Bight lease areas, offshore wind lease processes and environmental reviews, and additional portal news and updates.

Urban Harbors Institute E-News - The January 2022 issue of Urban Harbors Institute E-News, the newsletter of the Urban Harbors Institute (UHI) at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Boston, reports on the upcoming National Working Waterfront Network Conference hosted by UHI, a new Municipal Technical Assistance program to help communities with waterfront topics, and other news and updates from UHI.

Jobs/Internship Postings

North and South Rivers/MassBays Internships - The North and South Rivers Watershed Association (NSRWA) and the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership (MassBays) are seeking applicants for three paid internships for the summer/fall 2022. Two Research and Monitoring Interns will assist with field work, data entry and analysis, and outreach efforts. Candidates should have at least two years of undergraduate education in biology, chemistry, or environmental science. An Eelgrass Monitoring Intern will organize and coordinate volunteers for August eelgrass surveys, including boat owners. In addition, the candidate will maintain field survey equipment, assist with field survey training, and help with data organization and entry. Candidates should have at least three years of undergraduate education in biology, chemistry, or environmental science. All interns are required to have their own vehicle and will be reimbursed for mileage. Applications for all positions are due by March 14. For details, see the NSRWA Internships page.

Marine Biological Lab Positions - The Ecosystems Center at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole is seeking applicants for two positions that will work with the Plum Island Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research (PIE-LTER) project, which studies estuarine-marsh ecosystems to identify changes due to climate, sea level, and land use change, and to understand the impacts of these changes on ecosystem function. The Research Assistant I will work in the field and the lab in this entry level research position, which requires a bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, physics, or ecology, and comfort with working outdoors. The Information Manager will curate and archive a wide variety of data sets from researchers, oversee the collection and quality assurance/quality control of data from a number of sensors in the field, maintain a public facing website, and support researchers in information management. In addition to this IT work, some field work is encouraged.

Great Marsh Biological Technician - Mass Audubon, in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), is seeking a Great Marsh Biological Technician to work on several projects within the Great Marsh in northeastern Massachusetts. Primary responsibilities will include work on the community-based invasive control project, along with assistance on marsh restoration projects conducted by Mass Audubon and USFWS. The technician will work out of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge headquarters and Joppa Flats Education Center, both located in Newburyport. This position runs for 68-weeks, from May 2022-August 2023. For more information, see the job posting.

APCC Cyanobacteria Interns - The Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) is seeking multiple interns to assist staff with the Cyanobacteria Monitoring Program. These paid internships start in mid-May and go through late-August or mid-November. Interns collect water samples to monitor cyanobacteria levels in 160 freshwater ponds in all 15 Cape Cod communities. Candidates must have their own vehicle and a driver’s license. For more information, see the internship posting.

Barnstable Clean Water Coalition Seasonal Positions and Internships - The Barnstable Clean Water Coalition (BCWC) is seeking several seasonal staff and interns. Seasonal Island Rangers patrol Dead Neck Sampson’s Island to ensure and promote compliance with island rules to protect shorebird species. Aquaculture and Water Quality Interns will assist with oyster aquaculture operations and help with water quality sampling and marine invasive monitoring. For details and application instructions, see the BCWC Job Opportunities page.

Summer Environmental Education Internships - The Westport River Watershed Alliance (WRWA) is seeking two summer interns to work under the supervision of the WRWA Education Director, assisting with school and summer programs, field studies, water quality monitoring, and other duties. Preference will be given to applicants enrolled at Bristol Community College or the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. For details, see the WRWA Join Our Team page.

Camp Educators - The Trustees of Reservations is seeking Seasonal Camp Educators to run camp program and activities for the SummerQuest day camp at the Crane Estate in Ipswich. Each camp educator leads a pod of campers ages 4-15 to provide environmental education, crafts, sports, and other activities. For details, see the seasonal job posting.

Development Director - OARS, the watershed organization for the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers, is hiring a part-time Development Director to lead fundraising initiatives for the organization. For more details, see the position posting.

Public Comment

Please note: All official CZM requests for public comment are published in the Public Notices section of the Environmental Monitor, the bi-weekly publication from the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Office.

Notice of Supplemental Information Filing for the Chelsea Creek Municipal Harbor Plan and Designated Port Area Master Plan - On March 11, 2021, the City of Chelsea submitted the Chelsea Creek Municipal Harbor Plan and Designated Port Area Master Plan (PDF, 39 MB) for review and approval, which was noticed in the March 24, 2021, Environmental Monitor. An extended public comment period closed on April 30, 2021, and was followed by a 60-day consultation period. The consultation period has been extended four times, each with notice in the Environmental Monitor. The first 60-day extension ended on August 27, 2021; the second 60-day extension ended on October 27, 2021; the third 60-day extension ended on December 27, 2021; and the last 35-day extension ended on January 31.

