• This page, Conflict of Interest Law Code of Conduct Enforcement Cases and Decisions (G.L. c. 268A, § 23), is   offered by
  • State Ethics Commission

Conflict of Interest Law Code of Conduct Enforcement Cases and Decisions (G.L. c. 268A, § 23)

G.L. c. 268A, § 23
  1. Alves, Alan Public Education Letter
    Freetown Police Lieutenant Alan Alves cited for purchasing a boat that had been the subject of Alves' police investigation that the boat was stolen.
  2. Ames, Richard Docket No. 24-0004
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Richard Ames, a Natick Water and Sewer Department GIS Coordinator and Information Management employee, paid a $9,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting free ski trips and meals from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor.
  3. Anderson, Joan Docket No. 09-0005
    Westminster Conservation Commission member Joan Anderson fined $2,000 for participating in matters in which she and her husband had financial interests, and for participating in matters affecting businesses with whom she and her husband had business dealings.
  4. Anderson, Susan Docket No. 20-0003
    The Commission issued a Final Decision and Order dismissing its case against Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr., Senior First Assistant District Attorney Jeffrey Travers, former State Police Colonel Richard McKeon, and former State Police Major Susan Anderson after finding that it had not been proved that they violated the conflict of interest law by their actions relating to the police report of the arrest of a judge’s daughter.
  5. Angelo, Steven Public Education Letter
    The Ethics Commission issued a public education letter to Saugus Town Manager Steven Angelo for using his position to secure preferential treatment for Selectman Michael Kelleher, who had been stopped by police officers who suspected that Kelleher may have been intoxicated.
  6. Antonelli, Sr., Rocco J. Docket No. 148
    Treasurer of Middlesex County found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(e) for his dealings with the Capitol Bank, U.S. Trust and Suffolk Franklin Bank.
  7. Aragona, David Public Education Letter
    The Ethics Commission issued a public education letter to Massachusetts Convention Center Authority employee David Aragona for attending meetings of the state Board of Examiners of Electricians while he was on MCCA time.
  8. Aspden, Maryellen Public Education Letter
    Public Education Letter: Municipal Employment; Summer Jobs; Voting on Immediate Family
  9. Atstupenas, Ross A. Docket No. 657
    The Commission issued a Disposition Agreement in which Blackstone Police Chief Ross A. Atstupenas admitted violating the conflict law by requesting that a subordinate officer change a $75 speeding ticket issued to the brother of a fellow police officer to a warning. Atstupenas paid a civil penalty of $1,000.
  10. Avelar, John Docket No. 23-0015
    The Commission approved Disposition Agreements in which Sharon Police Officers John Avelar and Robert Awad admitted to violating section 23(b)(2)(ii) and Avelar admitted to violating section 23(b)(2)(i) by having Avelar and a friend enter he Gillette Stadium Putnam Club without tickets prior to a New England Patriots game for which Awad was working security. Avelar paid an $8,000 civil penalty and Awad paid a $4,000 civil penalty.
  11. Awad, Robert Docket No. 23-0016
    The Commission approved Disposition Agreements in which Sharon Police Officers John Avelar and Robert Awad admitted to violating section 23(b)(2)(ii) and Avelar admitted to violating section 23(b)(2)(i) by having Avelar and a friend enter he Gillette Stadium Putnam Club without tickets prior to a New England Patriots game for which Awad was working security. Avelar paid an $8,000 civil penalty and Awad paid a $4,000 civil penalty.
  12. Aylmer, John F. Public Enforcement Letter 90-7
    The State Ethics Commission issued a Public Enforcement Letter to Massachusetts Maritime Academy President John F. Aylmer in connection with his taking personal friends and family members on two Academy training cruises as "observers."
  13. Bagni, Sr., William L. Docket No. 124
    Mass. Dept. of Public Utilities Inspector found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 4 and 23.
  14. Bailey, Susan Docket No. 10-0005
    Director of Food Services at Palmer public schools took for her personal use six iPods received by the school department through a vendor promotional offer.
  15. Banas, Vicki Public Education Letter
    The Commission  issued a Public Education Letter to Department of Developmental Services (DDS) employee Vicki Banas to resolve allegations that Ms. Banas violated the conflict of interest law.  Ms. Banas, while a DDS Program Manager in the DDS Central/West Region, solicited quotes and approved work performed at DDS facilities by a company owned by a family member and another company owned by a close family friend, in possible violation of sections 6 and 23 of the conflict of interest law.
  16. Barranco, John Docket No. 11-0018
    The State Ethics Commission approved a Joint Motion to Dismiss the Proceedings in the adjudicatory matters involving Merrimack Special Education Collaborative employees John Barranco and Richard W. McDonough.  Both adjudicatory proceedings were initiated in August 2011 by the Commission’s Enforcement Division filing Orders to Show Cause formally alleging that Barranco and McDonough violated G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law. 
  17. Bartley, John Docket No. 495
    A state representative found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s, 23(b)(3) for accepting gratuities. Section 23(b)(3) prohibits public employees, including state legislators, from accepting anything worth more than $50 which is given to them "for or because of official act ... performed or to be performed" by such employees.
  18. Basile, Alesandro Docket No. 14-0001
    The State Ethics Commission approved a Disposition Agreement  in which former Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office Captain Alesandro Basile admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by meeting with his tenants to demand a rent increase, while in uniform, and while accompanied by a uniformed correctional officer, who was visibly armed with a gun, pepper spray and baton.   
  19. Bassett, Timothy Docket No. 11-0023
    Former Essex Regional Retirement Board Chairman/Executive Director Timothy Bassett Pays $10,000 civil penalty for violating the conflict of interest law by using public resources in connection with his private lobbying business.
  20. Bayko, Andrew Docket No. 139
    Municipal Wiring Inspector who also performed private electrical work in town, found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 19, 23(d) and 23(e).
  21. Baylis, Robert Docket No. 07-0014
    Lancaster Board of Health member Robert Baylis was fined $2,000 and forfeited $1,800 for awarding a contract to mow the landfill, and then mowing the landfill and receiving payment for the work.
  22. Barrasso, Kathy Docket No. 712
    Dennis Housing Authority Director violated 23(b)(2) by allowing abuse of time records.
  23. Battle, Byron Public Education Letter
    A state employee found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) for using his state title, official letterhead, and other state resources to solicit participants for a privately sponsored trip, knowing that if he persuaded enough people to go on the trip, he and a guest could go on the trip free of charge.
  24. Beals, Lawrence Public Education Letter
    The Commission authorized the issuance of a Public Education Letter to resolve allegations that former Winchester Zoning Board of Appeals member Lawrence Beals violated Sections 17 and 23 of the conflict of interest law. According to the letter, while a developer’s special permit application was pending before the ZBA, Beals did work for the developer and was paid in connection with the application.  The letter also states that on another matter, Beals created the appearance of bias by participating as a ZBA member in connection with another special permit request.
  25. Bencal, Michael Docket No. 06-0005
    A city councilor found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for improperly soliciting campaign contributions for the mayor's campaign.
  26. Benevento, Anthony Docket No. 465
    An assessor found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for unilaterally increasing the valuations on properties owned by individuals with whom he was on bad terms.
  27. Benjamin, Robert Docket No. 24-0018
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Topsfield Parks and Cemeteries Commissioner Robert Benjamin paid a $14,000 civil penalty for violating §§ 19, 20, and 23(b)(2)(ii) by approving the transfer of town cemetery plots to himself at a discounted cost.
  28. Bitzas, George Docket No. 09-0006
    Agawam City Councilor George Bitzas fined $2,000 for using his position to coerce a business owner to remove campaign signs supporting the mayor's opponent.
  29. Blanchette, David Docket No. 24-0002
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Lawrence Fire Department Fire Prevention Inspector David Blanchette agreed to pay a $65,000 civil penalty for violating sections 17(a), 19, and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law multiple times by using his official position to secure business for his private smoke and carbon monoxide detector maintenance and installation company, conducting inspections on behalf of the Fire Department on properties where his private business had done pre-inspection work, and through other actions.
  30. Bonavita, Richard Docket No. 08-0001
    Commission dismissed Richard Bonavita adjudicatory matter because of statute of limitations.
  31. Collector-Treasurer's/City of Boston Docket No. 140
    City of Boston Treasurer's Office employees ordered to cease the practice of accepting private expediting fees. The Commission found that the employees receiving private fees for public services violates section 23 unless specifically authorized by law.
  32. Brack, Frederick C. Docket No. 19-0006
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) worker Frederick Brack has admitted to violating the conflict of interest law by repeatedly using BPHC supplies, equipment, and worktime to do private snowplowing. Brack paid a $10,000 civil penalty.
  33. Bradley, Christopher Docket No. 06-0014
    Former Beverly Purchasing Director Christopher Bradley fined $500 for allowing Mayor Thomas Crean to purchase his city-owned laptop computer without following proper procedures.
  34. Brawley, Henry A. Docket No. 152
    A municipal employee violated sections 23(a) and 19 by, in his private capacity, performing surveying work for a firm under contract with his own municipal agency and by participating in the agency's decisions (e.g., change orders), regarding that same firm.
  35. Breen, Mark A. Docket No. 420
    A state employee found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) by acting as a private attorney for an Irish immigrant in his attempt to obtain a mortgage.
  36. Brennan, Maureen Docket No. 08-0002
    Marlboro Department of Community Development Finance Assistant Maureen Brennan fined $5,000 for participating in a rehabilitation loan application filed by her fiance-then husband.
  37. Bretschneider, Richard Docket No. 07-0009
    Nantucket County Sheriff fined $1,500 for offering to purchase property from someone to whom he was in the process of serving an eviction notice.
  38. Buckley, Elizabeth Docket No. 220
    A city employee violated G.L. c. 268A, section 23 by using city stationery to further her own private interests.
