Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF)

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was signed into law. This law provides resources through the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF) to local governments to respond to the public health emergency caused by the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

For resources for municipalities and counties on how to apply for CLFRF funding, please visit the Division of Local Services website.


Municipalities and counties in Massachusetts received $3.4 billion in CLFRF funding. Funding is allocated to municipalities and counties in several ways:

  • Municipalities: ARPA identifies two ways of allocating CLFRF funding to municipalities, depending on whether the municipality is considered a “metropolitan city” by the federal government. Metropolitan cities are usually communities with a population of at least 50,000. Communities that are not metropolitan cities are called "nonentitlement units of government" (NEUs).
    • The 38 metropolitan cities in Massachusetts received a combined $1.6 billion in CLFRF funding. Metropolitan cities must apply to the federal government for these funds.
    • The 313 nonentitlement units of government (NEUs) in Massachusetts received a combined $385 million in CLFRF funding. NEUs must request these funds from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth receives these funds from the federal government and passes them on to municipalities as requested, but the Commonwealth has no control over the allocation amounts, eligible uses, or other requirements of these funds. This funding is being distributed in two tranches: the first half of the funds, or $192.5 million, were distributed to NEUs in July and August 2021, and the second half will be distributed in 2022.
  • Counties: ARPA allocates CLFRF funding to all counties. In Massachusetts, however, many counties have been abolished and no longer have functioning local governments.
    • The five functional counties in Massachusetts received a combined $393 million in CLFRF funding. Functional counties must apply to the federal government for these funds. Alternatively, functional counties may transfer their entire allocation to the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth has no ability to alter these allocations.
    • The eight abolished counties and Nantucket County in Massachusetts were allocated a total of $946 million in CLFRF funding. The federal government has directed the Commonwealth to reallocate these funds to municipalities in the non-functional counties on a per capita basis. This funding is being distributed in two tranches: the first half of the funds, or $473 million, were distributed to municipalities in non-functional counties in August 2021, and the second half will be distributed in 2022.

Metropolitan Cities can request their second tranche county reallocations from the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund at this link.

The tool below displays CLFRF allocations by municipality and county. Use the arrows at the bottom to toggle between:

  • A map view of allocations by municipality (including reallocations from non-functional counties);
  • A table view of allocations by municipality; and
  • A map and table view of allocations to functional counties.

Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Allocations

CLFRF Allocations


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