In accordance with 301 CMR 23.04, and as an outcome of the consultation period, the city has submitted Supplemental Information for the Chelsea Creek Municipal Harbor Plan and Designated Port Area Master Plan (PDF, 8 MB). CZM shall consider written comments on this Supplemental Information received by 5:00 p.m. on March 11. Submit comments by mail to: Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, Attention: Tyler Soleau, Assistant Director, 251 Causeway Street, Suite 800, Boston, MA 02114.

To accommodate the city’s supplemental filing, the consultation period has been extended until March 11.

Designation Report for the East Boston DPA Boundary—Comment Period Extended - On December 15, 2021, CZM issued the East Boston DPA boundary designation report (PDF, 2 MB) for public comment. The initial 30-day comment period ended on January 21. At the request of the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA), CZM extended the comment period for an additional 28 days, ending on February 18. At the request of the BPDA, CZM has extended the comment period for an additional 45 days, ending on April 4. CZM shall consider written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on April 4. See the “attachments tab” in the submittal in the February 23 Environmental Monitor for a PDF copy of the notice of extension. Submit comments to or by mail to: Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, Attention: Tyler Soleau, Assistant Director, 251 Causeway Street, Suite 800, Boston, MA 02114.

Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheet Series - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking public comments to help guide updates of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheets—a series of 29 fact sheets for each sector covered under the 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for stormwater discharges from industrial activity. Each fact sheet describes the types of facilities included in the sector, typical stormwater pollutants associated with the sector, and types of stormwater control measures that may be used to minimize the discharge of the pollutants. Please submit comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2022-0097, through the Federal eRulemaking Portal by March 28.

Calendar - Individual Events and Announcements

Please note: Check links frequently for updates due to COVID-19.

World Ocean Summit Virtual Week - March 1-4, virtual summit on ocean health sponsored by the Economist Group.

MACC Conference - March 1-12, virtual conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC), which will include a CZM and MassDEP workshop on March 10 on the MassDEP Climate Resiliency Initiatives, including the draft Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage performance standards.

Get to Know Emerging Drinking Water Contaminants: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) - March 3, webinar presented by the Southern New England Program (SNEP).

Unprecedented Funding for Unprecedented Times: Demystifying Federal Funds for Climate Resilience - March 4, virtual climate adaptation forum from the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC) and the Sustainable Solutions Lab at UMass Boston.

Blue Lobster Bowl - March 5-6, virtual ocean science competition sponsored by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sea Grant.

Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions - Government Perspectives - March 7, webinar from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.

How to Explain Science, Share Data, and Build Trust: Presentation Skills for Scientists and Public Officials - March 8 and 23, two-session online training from the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve’s Coastal Training Program.

Rising Seas: Planning for the Future - March 9, virtual forum from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library to explore the potential impact of sea level rise on coastal areas.

World Conference on Waste Management - March 10-11, virtual 2022 conference organized by the International Institute of Knowledge Management with the theme “Challenges & Practices on Waste Management and COVID-19 Post-Pandemic.”

EBC Eighth Annual New England “Talking Trash” Conference - March 11, conference sponsored by EBC on solid waste management in New England, to be held in Westborough.

Marine and Environmental Science College and Career Fair - March 12, virtual event presented by the Ocean Institute.

2022 SNEP Symposium—Call for Abstracts - May 18, virtual symposium from the Southern New England Program. Submit abstracts on the theme “Science Bringing Solutions: Delivering Environmental Improvement to Southeastern Coastal New England” by March 15.

Introduction to Floodplain Management - March 16, webinar sponsored by Woods Hole Sea Grant, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, and the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Flood Hazard Mitigation Program.

Blue Economy Summit - March 18-19, first annual conference for students and professionals on current ocean trends and challenges hosted by Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

New England Social Coast Forum - March 24, virtual gathering with the theme “Fostering Social Resilience and Climate Adaptation in New England” held in coordination with NOAA, National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) Association, and the New England NERRs.

EBC Dam Management Webinar: The Infrastructure Act & the 3 R’s—Funding Opportunities to Retrofit, Rehabilitate, and Remove Dams - March 31, webinar presented by EBC.

CRWA 56th Annual Meeting - March 31, virtual meeting sponsored by the Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA).

MIT Energy Conference - March 31-April 1, annual clean energy conference from the MIT Energy Club to be held in Cambridge with a virtual option.