  39. Bunker, David Docket No. 695
    A State Representative violated 23(b)(2) by accepting per diem pay when he was not present at State House.
  40. Buonopane, Angelo R. Docket No. 06-0004
    Former Massachusetts Labor Director Angelo Buonopane fined $10,000 and must reimburse the state $18,000 for taking approximately $18,000 in unauthorized vacation/personal compensation.
  41. Burlingame, Elliott Docket No. 416
    Former Charlton Board of Health chair Elliot Burlingame found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for offering a house at below market value to a former health agent.
  42. Burnett, Thomas E. Docket No. 713
    Whitman department of public works manager violated section 23(b)(2) when he had his personal vehicle repaired using public resources.
  43. Byrne, Michael Docket No. 23-0001
    The Commission issued a Final Decision and Order allowing a Joint Motion to Dismiss and approving a Disposition Agreement in which former Arlington Inspectional Services Department Director Michael Byrne admits to violating sections 19, 23(b)(2)(ii), 23(b)(3), and 26 of the conflict of interest law by allowing his own plumbing company to do work without permits or inspections at more than three-dozen Arlington sites, creating false permits for work his company performed, and through other actions. The Commission accepted Byrne’s payment of an $80,000 civil penalty and dismissed the adjudicatory proceeding against him.
  44. Cahoon, Kevin Docket No. 07-0028
    Wellfleet DPW Asst. Director violated G.L. c.268A , section 23(b)(2) when he borrowed town equipment for personal use.
  45. Callahan, Scott Docket No. 24-0013
    The Commission issued a Decision and Order entering summary decision against Auburn Water District Foreman Scott Callahan for violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting two free ski trips from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor. Callahan was ordered to pay civil penalties totaling $6,000.
  46. Caliri, Michael A. Docket No. 613
    A municipal school department director of maintenance and custodial services violated G.L. c. 268A, section 19, 23(b)(2) and(b)(3) for seeking and receiving services from subordinates and a school department vendor in connection with the construction of his new home, and for supervising his brother.
  47. Campbell, Thomas Docket No. 07-0023
    Hingham Recreation Commissioner violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 23(b)(2) and 19 for using his position to gain extra paid work hours for his daughter who worked for the Recreation Commission.
  48. Cantoreggi, Robert Docket No. 24-0003
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Franklin Department of Public Works Director Robert “Brutus” Cantoreggi paid a $15,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting free ski trips from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor.
  49. Capalbo, Kevin F. Docket No. 05-0002
    Shrewsbury Planning Board member Kevin Capalbo fined $1,000 for participating in a subdivision matter while having a private automobile damage claim pending against the subdivision developer.
  50. Caplis, John Docket No. 21-0005
    The Commission issued a Final Order approving a Disposition Agreement in which former Templeton Director of Veterans Services John Caplis admits he violated section 23 by submitting a false claim for veterans benefits to the town to improperly reimburse his friend for a building permit fee. Caplis’ paid a $2,500 civil penalty
  51. Carignan, David Docket No. 610
    Falmouth Board of Health Agent David Carignan fined $1,000 for causing a property owner to pay $2,500 it did not owe to the septic system installer for the subject property in order to obtain a required as-built plan from the installer.
  52. Carnevale, Jeanne Docket No. 20-0001
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Peabody City Treasurer Jeanne Carnevale admitted to violating the conflict of interest law by using her public position, city funds, and other public resources in three sales of tax-delinquent Peabody properties which financially benefited her family and associates. Carnevale paid a $50,000 civil penalty.
  53. Castro, Stacia Docket No. 22-0005
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Stacia Castro, a former director of the MassHealth Specialty Provider Network, admitted to violating the conflict of interest law by, while a state employee, soliciting and receiving free Boston Red Sox tickets and other things of value from the contractor administering the MassHealth dental program. Castro paid a $6,000 civil penalty.
  54. Cataldo, Edward Docket No. 07-0020
    Leominster Director of Inspections Edward Cataldo fined $3,000 and forfeited $300 for advertising his energy code audit business at the inspections office, receiving compensation from clients for performing energy code audit work that was then submitted with building permit applications, and for reviewing his energy code audit work along with building permit applications.
  55. Celino, David Docket No. 10-0022
    The Ethics Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which state Department of Conservation and Recreation Chief Fire Warden admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, section 23(b)(3), when he intervened in a hiring process to fill a DCR firefighter position while two of his friends were applicants for the position.
  56. Chase, Dana G. Docket No. 196
    The Order to Show Cause alleged that the Respondent, a member of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of East Bridgewater, violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 19 and 23 by a participating as a municipal employee in certain particular matters in which he and the real estate firm he owned and operated in his private capacity had a financial interest. The Commission found that the Respondent did not violate G.L. c. 268A, sections 19 and 23.
  57. Chatigny, Scott Docket No. 21-0001
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Hubbardston Police Officer Scott Chatigny admitted he violated sections 20, 23(b)(2)(ii) and 23(b)(4) of the conflict of interest law by submitting fraudulent proposals to the town to steer town construction contracts to his private business, by having a financial interest in the town contracts while employed by the town, and by using his position as a police officer to attempt to obtain a prepayment from the town on one of the contracts. Chatigny paid a $10,000 civil penalty.
  58. Chidsey, Diana Docket No. 07-0040
    EOPS Director of Research violated G.L. c. 268A, section 23(b)(3) by enjoying favor in performance of her official duties.
  59. Chilik, Thomas Docket No. 700
    General Manager of GMTA violated 23(b)(3) when he married subordinate with no advance written disclosure of the relationship.
  60. Christianson, Jr. Carl G. Docket No. 07-0030
    Rutland DPW Supervisor violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 19 and 23(b)(2) by hiring his son for a town position that was not publicly posted.
  61. Churchill, Robert Docket No. 584
    Randolph Police Lieutenant Robert Churchill paid a $500 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(3) by handling a matter as police prosecutor involving an arrest of fellow police officer William Batson's son.
  62. Cibley, Lawrence J. Docket No. 374
    A chairman of the board of selectmen found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 23 by trying to fix a speeding ticket given to a friend.
  63. Cilluffo, Aaron Docket No. 24-0010
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Danvers Department of Public Works Water and Sewer Supervisor Aaron Cilluffo paid a $8,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting free ski trips and meals from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor.
  64. Clancy, Edward J. Public Education Letter
    State Senator Edward J. Clancy was cited by the Commission for attempting to improperly influence the chairman and vice-chairman of the Board of Registration of Chiropractors through an ex-parte communication in a pending adjudicatory matter.
  65. Clark, Darryl Docket No. 12-0017
    The State Ethics Commission issued a Decision and Order in which it found that the Commission’s Enforcement Division failed to prove allegations that Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Painters Foreman Darryl Clark violated sections 23(b)(2)(i) and 23(b)(2)(ii) of G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by soliciting loans from two temporary MBTA painters who were his subordinates. 
  66. Clark, James Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to Boston Police Officer James Clark to resolve allegations that he violated section 23(b)(2(ii) of the conflict of interest law by creating a false criminal complaint application for his friend’s brother, who had falsely told his boss that he had missed a day of work due to being arrested. 
  67. Clayton, Kevin Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to Massachusetts Environmental Police Major Kevin Clayton after finding reasonable cause to believe he violated the conflict of interest law by providing an attorney with whom he is friendly the opportunity to promote his private law practice at a mandatory MEP training.
  68. Cobb, Cynthia B. Docket No. 415
    Charlton Health Agent Cynthia Cobb violated G.L. c. 268A, section 23(b)(3) by accepting a house at a below-market price from her former town employer, developer and former board of health chair.
  69. Cohen, Alan Docket No. 11-0011
    A high school guidance counselor admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by hiring the school principal's son to a summer teaching position without following the school's standard hiring procedures.
  70. Cole, Harold Docket No. 707
    Randolph DPW Supervisor Harold Cole violated 23(b)(2) by abusing time on job, an unwarranted privilege.
  71. Collett, Thomas Docket No. 702
    Hardwick BOH violated 23(b)(2) when he used his position for an unwarranted privilege
  72. Colon Hayes, Karen Docket No. 23-0011
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Malden Human Services and Outreach Director Karen Colon Hayes paid a $7,500 civil penalty for violating sections 19 and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by hiring her two daughters and one daughter’s boyfriend for jobs with the city youth employment program she managed.
  73. Comiskey, Robert Docket No. 665
    The Commission fined former Dover Ambulance Squad Administrator Robert Comiskey $5,000 for certifying that he, his wife and his son attended emergency medical technician (EMT) training sessions they did not attend. Comiskey also reimbursed the Town of Dover $854.39, the amount of compensation Comiskey and his family received for training sessions they did not attend.
  74. Commeret, Thomas Public Education Letter
    A Public Education Letter was issued to the Marblehead Community Charter Public School Head of School in connection with allegations that he violated G.L. c. 268A, section 23(b)(3) by hiring a School Board of Trustees member and/or his company to perform work at the School.
  75. Comtois, Stephen Docket No. 19-0003
    The Commission issued a Decision and Order finding that former Brookfield Selectman Stephen Comtois violated sections 19 and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law when he acted as a Selectman concerning the proposed donation to the town of land he was interested in buying and used his official position to derail the proposed donation in order to privately purchase it himself for substantially less than its assessed value. The Commission ordered Comtois to pay a $20,000 civil penalty.
  76. Conlon, William Public Education Letter
    The State Ethics Commission issued a Public Education Letter to Brockton Police Chief William Conlon regarding his decision to allow two police union officials to attend a political fundraiser for Brockton Mayor James Harrington on paid city time. As explained in the PEL issued to Conlon, "collective bargaining agreements cannot explicitly or implicitly authorize conduct that violates the conflict of interest law."
