Current commercial fishing quotas and landings

Fishermen and dealers can review quota and landings information for species monitored by the Division of Marine Fisheries.

Quotas and landing information

You can use the dashboard to view up-to-date and historical commercial landings information for the following species: black sea bass, bluefish, fluke, horseshoe crab, menhaden, scup, striped bass, and tautog.

This information comes from seafood dealers. They report what they buy from fishers in Massachusetts on a weekly schedule. Thus, data through the previous week become available on Wednesdays. The dashboard updates at 10 AM each business day and data are subject to change.

Please remember that while all other species’ quota and landings are reported in live pounds and all dispositions are included, horseshoe crab quota and landings are reported as count of individual crabs harvested for non-biomedical purposes.

If you have trouble using the dashboard, please review the instructions found below. 


  1. Use the dropdown on the right side of the dashboard to filter values in the table by year.  
  2. Click on a column header to sort the table. 
  3. Use the Page Navigation buttons to move between different dashboard pages. *Note the Year selection is the same across all pages. 

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