2022 MassRecycle Conference & Trade Show - March 31-April 1, virtual conference and trade show on waste management and recycling presented by MassRecycle.

Aquaculture Webinars - April 5 and April 8, webinars on aquaculture in New England federal waters from the Northeast Regional Ocean Council’s Ocean Planning Committee.

2022 National Coastal and Estuarine Summit—Call for Proposals - December 4-8, annual conference sponsored by Restore America’s Estuaries to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, with a virtual option. Proposals are due by April 8.

Environmental, Energy, and Engineering Career Fair - April 11, free in-person career fair in Boston sponsored by EBC.

23rd Annual Charles River Watershed Cleanup - April 22-23, river cleanup sponsored by the Charles River Watershed Association. Registration is required.

Living Climate Futures - April 22-23, event to be held in Cambridge and sponsored by MIT that will focus on community needs, experiences, and priorities related to climate change.

Neponset River Spring Cleanup - April 23, waterfront and parkland cleanup sponsored by the Neponset River Watershed Association.

U.S. Symposium in Harmful Algae—Call for Abstracts - October 23-28, 11th symposium organized by NEIWPCC, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and U.S. Geological Survey to be held in Albany, New York. Abstracts submissions are due by May 6.

26th Annual Mystic Herring Run and Paddle - May 15, run and paddle event sponsored by the Mystic River Watershed Association.

River Rally 2022 - June 4-7, conference on equitable and sustainable water resources sponsored by the River Network to be held in Washington, D.C.

Capitol Hill Ocean Week - June 7-9, conference hosted by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation that will bring together policymakers, scientists, managers, business leaders, conservationists, students, and educators to discuss issues that impact the oceans and the Great Lakes.

22nd AEES Meeting - June 21-23, annual meeting of the American Ecological Engineering Society (AEES) with the theme “Designing for Our Future: Ecotechnology for Watershed Health in the Urban-Rural Continuum.” The 2022 meeting will be held in Baltimore, Maryland.

National Working Waterfront Network Conference - July 19-21, annual conference on working waterfronts and ports to be held in Boston. The 2022 conference will be hosted by Urban Harbors Institute and UMass Boston and co-hosted by CZM and Maine Sea Grant.

Stormwater Conference - September 26-28, annual conference sponsored by StormCon to be held in National Harbor, Maryland.

Reminders - The following calendar items posted previously in CZ-Mail are still to come:

  • Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference - March 2-4, virtual conference sponsored by NEIWPCC to be held in Portland, Maine.
  • Plastics Recycling Conference 2022 - March 7-9, annual conference sponsored by the Association of Plastic Recyclers to be held in National Harbor, Maryland.
  • MEES 2022 Conference - March 9-10, virtual environmental education conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES).
  • Regulatory Permitting for Floodplain Managers - March 16-17, two-part online course from the Floodplain Management Association on requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program and considerations for floodplain managers regarding development inside Special Flood Hazard Areas.
  • Biodiversity Without Boundaries 2022 - March 22-24, conference sponsored by NatureServe for biodiversity and conservation scientists to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • Soil and Water Conservation Society Winter Conference - March 25, virtual conference with a focus on soil carbon sequestration.
  • Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference - From April 3-5, sponsored by the Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies to be held in Long Branch, New Jersey. Also, stay tuned for a potential virtual option.
  • 2022 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference - April 26-29, conference sponsored by the Center for Watershed Protection to be held in St. Petersburg, Florida.
  • 32nd Annual Nonpoint Source Pollution Conference - April 27-28, conference sponsored by NEIWPCC to held in Woodstock, Vermont.
  • City Nature Challenge 2022 - From April 29-May 8, a citizen-science opportunity organized by the Natural History Museum Los Angeles County and the California Academy of Sciences and held virtually.
  • Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting - May 14-20, conference organized by the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies to be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with a virtual option.
  • National Floodplain Managers Conference - May 15-19, 46th annual conference sponsored by the Association of State Floodplain Managers to be held in Orlando, Florida.
  • Marine Mammal Biology Conference - August 1-5, biennial conference sponsored by the Society of Marine Mammalogy to be held in Palm Beach, Florida, with a virtual option.

Calendar - Multiple/Ongoing Events

Please note: Check links frequently for updates due to COVID-19.

APPC Events - Free virtual events on landscaping, gardening, and more from the Association to Preserve Cape Cod.

Aquarium Lecture Series - Webinars presented by the New England Aquarium.

Boston Harbor Now Events - Events throughout the Boston Harbor area.

Buzzards Bay Events - Regional events compiled by the Buzzards Bay Coalition.