  77. Cornacchioli, Louis Docket No. 686
    Rutland Selectman Louis Cornacchioli fined $2,000 for threatening to use his Selectman position to retaliate against the police department if traffic citations issued to his son were not dismissed.
  78. Corson, Philip T. Docket No. 572
    Lynn Department of Public Works Associate Commissioner Philip Corson fined $10,000 for borrowing money from funeral home directors while he oversaw the Pine Grove Cemetery, borrowing money from a subordinate, and for failing to turn over money intended for perpetual care services at the cemetery.
  79. Costa, Frank Docket No. 615
    Dighton Board of Selectmen and Board of Health member Frank Costa violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) and paid a $1,000 civil penalty for using his position to obtain police intervention in a private family dispute and by invoking the authority of the selectmen/board of health in the private dispute.
  80. Cotter, Donna Docket No. 11-0005
    West Bridgewater Board of Assessors Head Clerk violated G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by improperly approving and processing a property tax abatement application submitted by friends of the Chairman.
  81. Coughlin, Robert Docket No. 08-0021
    Undersecretary for Business Development Robert Coughlin fined $10,000 for participating in matters affecting biotechnology businesses while pursuing the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council president's position.
  82. Covington, Gene Docket No. 10-0024
    A former Somerville Inspectional Services Department Building Inspector admitted to violating the conflict of interest law, G.L. c. 268A, by inspecting construction work performed at his home, by recommending the contractor who performed the work at his home to building permit applicants, and by issuing permits to and inspecting the work of the contractor with whom he had a private business relationship without disclosing that relationship.
  83. Cox, John F. Docket No. 493
    A state representative found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 3(b) and section 23(b)(3) for accepting gratuities and accepting a dinner for himself and his wife from lobbyists. Section 3(b) prohibits public employees, including state legislators, from accepting anything worth more than $50 which is given to them "for or because of official act ... performed or to be performed" by such employees.
  84. Craven, Jr., James J. Docket No. 110
    The Ethics Commission decided constitutional issues raised by the respondent, and then found that the respondent, State Representative James J. Craven, Jr., violated sections 6 and 23 by using his position to pressure EOCD officials to provide state funding for a community development corporation , Jamaica Plain Community Development Foundation, founded by Craven's legislative aide, which rented space in a building owned by Rep. Craven's siblings.  The Commission found that Rep. Craven did not violate section 2 in connection with this matter.
  85. Crevier, Shawn Public Education Letter
    The Commission approved a Public Education Letter to Ware Police Chief Shawn Crevier after finding reasonable cause to believe he violated section 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by using his official position and public resources to advocate against and rally opposition to proposed gun law reform legislation through a series of posts on the Ware Police Department’s Facebook page.
  86. Crossman, David Docket No. 442
    A former member and chair of a conservation commission found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 17(a), section 18(a), section 19 and section 23(b)(3) for his private consulting work in connection with the state's Wetland Protection Act.
  87. Cusick, Thomas Docket No. 24-0019
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Newburyport Department of Public Services Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Thomas Cusick, former Groveland Water and Sewer Department Superintendent, paid a $13,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting free ski trips from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor.
  88. Daly, Joseph Docket No. 08-0012
    Former Randolph Housing Authority Executive Director fined $5,000 for attempting to purchase property from a Housing Authority applicant and for participating in matters affecting applicants that were at the time renting from his father.
  89. Dean, Daniel Docket No. 10-0017
    City of Lynn Board of Health Sanitary Inspector Daniel Dean admitted that he repeatedly violated sections 20 and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by serving as both a Health Inspector and an appointed city constable, and by failing to disclose instances where he conducted inspections on properties owned by parties for whom he had performed private constable services.
  90. D'Arcangelo, Ronald J. Docket No. 602
    Newburyport District Court Chief of Probation Ronald D'Arcangelo fined $3,000 for asking Clerk Magistrate Nicholas Sullivan to fix traffic tickets issued to D'Arcangelo's family members.
  91. Dean, Daniel Decision and Order
    The Ethics Commission has concluded the adjudicatory matter involving City of Lynn Board of Health Sanitary Inspector Daniel Dean by approving a Disposition Agreement in which Dean admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, and by dismissing the adjudicatory hearing.
  92. DeFeo, Lona Docket No. 08-0005
    Everett School Department Maintenance Manager Lona DeFeo fined $4,500 for having school department personnel use school department resources to perform work in Superintendent Frederick Foresteire's home.
  93. Deibel, Victoria Docket No. 616
    A board of health member found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for voting to terminate two board of health employees who recently had been involved in negative inspections of her family's restaurant.
  94. Deleire, John A. Docket No. 289
    In separate disposition agreements with John DeLeire, James Connery and Adam DiPasquale, three fire and police officials from Revere, and Ogden Suffolk Downs, Inc. and Northeast Theater Corporation, two corporations conducting business in Revere, the Commission ended long-standing employment arrangements that violate the conflict of interest law. According to the disposition agreements, the police and fire chiefs violated the conflict of interest law inasmuch as they were employed and paid by the private corporations to perform functions that fell within their official municipal responsibility and for which they were already paid through receipt of their government salaries.
  95. DeLorie, Richard, Docket No. 21-0004
    The Commission approved a disposition agreement in which  Wellesley Fire Chief Richard DeLorie admitted to violating sections 19 and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by participating in the town’s hiring of his son as a firefighter and using his official position to alter the hiring process to favor his son. DeLorie paid a $10,000 civil penalty.
  96. Saccone, John P. and DelPrete, Edmund W. Docket No. 132
    Massachusetts Department of Public Safety Senior Civil Engineer did not violate sections 2(b), 3(b), 23(e) and 23(f) of the conflict of interest law, but did violate section 23(d), and was ordered to pay a $1,500 civil penalty.  The President of North River Nursing Home, Inc., Edmund DelPrete was accused of violating sections 2(a) and 3(a). The Commission found that neither of the respondents had violated sections 2 or 3.
  97. DeMarco, Robert Docket No. 690
    MassHighway Safety Team Director Robert DeMarco fined $2,000 for using his state position in connection with private donation solicitations.
  98. DeMoura, Paul Docket No. 10-0023
    The State Ethics Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Dighton Highway Department ("DHD") Superintendent Paul DeMoura admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by his actions in connection with the hiring of one son to a full-time DHD position, and by hiring another son and the son's girlfriend to seasonal snowplow driver positions. Pursuant to the Agreement, DeMoura paid a $1,000 civil penalty for the violations.
  99. DeNucci, A. Joseph Docket No. 10-0019
    The Ethics Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former State Auditor A. Joseph DeNucci admitted to violating section 23 of the conflict of interest law by hiring an unqualified family member to a position within the Auditors office.
  100. DeNucci, A. Joseph Final Order
    The Ethics Commission  concluded the adjudicatory proceeding involving the State Auditor A. Joseph DeNucci by approving a disposition agreement in which DeNucci admitted to violating section 23 of the conflict of interest law.
  101. DeRosa, John Docket No. 19-0002
    The Commission approved a disposition agreement in which Former North Adams City Solicitor John DeRosa admitted that he violated section 17, 19, and 23 of the conflict of interest law by representing and doing compensated legal work for parties other than the city in connection with proposed North Adams redevelopment projects while he was City Solicitor, and by advising the city on those projects as City Solicitor during that same time. DeRosa paid a $7,500 civil penalty.
  102. DeWald, John Docket No. 06-0012
    Rockland Finance Committee member John DeWald fined $2,000 for using his position and contacting the town's tax title attorney on behalf of a friend to persuade the tax title attorney to settle a tax foreclosure matter.
  103. DiNatale, Louis Public Education Letter
    The Ethics Commission issued a public education letter to Umass-Lowell pollster Louis DiNatale for conducting polling work without disclosing that it related to private polling work he was also conducting.
  104. Divirgilio, Dominic Docket No. 466
    A municipal employee found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) for allowing several local businesses to benefit improperly in their dealings with the town, either by receipt of town funds or the use of town equipment.
  105. Doherty, Eugene Docket No. 12-0014
    Revere Fire Chief Eugene Doherty violated the conflict of interest law by accepting Boston Bruins tickets from Cataldo Ambulance Service, Inc., the emergency medical service provider in Revere.
  106. Doherty, William G. Docket No. 268
    A mediator for the State Board of Conciliation and Arbitration agreed he violated s. 23 of the conflict law when he accepted private arbitrations involving the Teamsters Union, an organization with which he was then involved in Board mediations. By accepting those private arbitrations at that time, the parties agreed that the mediator accepted employment which would have impaired his independence of judgment in the exercise of his official duties and that by his conduct, the mediator gave reasonable basis for the impression that the Teamsters Union could improperly influence or unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official duties.
  107. Donlan, Paul Docket No. 07-0007
    Commission approved a Joint Motion to Dismiss allegations that Abington Treasurer/Collector Paul Donlan violated the conflict of interest law by processing forms to allow his predecessor and friend improperly collect unemployment compensation after he lost the election to Donlan.
  108. Donohue, Helen Docket No. 19-0005
    The Commission issued a Decision and Order finding that Norwood Selectman Helen Donohue violated Section 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by participating as a selectman in matters related to Eysie Plaza, a strip mall in Norwood, without first disclosing her contentious personal history with the plaza’s owner, Paul Eysie. Donohue was ordered to pay a $50 civil penalty.
  109. Doughty, Katherine Docket No. 517
    A former state insurance commissioner found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for routinely accepting meals and entertainment from insurance company lobbyists and others who had an interest in matters under her jurisdiction.
  110. Drew, Edward Docket No. 08-0016
    Former Waltham Police Chief Edward Drew fined $1,000 for intervening in an investigator appointment while his daughter was a candidate for the appointment.
  111. Driscoll, Lawrence Docket No. 08-0011
    Former Middlesex Retirement Board member Lawrence Driscoll fined $10,000 and forfeited $2,683 for improperly voting to approve a renovation contract to a friend, voting to appoint that friend as the Retirement Board facilities manager, and for submitting improper expense reimbursement requests.
  112. duBois, Pine Docket No. 13-0001
    Kingston Community Preservation Committee member Pine duBois fined $2,500 for violating the conflict of interest law, by advocating, in her capacity as the unpaid president of the non-profit Jones River Landing Environmental Heritage Center, for $75,000 in CPC funds to restore two boat sheds located on Jones River Landing property.
  113. Dulac, G. Paul Docket No. 11-0013
    The Ethics Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Marblehead School Superintendent G. Paul Dulac admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by hiring the spouse of a school committee member to a half-time teaching position without following standard procedures.
  114. Durant, Karen Docket No. 14-0004
    The State Ethics Commission approved Disposition Agreements in which Leicester Emergency Medical Services Training Instructor Karen Durant admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, for her involvement in providing false records claiming that she and several Emergency Medical Technicians (“EMTs”) had completed 24 hours of recertification training in 2008.
  115. Early Jr., Joseph D. Docket No. 20-0004
    The Commission issued a Final Decision and Order dismissing its case against Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr., Senior First Assistant District Attorney Jeffrey Travers, former State Police Colonel Richard McKeon, and former State Police Major Susan Anderson after finding that it had not been proved that they violated the conflict of interest law by their actions relating to the police report of the arrest of a judge’s daughter.
  116. Ellis, David Docket No. 582
    Lynn City Councilor David Ellis fined $500 for coercing a business owner to remove campaign signs supporting Ellis' campaign opponent.
  117. Emerson, Christine Docket No. 22-0008
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Cheshire Town Clerk Christine Emerson paid a $5,000 civil penalty for violating section 19, 23(b)(2) and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by hiring her daughter and granddaughter to perform work for the town on multiple occasions. 
  118. Emerson, Michael W.C. Docket No. 153
    Michael W. C. Emerson, a Consultant to the City of Leominster violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 19 by participating in: 1) the hiring of UTS of Mass. as a contractor to do testing on the Project; 2) the review and/or approval of reports submitted to the City by UTS of Mass.; and 3) the review and/or approval of invoices for payment submitted by UTS of Mass. to the City.
  119. Erbetta, Robert Public Education Letter
    Public Education Letter issued to a former member of the Board of Trustees, of the Marblehead Community Charter Public School, to resolve allegations that he violated the conflict of interest law by performing private construction-related work for the school while he was a member of the Board.
  120. Eunson, Donald Public Education Letter
    A police chief found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for assistance in getting his son a bargain purchase of a police vehicle being traded in.
  121. Fahey, William Docket No. 23-0008
    The Commission approved a Disposition agreement in which former Andover Youth Services Director William Fahey paid a $20,000 civil penalty for violating §§ 17, 19, 23(b)(2)(i), and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by receiving payments from a private nonprofit in connection with his employment with the Town of Andover and by allocating the payments to himself and members of his municipal staff. 
  122. Famolare III, Charles Decision and Order
    Winthrop Harbormaster Charles Famolare violated the conflict of interest law by receiving from the town contractor building the town pier the provision and installation of two finger piers at his private pier without charge.
  123. Fay, Melissa Docket No. 22-0007
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Wareham Public Schools Director of Student Services Melissa Fay paid a $4,000 civil penalty for violating the conflict of interest law by hiring her mother and participating in hiring her son for jobs in the school district.
  124. Felix, Edward Docket No. 684
    Saugus Police Chief Edward Felix fined $2,000 for using his position to secure preferential treatment for Selectman Michael Kelleher by directing that police officers, who had stopped Kelleher and suspected that he may have been intoxicated, instead drive Kelleher home.
  125. Fennelly, Edward Docket No. 637
    A selectman and board of health member found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) for acting in a manner that would cause a reasonable person, having knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to conclude that any person can improperly influence or unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official duties.
  126. Fitzgerald, Kevin Public Education Letter 92-1
    The Commission finds reasonable cause to believe that State Representative Kevin Fitzgerald and his administrative assistant, Patricia McDermott, violated the state's Conflict of Interest Law by inheriting nearly $400,000 from so-called "bag lady" Mary Guzelian, who had received services through Fitzgerald's office.
  127. Flaherty, Joseph Docket No. 06-0010
    Mendon Parks Commissioner Joseph Flaherty fined $1,000 for using his position to obtain for his son a junior camp counselor position at the park department's summer youth camp.
  128. Flanagan, James Docket No. 518
    Turnpike Authority employee James Flanagan accepted free entertainment and hotel accommodations from Turnpike Authority vendor Middlesex Paving Company, and failed to disclose the purchase of a used car from construction company, Petruzzi and Forrester, another Turnpike Authority vendor.
  129. Flynn, Dennis Docket No. 291
    Acting superintendent of maintenance of the Boston fire department acknowledged that he violated s. 23(2) of G.L. c. 268A when he used fire department vehicles to prepare his vacation home for summer use.
  130. Foley, Carole Docket No. 620
    A council on aging outreach worker found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) for introducing her daughter-in-law to one of her nursing home clients and by failing to involve outside professionals who would protect the client's interests in the sale of her house.
  131. Fournier, Jeffrey Docket No. 20-0002
    The Commission issued a Final Decision and Order finding that Jeffrey Fournier, formerly a consultant to the Office of the State Auditor, violated sections 4(c) and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by pitching his private company’s services to two state agencies in response to the findings of an OSA audit, and by using or attempting to use his position as an OSA consultant to gain access to those agencies to make his sales pitch.
  132. Ford, Robert F. Docket No. 710
    Foxboro Police Officer violated section 23(b)(2) by receiving another paycheck from the school dept. for details that should have come from the police dept. directly.
  133. Foresteire, Frederick Docket No. 444
    Everett School Superintendent Frederick Foresteire violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for arranging for a "free" paint job for a school committee member's apartment done by a school department employee.
  134. Foresteire, Frederick Docket No. 08-0004
    Everett School Superintendent Frederick Foresteire fined $6,000 for having school department personnel use school department resources to perform work in his home.
  135. Foster, James Docket No. 624
    Former Milton School Department administrator of building and grounds James Foster entered into a disposition agreement with the State Ethics Commission to resolve allegations made by the Commission in May 2001 that he used a school department account to purchase auto parts for his or his family's personal vehicles.
  136. Fredrickson, Michael Docket No. 688
    Board of Bar Overseers General Counsel violated 23(b)(2) by using public resources for private gain.
  137. Frizado, Raymond Public Education Letter
    Public Education Letter: Municipal Employment; Summer Jobs; Voting on Immediate Family.
  138. Galewski, Robert Docket No. 405
    Braintree Assistant Building Inspector Robert Galewski fined $1,250 for attempting to use his position as an inspector to persuade the developer of a luxury subdivision to sell him property in the development at a price "that he could afford."
  139. Galewski, Robert Docket No. 07-0019
    Braintree Building Inspector fined $4,000 and forfeited $1,500 for using subordinates and a vendor to do private work for him.
  140. Galibois II, Robert J. Docket No. 24-0012
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Cape and Islands District Attorney Robert J. Galibois II paid a $5,000 civil penalty for violating the conflict of interest law by using public resources to attempt to cast himself in a favorable public light after he was involved in a motor vehicle accident and to promote a campaign donor’s rental apartments to office staff.
  141. Galvin, William Francis Public Education Letter
    The Commission authorized the issuance of a Public Education Letter to resolve allegations that Secretary of the Commonwealth William Francis Galvin violated the conflict of interest law. According to the letter, Secretary Galvin, a candidate for re-election in 2018, benefited politically from early voting signs that prominently featured his name and an Information for Voters booklet that provided him with free positive publicity, which were created and distributed by his office.
  142. Ganem, Albert Public Education Letter
    The Commission authorized the issuance of a Public Education Letter to resolve allegations that Hampden-Wilbraham Schools Superintendent Albert Ganem violated sections 19 and 23 of the conflict of interest law by participating as superintendent in the hiring of his spouse and daughter.
  143. Garvey, Robert Docket No. 392
    Hampshire County Sheriff cited for conflict of interest law violations in using jail employees to perform maintenance projects on his private home and vacation property. 
  144. Gaskins, Mable E. Docket No. 623
    Lawrence School Superintendent Mae Gaskins violated G.L. c. 268A, section 19 and section 23(b)(3) for hiring and approving payments to her sister and by signing a contract and approving payments to a person with whom she shared an apartment.
  145. Gaudette, Paul Docket No. 459
    Dracut Building Inspector Paul Gaudette violated G.L. c. 268A, section 23(b)(3) by accepting the rent-free use of a vacation home from a private developer.
  146. Gaudette, Paul Docket No. 599
    Dracut Building Inspector Paul Gaudette fined $2,000 for issuing permits for his own property and for participating in matters affecting a company which loaned him money to buy the property.
  147. Gaughan, Thomas Docket No. 24-0008
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Southampton Water Department Superintendent Thomas Gaughan paid a $6,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting free ski trips and meals from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor.
  148. Gillespie, Douglas Docket No. 21-0002
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Former Weston Selectman Douglas Gillespie admitted to violating sections 19, 23(b)(2)(ii), 23(c)(2), and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by repeatedly participating as a selectman in connection with matters affecting a proposed affordable housing development on property owned by him and his brothers, directing that Board of Selectmen meeting minutes be altered to conceal his conflict of interest, and using his selectman position provide his family an advantage in negotiating a sale of the property. Gillespie paid an $8,000 civil penalty.
  149. Glodis, Guy Docket No. 12-0008
    Ethics Commission Decision and Order finds that the Enforcement Division did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence that former Worcester County Sheriff Guy W. Glodis used his position as Sheriff to intervene to allow an ineligible inmate to be placed on work release as a favor to a friend and campaign supporter.