Cape Cod Bird Club Walks and Activities - Free bird watching field trips across Cape Cod.

Cape Cod Maritime Museum Lectures - Upcoming lectures at the museum.

Climate Change and Adaptation Webinars - Webinars from the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center.

Coastal Perspectives Lecture Series - Virtual lectures through April sponsored by the University of Connecticut.

Conservation Commission Education - Workshops, webinars, and trainings scheduled across Massachusetts and posted by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions. See the MACC Complete Education Catalog and Community Calendar.

Ecological Landscaping Events - Webinars and classes from the Ecological Landscape Alliance.

Great Massachusetts Cleanup - Volunteer and cleanup coordinator opportunities through the spring from Keep Massachusetts Beautiful.

Harwich Birding Walks - On Tuesdays and Thursdays in March, the Harwich Conservation Trust will hold a series of Birding Walks with naturalist and author Peter Trull. Registration is required.

Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Events - Talks and volunteer opportunities across the Commonwealth on litter prevention and cleanup, waste reduction and recycling, beautification and community greening, and environmental education.

Mass Audubon Program Catalog - Programs for children and adults hosted at the following Mass Audubon coastal locations:

  • Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Joppa Flats Education Center
  • Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary
  • North River Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Massachusetts Climate Assessment Meetings - Four meetings in March organized by EEA to seek input to inform the upcoming 2022 Massachusetts Climate Assessment.

MBL Falmouth Forum Lecture Series - Free public lectures presented in person and virtually from the Marine Biological Lab in Woods Hole.

Mystic River Watershed Events - Events throughout the watershed compiled by the Mystic River Watershed Association.

National Marine Sanctuaries Webinars - Webinars hosted by the sanctuary system.

Native Plant Trust Events - Classes, field studies, and webinars across Massachusetts.

NOAA Coastal Training and Learning Resources - A range of training opportunities from NOAA’s Digital Coast.

NOAA Planet Stewards Educator Events - Webinars, workshops, and book club sessions from the NOAA Planet Stewards Education Project.

NOAA Science Seminars - Webinars and seminars on science and climate issues from several NOAA partners.

Practical Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Workshops - March 24, April 19, April 21, and May 3, one-day training workshops for Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System (MS4) permitees from the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program and the Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA). Workshops will be held at MMA in Bourne.

Preschool Explorer Adventures - Nature discovery activities in March and April for pre-school children and their caregivers from the Harwich Conservation Trust.

Salem Sound Coastwatch Community Calendar - Events posted in the Salem Sound region, including the monthly Underwater in Salem Sound Lecture Series through April.

Walks & Events in Harwich - Birding and nature walks from the Harwich Conservation Trust.

Westport River Watershed Alliance Lectures - Online lectures presented by the Westport River Watershed Alliance.

Winter Nature Challenge - Weekly challenges through March that feature a virtual presentation, a nature challenge, and an optional guided outdoor event, all from the North and South Rivers Watershed Association.

Other Items of Interest

Herring Counters Wanted in Barnstable - The Barnstable Clean Water Coalition and the Barnstable Natural Resources Department are seeking volunteers for their annual Marston Mills River Herring Count, which begins on April 1. Interested volunteers should register for a Herring Count Training and Information Zoom meeting to be held on March 7 or March 10. For more information, contact

2022 Joshua A. Nickerson Conservation Fellowship - The Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission, in partnership with the Atlantic Research & Learning Center and Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore, is soliciting proposals to support scientific research on the natural and cultural resources of the Cape Cod National Seashore. Proposals will be accepted for research in natural and social sciences, including terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, biotic and abiotic ecosystems, cultural and natural resource management, and the political and social implications of resource protection. For details, including application information, see the fellowship web page. The application deadline is March 18.

Girls in Science Summer Fellowship - The Earthwatch Institute, in coordination with Woods Hole Sea Grant and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, is seeking applications for the Girls in Science Summer Fellowship, which is open to female Massachusetts High School students (rising juniors and seniors) with an interest in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Fellows will participate in a week-long research expedition at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution from August 7-13 or August 14-20, working with a predominantly female team of scientists/mentors to develop skills and build confidence for the pursuit of a STEM education and/or career. Apply online by March 23.

Hydrographic Surveying Scholarship - The Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) is seeking applications for the THSOA New England Chapter Scholarship. Four $1,000 scholarships are available for full-time college students and high school seniors in New England who demonstrate an interest in pursuing careers in hydrographic surveying or related fields. For more information, see the THSOA Scholarships page (scroll down to “New England Chapter Scholarship”). Applications (PDF, 164 KB) are due by March 31.

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