  150. Gorski, Elizabeth Docket No. 13-0005
    The State Ethics Commission issued a Decision and Order following a public hearing regarding allegations that Elizabeth Gorski, a Selectman in Groveland, violated the conflict of interest law by taking certain actions after Chief of Police Robert Kirmelewicz placed her son, a Groveland Police officer, on administrative leave.   In its Decision, the Commission found that Gorski committed a single violation of section 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by, on one occasion, threatening negative employment action against the Chief and Deputy Chief of Police, but that the Commission’s Enforcement Division failed to prove any of its other claims against Gorski.   
  151. Gorski, Elizabeth Order on Motion to Dismiss Docket No. 13-0005
    The State Ethics Commission's Order on the Motion to Dismiss in a case involving Groveland Selectman Elizabeth Gorski; the Enforcement Division committed "egregious" error.
  152. Gosselin, Marie Public Education Letter
    The Commission found reasonable cause to believe Lawrence City Councilor Marie Gosselin violated the code of conduct section of M.G.L. c. 268A, the state's conflict of interest law, by asking the Department of Public Works to remove construction debris from her rental property instead of paying a private contractor to do so. The Commission concluded its review with the issuance of a Public Enforcement Letter.
  153. Gray, Robert Docket No. 22-0009
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Robert Gray, a former project engineer for the state Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM), paid a $5,000 civil penalty for violating the conflict of interest law by routinely using his state position to obtain cars DCAMM rented for work purposes for his personal, non-work-related travel.
  154. Greeley, John E. Docket No. 194
    Respondent was found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 19. While employed as a consultant by the City of Leominster in connection with a wastewater treatment plant construction project, Respondent participated as a municipal employee in particular matters in which his business partner, a sole officer, director and stockholder of UTS of Massachusetts, Inc. had a financial interest.
  155. Green, Frank Docket No. 510
    A former building inspector found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 19 for issuing nine building permits for projects where he had been hired to perform the construction work.
  156. Guertin, David Docket No. 07-0006
    Provincetown DPW Director David Guertin fined $1,000 and forfeited $1,000 for using his official position to receive free dockage from the developer of MacMillan Wharf.
  157. Haley, Gary, Docket No. 21-0003
    The Commission issued a Final Decision and Order finding that Aquinnah Select Board member Gary Haley violated section 19 by selecting himself to install underground conduits for utility wires for the town and by approving the town’s payment of his $17,445 invoice for the work. The Commission ordered Haley to pay a $10,000 civil penalty for the violations. The Commission found it was not proved that Haley violated sections 20 and 23(b)(4) as alleged.
  158. Halfkenny, Natasha Docket No. 24-0023
    The Commission approved Disposition Agreements in which former Boston Tobin School Principal Natasha Halfkenny and Assistant Principal Coreen Miranda each paid a $4,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(ii) of  the conflict of interest law by allocating tickets for the musical Hamilton, which were donated to the Tobin School for use by its students and their chaperones, to their sons, who were not Tobin School students. 
  159. Haluch, Thomas Docket No. 701
    Ludlow DPW Chairman violated 23(b)(2) when he used his position for an unwarranted privilege
  160. Hamel, Terese A. Docket No. 06-0003
    Former Chicopee assistant treasurer fined $5,000 for repeatedly allowing herself, family, friends and co-workers to cash checks at the treasurer's office without her immediately depositing the checks, and to take cash from the treasurer's office.
  161. Hamilton, Andrew Docket No. 06-0006
    Former Wendell Board of Health member Andrew Hamilton fined $2,000 for using his position to sell water filtration systems to residents after a water well failed to meet certain requirements.
  162. Hanna, Frederick Docket No. 119
    A State Inspector's ownership of two private enterprises which did business with businesses regulated by the Division of Food and Drug.
  163. Hanna, Robert Docket No. 660
    The Commission issued a Disposition Agreement in which Brimfield Highway Surveyor Robert Hanna admitted violating the conflict law by his actions in attempting to award Brimfield's 2002 winter sand contract to Hitchcock Contracting of Charlton, a company that had failed to submit a bid.
  164. Hansen, Howard Docket No. 16-0001
    The Commission issued a Decision and Order finding that former Stoughton Town Moderator Howard Hansen violated sections 19, 20 and 23 of the conflict of interest law and imposed a $4,000 civil penalty.
  165. Hart, William Docket No. 407
    Metropolitan District Commission Deputy Director of Recreation William Hart fined $1500 for directing the recalculation of vacation time for MDC employees including his mother, and for interceding in an employee transfer that resulted in a supervisor with whom his mother had a history of conflicts being transferred to another facility.
  166. Hartford, Lynwood Docket No. 393
    Former Freetown Building Inspector and Health Agent Lynwood "Butch" Hartford fined $1,000 for violating the Conflict of Interest law by securing a $2,000 "finder's fee" in a property transaction with a developer over whom Hartford had official dealings.
  167. Hartnett, James J. Public Education Letter
    Public Education Letter issued regarding violations of G.L. c. 268A, sections 3 and 23(b)(2).
  168. Hartnett, James J. Docket No. 671
    Retired State Personnel Administrator James J. Hartnett, Jr. admitted violating G.L. c. 268A, section 23 and 268B, section 7.
  169. Harutunian, Harry K. Docket No. 06-0016
    Former North Andover School Superintendent Harry Harutunian fined $6,000 for improperly creating a part-time custodial job for his girlfriend's son, for directing school custodians to transport the son to and from work, and covering up his actions to create the job.
  170. Hathaway, Karon Docket No. 23-0014
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Former Huntington Selectboard member Karon Hathaway has admitted to violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by, as a Selectboard member, directing the delivery of about $5,000 worth of town-owned asphalt millings to her property for her personal use. Hathaway signed a Disposition Agreement in which she admits the violation and paid a $5,000 civil penalty.
  171. Hayden, Kevin Docket No. 24-0005
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden paid a $5,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by failing to stop his staff from issuing and by failing to withdraw a DA’s Office press statement aimed at discrediting his opponent in the 2022 Democratic primary election.
  172. Hayes, Kevin Docket No. 598
    Spencer Selectman Kevin Hayes fined $1,000 for using his position in an attempt to avoid arrest or the issuance of a traffic citation against him.
  173. Hebert, Raymond Docket No. 499
    Norton Building Inspector Raymond Hebert violated sections 3(b) and 23(b)(3) by receiving free construction services, a builder's discount on appliances and for acting in matters involving the builders who were constructing his home, without making appropriate disclosures.
  174. Higgins, Jr., Edward Docket No. 06-0024
    Lynn Fire Chief Edward Higgins fined $3,000 for promoting, supervising and approving overtime for his girlfriend, who later became his spouse.
  175. Highgas, William, Jr. Docket No. 343
    The Ethics Commission denied a judge's request to dismiss a case against him. found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 20.
  176. Hilson, Arthur L. Docket No. 451
    UMass-Amherst Director of Public Safety Arthur L. Hilson violated sections 3 and 23 by soliciting a loan from a subordinate and failing to repay it.
  177. Honan, Kevin Docket No. 494
    A state representative found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 3(b) and section 23(b)(3) for accepting gratuities and accepting a dinner for himself and a guest from lobbyists.
  178. Hyde, Stephen Sr. Docket No. 13-0010
    The State Ethics Commission issued a Decision and Order (“Decision”) finding that former Southampton Fire Department Chief Stephen Hyde, Sr. violated sections 23(b)(2)(ii) and 23(b)(4) of G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by altering duty records to credit his son, an SFD call firefighter, for work his son did not perform, and by submitting those false records to the Town of Southampton for payment to his son in 2011. 
  179. Inostroza, Albert Docket No. 07-0024
    Lawrence Police Officer Albert Inostroza violated G.L. c. 268A, 23(b)(2) for using his position by not reporting right away that he had taken into custody an unlicensed firearm from a friends house.
  180. Jackson, Michael Docket No. 11-0025
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Middlesex Sheriff’s Office Senior Deputy Sheriff Michael Jackson admitted to violating the conflict of interest law by soliciting donations for a campaign fundraiser for then-Sheriff James DiPaola from subordinate MSO employees during work hours.  Jackson paid a $5,000 civil penalty.
  181. Jacques, Cheryl Docket No. 12-0002
    The Massachusetts State Ethics Commission issued a Decision and Order in which it found that the Commission’s Enforcement Division failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence its allegation that Cheryl Jacques, an administrative law judge for the Department of Industrial Accidents, attempted to use her official position to demand that a dental office write off a debt of more than $1,000 incurred by her brother-in-law. 
  182. Jefferson, Wormser Docket No. 09-0008
    Decision and Order regarding the violation of 268A Sections 23(b)(2) and 23 (b)(3). A public employees use of position to gain private benefits. Specifically a school committee member who is the parent of a special needs student sought reimbursement of private school tuition by deviating from the usual procedure for receiving such reimbursements.
  183. Jenkins, John Docket No. 06-0020
    Former West Barnstable Fire District Chief John Jenkins fined $2,000 for participating as fire chief in the bid process for a fire truck refurbishment where the contract was awarded to a local company that represented Wisconsin based Pierce Manufacturing, which also employed Jenkins as a sales representative.
  184. Joseph, Mark Docket No. 12-0015
    A former Norwood School Committee Chairman violated G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by having school employees transport surplus cafeteria equipment to his privately owned restaurant.
  185. Joy, Thomas Docket No. 265
    A local chief building inspector admitted he violated G.L. c. 268A by giving his subordinate and the public reasonable basis for the impression that the subordinate might unduly enjoy his favor in his performance as chief building inspector. According to the Agreement, the chief and his subordinate entered into and later equally shared the profits of two private real estate transactions, even though the subordinate alone made the down payments for both ventures and secured the financing for them based on his own credit worthiness. At or about the same time, the subordinate also made a no-interest loan of $2,000 to his superior. All of these financial transactions occurred at a time when, or just prior to, the chief's inspection of his subordinate's private work. In connection with the settlement, the chief building inspector paid a civil penalty of $1,250.
  186. Joyce, Kevin Docket No. 717
    Boston Inspectional Services Commissioner violated 23(b)(2) by trying to defy public bidding process for jobs.
  187. Judd, John Docket No. 11-0016
    Goshen Board of Selectmen member John Judd violated the conflict of interest law, when he tried to use his position to gain something for a family member.
  188. Karberg, Noah Docket No. 23-0013
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Nantucket Memorial Airport Manager Noah Karberg paid a $4,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law in connection with the lease of airport land to a business of which he was privately a regular customer.
  189. Kellaher, Gary Docket No. 15-0003
    Rutland Department of Public Works (“DPW”) Superintendent Gary Kellaher admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by hiring his son into a seasonal DPW position without posting the position.  Pursuant to the Agreement, Kellaher paid a $2,500 civil penalty
  190. Kelleher, Michael Docket No. 683
    Saugus Selectman Michael Kelleher fined $2,000 for using his position to contact Saugus Police Chief Edward Felix after being stopped by police officers who suspected that Kelleher may have been intoxicated.
  191. Kennedy, Jr., Edward J. Docket No. 520
    A superintendent of schools found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 19 for participating in his daughter's hiring as a substitute teacher.
  192. Kenney, Richard Docket No. 711
    Kingston BOS member violated 23(b)(3) by asking for an unwarranted privilege to change a ticket to a warning.
  193. Keverian, George Docket No. 385
    Massachusetts Speaker of the House George Keverian violated the conflict of interest law by engaging members of the House maintenance staff to perform substantial renovations on his home, and by participating in a number of private transactions with a rug vendor who had done significant business with the House. 
  194. Kominsky, Robert Docket No. 681
    West Bridgewater Police Chief Robert Kominsky fined $1,000 for asking subordinates to perform personal errands.
  195. Killion, Sylvia Docket No. 591
    Department of Mental Health Southeastern Area Management Information System Director Sylvia Killion fined $2,000 for using her position to obtain compensation for overtime and flex-time that she did not work.
  196. Kingkade, William Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to former Milford Select Board member Christopher Morin after finding reasonable cause to believe he violated sections 19 and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by acting in connection with the sale of town land to his friend's company for use by a private club of which Kingkade was a partner and by appointing personal friends to municipal positions.
  197. Kinsella, Kevin B. Docket No. 524
    Ethics Commission Decision and Order that Scituate Selectman Kevin Kinsella did not violate G.L. c. 268A by contacting the police chief to obtain his son's release after an arrest.
  198. Knowlton, David Docket No. 24-0011
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Salem Department of Public Services Director David Knowlton paid a $14,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting free ski trips and meals from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor.
  199. Koval, Joanne Docket No. 511
    A former selectman found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 23(b)(3) by implicitly threatening the owner of a pub, a business she regulated in her official capacity as a member of the board of selectmen, which also serves as the town's licensing authority.
  200. Kulian, Jacob Docket No. 721
    Middleborough Assessor, Jacob Kulian admitted to violating the conflict of interest law by taking actions that reduced his property taxes. Kulian paid an $8,000 fine and reimbursed the town of Middleborough $2,215 for property tax abatements and reductions he was not entitled to receive.
  201. Lahiff, Daniel Docket No. 12-0003
    Lowell Regional Water Utility Executive Director Daniel Lahiff admitted to violating G.L. c.268A, by using public resources, including public equipment and the time and services of public employees, for personal purposes.
  202. Lane, David Docket No. 24-0014
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Danvers Department of Public Works Director David Lane paid $17,000 civil penalty and admitted to violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting free ski trips, a golf outing, and a steakhouse dinner from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor.
  203. Lannon, William C. Docket No. 277
    The former superintendent violated section 23(b)(3) by borrowing money from two employees subject to his official authority. He again violated section 23(b)(3) when he recommended that the school committee grant a sabbatical to one of the employees to whom he was indebted.
  204. Larkin, Heather Docket No. 24-0016
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Dr. Heather Larkin, former Director of Guidance and Pupil Personnel Services at Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School, paid a $10,000 civil penalty for violating sections 19, 23(b)(3), and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by contracting with her friend and business partner to provide services to the school, using the school’s resources to promote her private business event, and through other actions. 
  205. Laumann, Brian Docket No. 10-0001
    The Ethics Commission approved a Disposition Agreement on December 18, 2009, in which Norfolk County Sheriff's Office Correction Officer Brian Laumann ("Laumann") admitted to violating Sections 23(b)(2) and 23(b)(3) of G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law. Laumann agreed to pay a $6,000 civil penalty.
  206. Lemire, June Docket No. 666
    Southbridge Housing Authority ("SHA") Executive Director June Lemire admitted violating the conflict law by recommending that her boyfriend, George DiBonaventura, be hired as part-time clerk of the works for a SHA renovations project.
  207. LeMoine, Eugene Docket No. 640
    Southampton Police Chief Eugene LaMoine paid a $2,000 civil penalty and a $605 reimbursement to the town in connection with selling sweatshirts to police officers that were purchased by the town.
  208. Ligonde, Eril Docket No. 11-06
    Middlesex Sheriff's Department Corrections Officer Captain Eril Ligonde admitted to violating section 23 by using public resources in connection with a political fundraiser for the Sheriff.
  209. Lincoln, Charles
    Commission dismissed adjudicatory matter involving Brockton Police Lieutenant and Plymouth County Correctional Facility Director of Security Charles Lincoln and determined that his calling in sick to one public job to work at the other public job did not amount to a use of one's official position.
  210. Lisauskas, Stephen Docket No. 10-0012
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement finding that Lisauskas violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 23(b)(2) and 23(b)(3).
  211. Logan, Louis L. Docket No. 131
    Certified Public Accountant who provided private accounting services and was also employed by the Mass. Science & Technology Foundation was found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 3(b), 4(a), 23(e) and (f), and G.L. c. 268B, section 7.
  212. Longo, Kendell Docket No. 667
    Rowley Board of Health Secretary Kendell Longo fined $4,000 for signing permits for her brother's property.
  213. Look, Christopher S., Jr. Docket No. 423
    Dukes County Sheriff Christopher S. Look, Jr., paid a $1,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by reappointing three members of his immediate family to deputy-sheriff positions within his department.
  214. Lozzi, Vincent J. Docket No. 381
    State Representative Vincent J. Lozzi fined $2,000 for violating the conflict of interest law, after submitting requests for and receiving reimbursement for personal travel to San Francisco.
  215. Lunny, David M. Docket No. 06-0007
    Mendon-Upton Regional School District employee David M. Lunny fined $2,500 for improperly soliciting services from employees of a private architectural firm, which served as the architect for the construction of a school in the town.
  216. Lussier, Thomas Docket No. 661
    Massachusetts Teachers Retirement Board (MTRB) Executive Director Thomas Lussier admitted violating G.L. c. 268A, the state's conflict of interest law, and agreed to pay a $5,000 civil penalty to resolve allegations that he improperly used a MTRB corporate credit card for personal purchases.
  217. Lynch, William Docket No. 07-0022
    Massport Business Analyst Manager William Lynch fined $7,000 for operating his tax preparation business out of his Massport office.
  218. MacDonald, Robert Docket No. 18-0005
    Dighton Police Chief Robert MacDonald paid a $7,000 civil penalty for violating the conflict of interest law by participating in his son’s appointment as a full-time police officer.
  219. MacGilvray, Harold Docket No. 18-0001
    The Commission issued a Final Order approving a motion to dismiss the adjudicatory proceeding against Medford Police Officer Harold MacGilvray after he signed a disposition agreement in which he admitted to violating Section 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law and paid a $1,500 civil penalty.
  220. Mackenzie-Betty, Keith Docket No. 17-0001
    Barnstable DPW building design architect admitted to violating section 23(b)(2)(ii) by improperly using his position to obtain free county jail inmate labor to replace the roof on his residence and agreed to pay an $8,000 civil penalty.  
  221. Madelle, Steven Docket No. 23-0005
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Charlton Police Sgt. Steven Madelle admitted to violating sections 23(b)(2)(i) and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by using police resources to locate a person with whom he had a private relationship. Madelle paid a $10,000 civil penalty.
  222. Maglione, Joseph Docket No. 07-0039
    The Commission concluded that the allegations were not proven by a preponderance of the evidence.
  223. Malcolm, Stephen Docket No. 404
    Hull Board of Assessors member Stephen Malcolm fined $2,000 for improperly or unduly influencing the assistant assessor to increase the value of a home owned by his former girlfriend, resulting in a $2,000 tax increase.
  224. Malone, Marjorie Malone Docket No. 12-0001
    Former Avon Assistant Assessor Marjorie Malone pays a $5,000 civil penalty for improperly raising the property assessments of two town officials to retaliate against the town after learning she was subject to disciplinary proceedings.
  225. Manca, Charles J. Docket No. 461
    A mayor found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for signing a recycling contract with his brother's company.
  226. Manning, James Docket No. 07-0003
    Monson Selectman James Manning fined $2,000 for using his position to secure a police department firearm from Police Chief Joseph Rebello.
  227. Mara, Francis G. Docket No. 492
    A state representative found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 3(b) and section 23(b)(3) by accepting gratuities and a dinner for himself and his wife from lobbyists.
  228. Marchand, Francis Docket No. 07-0026
    Westborough State Hospital Director of Maintenance violated G.L. c. 268A, 23(b)(3) when he did not disclose that a candidate for a job opening was his brother in law.
  229. Marchesi, John Public Education Letter 92-3
    Pittsfield Parks Department Director John Marchesi issued a public education letter for violating section 23(b)(2) by directing that directing that Recreation Department employees perform typing services for a non-profit, unincorporated state, softball league for which he served as state commissioner.
  230. Marinelli, Linda Public Education Letter
    A former chair of the board of selectmen found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) for participating in her daughter's application for a taxi license.
  231. Marshall, Clifford H. Public Education Letter
    A county sheriff found to have violated G.L . c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for combining official swearing-in ceremonies for deputy sheriffs with political campaign fundraising events. Section 23(b)(3) prohibits public officials from using their official positions to obtain unwarranted privileges of substantial value not properly available to similarly situated individuals.
  232. Marshall, Clifford Docket No. 408
    Norfolk County Sheriff Clifford Marshall was fined for improper use of a credit card and also for appointing his sons as deputy sheriffs.
  233. Martin, Brian J. Docket No. 597
    Lowell City Manager Brian Martin paid a $1,750 civil penalty for violating section 23 by awarding a city contract to a company owned by two friends.
  234. Martin, Scott Docket No. 09-0001
    The Commission found that the Enforcement Division did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Scott Martin, the Chairman of the Town of Rowley Board of Water Commissioners, violated G. L. c. 268A, sections 23(b)(2) and 23(b)(3) by receiving free transportation from two employees of the Rowley Water Department.
  235. Massa, John Public Education Letter
    Lynn Health Inspector John Massa cited for inspecting property managed by businesses for which he regularly served papers as a constable.
  236. May, David E. Docket No. 213
    Mansfield Selectman David May violated the conflict law by participating in approval of a contract between the town and his wife's employees' union and by taking action as a selectman and as an electric light department commissioner on behalf of his son.
  237. Mazareas, James Docket No. 607
    The Commission issued a Decision and Order concluding that Lynn School Superintendent James Mazareas violated the conflict law by making personnel decisions about his wife.
  238. Mazzarella, Dean Docket No. 12-0016
    The Leominster Mayor violated G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by directing a subordinate to rehabilitate the property of an elderly friend using community development block grant funds without following standard procedure, and by failing to disclose his personal relationship with the property owner. 
  239. Mazzilli, Frank R. Docket No. 552
    Former Carver, Marion, Wareham Regional Landfill Committee chairman Frank Mazzilli was fined $7,500 for representing a private tenant in matters involving the landfill operators.
  240. McCarthy, Stephen Docket No. 11-0004
    West Bridgewater Board of Assessors Chairman violated G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by improperly approving and processing a property tax abatement application submitted by friends.
  241. McCormack, Michael Docket No. 424
    Dukes County Special Sheriff Michael McCormack fined $6,000 for scheduling himself to work paid court-officer shifts during times when he was scheduled to work in the county jail. 
  242. McDermott, Patricia Public Enforcement Letter 92-2
    The Commission found reasonable cause to believe that State Representative Kevin Fitzgerald and his administrative assistant, Patricia McDermott, violated the state's Conflict of Interest Law by inheriting nearly $400,000 from Mary Guzelian, who had received services through Fitzgerald's office.
  243. McDonough, Richard Docket No. 11-0017
    The State Ethics Commission approved a Joint Motion to Dismiss the Proceedings in the adjudicatory matters involving Merrimack Special Education Collaborative employees John Barranco and Richard W. McDonough.  Both adjudicatory proceedings were initiated in August 2011 by the Commission’s Enforcement Division filing Orders to Show Cause formally alleging that Barranco and McDonough violated G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law. 
  244. McGovern, Edward Decision and Order Docket No. 14-0006
    The Commission issued a Decision and Order concluding the adjudicatory proceeding involving Agawam Police Department Lieutenant Edward McGovern by finding that McGovern violated the conflict of interest law by giving preferential treatment to a fellow Agawam police officer suspected of driving her personal vehicle the wrong way on a state highway in Agawam while intoxicated.  Pursuant to the Decision, the Commission ordered McGovern to pay a $7,500 civil penalty.
  245. McGrath, Walter R. Docket No. 708
    Stow Planning Board member violated G. L. c. 268A, section 19 by participating in a matter where he had a financial interest.
  246. McKeon, Richard Docket No. 20-0005
    The Commission issued a Final Decision and Order dismissing its case against Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr., Senior First Assistant District Attorney Jeffrey Travers, former State Police Colonel Richard McKeon, and former State Police Major Susan Anderson after finding that it had not been proved that they violated the conflict of interest law by their actions relating to the police report of the arrest of a judge’s daughter.
  247. McKinnon, Richard Docket No. 11-0007
    Middlesex Sheriff's Office corrections officer assigned to the Billerica House of Corrections, Officer Richard McKinnon admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, by using public resources in connection with a political fundraiser.
  248. McLean, William G. Docket No. 143
    Member of the Woburn Golf and Ski Authority and Director and Officer of the Woburn Golf and Social Club was found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 19, 20 and 23(a).
  249. Melanson, Norman Docket No. 600
    Leominster Assessor Norman Melanson fined $500 for accepting the loan of a $1,000 computer from a vendor with a contract with the Assessing Department.
  250. Merkin, Brooke Docket No. 22-0006
    The Commission issued a Final Order allowing a Joint Motion to Dismiss and approving a Disposition Agreement in which Brooke Merkin, a former employee of the Center for Health Information and Analysis and the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security, admits to violating sections 7, 23(b)(2)(ii), and 23(b)(4) of the conflict of interest law by holding the two paid state positions at the same time and seeking payment from both state agencies for overlapping work hours. The Commission accepted Merkin’s payment of a $2,500 civil penalty and dismissed the adjudicatory proceeding against her.
  251. Michael, George A. Docket No. 137
    Dept. of Public Health employee violated sections 3(b), 6, 23(d), (e) and (f)  of the conflict of interest law, G.L. c. 268A, and section 7 of the financial disclosure law, G.L. c. 268B.
  252. Michienzi, Vincent, Sr. Docket No. 17-0002
    The Commission has approved a Disposition Agreement in which Vincent Michienzi, Sr., admitted to violating the conflict of interest law by voting as a member of the Bourne Planning Board to approve a special permit for one of his commercial tenants and paid a $5,000 civil penalty.
  253. Michna, Kenneth Docket No. 19-0013
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Agawam Junior High School Band Director Kenneth Michna admitted to violating sections 17, 19, and 23 of the conflict of interest law by accepting $1,750 in payments from a nonprofit organization for helping to organize and judge a series of band competitions during his public work hours, and by giving a $2,000 payment for the school’s music department to a private, parent-run booster association. Michna paid a $2,500 civil penalty.
  254. Miranda, Coreen Docket No. 24-0024
    The Commission approved Disposition Agreements in which former Boston Tobin School Principal Natasha Halfkenny and Assistant Principal Coreen Miranda each paid a $4,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(ii) of  the conflict of interest law by allocating tickets for the musical Hamilton, which were donated to the Tobin School for use by its students and their chaperones, to their sons, who were not Tobin School students. 
  255. Mong, Fayette Docket No. 19-0012
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Division of Professional Licensure Prosecutor Fayette Mong admitted to violating section 23 of the conflict of interest law by repeatedly invoking her state position when requesting that Town of Braintree inspectors conduct home inspections in connection with her planned private purchase of a house. Mong paid a $2,500 civil penalty.
  256. Moore, Elizabeth Docket No. 11-0014
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Marblehead Veterans Middle School Principal Elizabeth Moore admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by hiring the spouse of a school committee member to a half-time teaching position without following standard procedures.
  257. Morley, Hugh Joseph Docket No. 714
    Braintree Electric Light Electrical Engineer violated 23(b)(2) received unwarranted privilege.
  258. Mscisz, Steven Docket No. 24-0017
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Topsfield Parks and Cemeteries Commissioner Steven Mscisz paid a $14,000 civil penalty for violating §§ 19, 20, and 23(b)(2)(ii) by approving the transfer of town cemetery plots to himself at a discounted cost.
  259. Murphy, Edward M. Public Education Letter
    Health and Education Facilities Executive Director Edward M. Murphy issued a Public Enforcement Letter for accepting illegal gratuities from Goldman, Sachs & Co.
  260. Murphy, Peter Docket No. 06-0026
    Springfield License Commission member Peter Murphy fined $1,000 for receiving gift certificates from the owner and manager of Kappy's Liquors in Springfield.
  261. Murphy, Patrick Docket No. 617
    A former school department deputy superintendent found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) by having school department employees assist his daughter in writing papers for her college English class.
  262. Murphy, Robert Docket No. 14-0007
    The Commission issued a Decision and Order concluding the adjudicatory proceeding involving Robert Murphy, a former consultant to the Town of Canton Conservation Commission.  In its Decision, the Commission found that Murphy violated sections 17(a) and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law, and ordered Murphy to pay a civil penalty of $10,000.
  263. Nadeau, Denis Docket No. 18-0002
    Amesbury Building Inspector Denis Nadeau paid a $3,500 civil penalty after admitting to violating the conflict of interest law by intervening in his official capacity as building inspector in work performed at the home of his next-door neighbors
  264. Najemy, George Docket No. 264
    City of Worcester Law Department employee found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 19 by directing the Worcester city treasurer's office to deposit the insurance proceeds on property which he owned. The Commission found that the Respondent's conduct did not violate G.L. c. 268A, s. 23.
  265. Napier, Sharon Docket No. 18-0006
    Hingham Housing Authority Executive Director Sharon Napier has paid a $2,500 civil penalty after admitting to violating two sections of the conflict of interest law by having a financial interest in a Housing Authority contract and by approving and co-signing Housing Authority payments to a friend’s company, which she co-founded.
  266. Nelson, David R. Public Education Letter
    A county sheriff found to have violated G.L . c. 268A, sections 23(b)(2) and 23(b)(3) for allowing several of his senior correction officers to solicit their subordinates for contributions to his political campaign.
  267. Nelson, George Public Education Letter
    The Commission rules that a request by Wellesley Police officer George Nelson's request for "consideration," or dismissal, of traffic citations based on the violator's personal connection with a police officer violated the conflict of interest law.
  268. Newcomb, Reginald Docket No. 09-0002
    Former Rockland Planning Board member Reginald Newcomb fined $5,000 for repeatedly representing his realty trust before the Planning Board and for attempting to recover a document from his Planning Board file to gain constructive approval of an application.
  269. Newton, Wayne Docket No. 483
    A former fire chief found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for awarding a town contract to a selectman, who annually votes on his reappointment as fire chief, and with whom he had an ongoing business relationship.
  270. Nichols, Robert Docket No. 15-0001
    The Commission issued a Final Order on Summary Decision and Civil Penalty concluding the adjudicatory proceeding involving Robert Nichols, a former member of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Blandford.  The Commission entered Summary Decision for the Petitioner Enforcement Division and ordered Nichols to pay a $12,500 civil penalty for violating sections 19, 20 and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law. 
  271. Nicolo, Diego Docket No. 07-0034
    North Reading municipal employee violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 23(b)(2) and 17a by using his official position for private gain.
  272. Nutter, Roland Docket No. 19-0010
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Former Pepperell Selectman Roland Nutter admitted to violating sections 19 and 23 of the conflict of interest law by voting against authorizing the investigation of a grievance involving his wife, the town Treasurer-Collector, and by participating in matters affecting her employment contract and salary. Nutter paid a $6,000 civil penalty.
  273. O'Brien, John J. Docket No. 12-0013
    Former Melrose Fire Chief John J. O'Brien violated the conflict of interest law by accepting Boston Bruins tickets from Cataldo Ambulance Services, Inc., the emergency medical services provider for Melrose.
  274. O'Brien, John L., Jr. Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to Southern Essex District Registrar of Deeds John L. O’Brien, Jr. to resolve allegations that Mr. O’Brien violated the conflict of interest law.  According to the letter, Mr. O’Brien used his position as Registrar to obtain the home addresses of Registry employees for his campaign committee mailing list, disclosed the addresses to his campaign committee, and, through his campaign committee, solicited campaign donations from Registry employees in possible violation of section 23 of the conflict of interest law.
  275. O'Brien, Robert J. Docket No. 198
    Chairman of the Holyoke Water Commission, violated G.L. c. 268A by using employees of the Holyoke Water Department to perform repair work on his home during working hours.
  276. O'Brien, Robert Docket No. 22-0001
    The State Ethics Commission has issued a Final Order approving a Disposition Agreement in which former Sandisfield Highway Road Superintendent Robert O’Brien admits to repeatedly violating the conflict of interest law by deciding to hire his private business to provide services to the town more than 90 times, signing off on town payments to his business more than 40 times, using inside town information to underbid competitors for a town contract, using his public position to solicit private work, and having the town billed for materials his business used to do private jobs. The Commission accepted O’Brien’s payment of a $50,000 civil penalty and dismissed the adjudicatory proceeding against him.
  277. O'Connell, Daniel Docket No. 19-0004
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Daniel O'Connell, former Superintendent-Director of the North Shore Technical High School and Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School districts, admitted to violating sections 19 and 23 of the conflict of interest law by directing a subordinate to reinstate his expired  stipend; by giving his son pay raises and increased opportunities to work overtime; by allowing his son to use a school truck for private business; by using his position to pressure a plumbing supply company in a personal dispute; and by ordering school employees to use public worktime and resources to deliver surplus bricks to his home. O'Connell paid a $23,000 civil penalty.
  278. Parisella, Ralph Docket No. 535
    A member of a licensing board found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23 for knowingly, or with reason to know, acting in a manner which would cause a reasonable person, having knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to conclude that any person can improperly influence or unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official duties, or that he is likely to act or fail to act as a result of kinship, rank, position or undue influence of any party or person.
  279. Parseghian, Scott Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to Scott Parseghian, the Wayland High School Head Football Coach to resolve allegations that Mr. Parseghian violated §§ 17, 19 and 23 of the conflict of interest law by making purchases of athletic apparel for Wayland High School sports teams from his father’s businesses, and by representing those businesses in merchandise purchases by other Wayland High School teams, clubs and departments.
  280. Pepoli, Bethann Docket No. 09-0014
    Former state information technology division acting chief information officer fined $3,000 for soliciting a sponsorship for a golf outing from a bidder seeking a state contract from the information technology division.
  281. Pereira, James Public Education Letter
    Public Education Letter: Municipal Employment; Summer Jobs; Voting on Immediate Family
  282. Perez, Julian Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to former Lawrence Building Inspector Julian Perez after finding reasonable cause to believe he violated sections 19 and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by using his official position and the access it provided to change the status of his building permit to “approved” after the city had withdrawn the permit and issued Perez a stop-work order.
  283. Peterson, Jeffrey Docket No. 21-0007
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Wellesley Assistant Fire Chief Jeffrey Peterson admitted to violating Sections 23(b)(2)(ii) and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by altering the Fire Department’s hiring process to favor the fire chief’s son and by selecting and interviewing the son of his wife’s cousin. Peterson paid a $5,000 civil penalty.
  284. Peterson, Seth Public Education Letter
    On May 21, 2015, the State Ethics Commission voted to find reasonable cause to believe that Massachusetts State Police Trooper Seth Peterson violated the conflict of interest law by using his position as a State Trooper to intervene with a tow company to have a family member’s tow charge reduced, and to deprive the tow company of work to which it would have been entitled, and by participating in an inspection of the tow company, which ultimately resulted in the temporary removal of the company from the regional State Police tow lists.  The Commission chose to resolve the matter by issuing a Public Education Letter rather than through an adjudicatory hearing because the State Police took disciplinary action against Peterson in this matter by imposing a forfeiture of 15 vacation days, at a cost to Peterson of approximately $5,500.
  285. Pezzella, Paul Docket No. 419
    Paul Pezzella, Deputy Chief of Staff in the Dukakis Administration, fined $5,000 for taking private and public actions on behalf of Worcester developer Angelo Scola in connection with a publicly funded development project, while accepting a $9,000 down payment on a condominium from Scola along with fees and free legal services.
  286. Piatelli, Theresa Lord Docket No. 07-0013
    Municipal employee violated section 17 (c) by acting as a private attorney for a family member in a matter in which the public entity had a financial interest in the outcome of a plea bargain. Also violated section 23(b)(2) by using public position to gain an unwarranted privilege.
  287. Picano, Louis Docket No. 10-0016
    The Commission determined that Lynn Board of Health Inspector Louis Picano repeatedly violated the conflict of interest law, G.L. c. 268A, sections 20 and 23(b)(3) by also performing constable duties as an appointed city constable.
  288. Pierce, Richard Docket No. 12-0004
    Former Attleboro Police Chief Richard Pierce violated sections 19 and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by participating in an internal investigation involving his police officer son.
  289. Pizzi, Laureen Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to Laureen Pizzi, former Director of Management/Resident Services Coordinator at the Weymouth Housing Authority, after finding reasonable cause to believe she violated  sections 19, 23(b)(2)(ii) and section 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by, on three separate occasions, leasing Weymouth Housing Authority apartments to individuals with whom she had personal connections, even though they were not eligible for the housing.
  290. Poley, Philip Docket No. 13-0007
    Former MassHealth Chief Operating Officer Philip Poley pays $25,000 civil penalty for violating conflict of interest law by negotiating for a job with a company while working on a MassHealth/UMass project on which he was soliciting the company's involvement. 
  291. Pollard, Sharon Docket No. 07-0010
    Methuen Mayor Sharon Pollard fined $4,000 for funneling $200,000 in mitigation funds to a non-profit she co-founded.
  292. Pottle, Donald S. Docket No. 191
    The director of a state training program violated s. 4 of the conflict of interest law by accepting pay from private firms for conducting private training sessions which were nearly identical to those offered by the state. The employee also violated several of the Standards of Conduct contained in Section 23 by accepting his state salary for time during which he was also paid by the private firm and by directing interested persons and firms who had contacted him about the state program to the private training courses. By the terms of the Disposition Agreement, the employee agreed to pay a total of $6,500 in fines and damages for these violations.
  293. Rankow, Norman Docket No. 12-0012
    Former Edgartown Dredge Advisory Committee Chairman Norman Rankow violated the conflict of interest law by directing town employees to dredge the area around his private clients' dock without first obtaining required town, state and federal permits.
  294. Rapoza, Steven and Romano, James Docket Nos. 698 and 699
    Two Berkley Board of Health members were alleged to have violated M.G. L. c. 268 A section 23(b)(2), the case was dismissed.
  295. Rebello, Joseph Docket No. 07-0004
    Monson Police Chief Joseph Rebello fined $1,000 for improperly providing a police department firearm to Monson Selectman James Manning.
  296. Reynolds, Adelle Docket No. 647
    A former zoning board of appeals member found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 19 for participating in a zoning board of appeals decision regarding land abutting her property.
  297. Ricci, Heidi Docket No. 11-0008
    Middlesex Sheriff's Office corrections officer assigned to the Billerica House of Corrections, Officer Heidi Ricci admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, by using public resources in connection with a political fundraiser.
  298. Riccobene, Lisa Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to Lisa Riccobene, former state Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Chief of Staff and Chief Administrative Officer, after finding reasonable cause to believe she violated section 23(b)(2)(i), 23(b)(2)(ii), and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by borrowing money from a subordinate and using the subordinate’s credit card for personal purchases.
  299. Richards, III, Lowell L. Docket No. 251
    Collector Treasurer of the City of Boston and City Parking Clerk fined for dismissing parking tickets owed by the daughter of Speaker Thomas McGee, on a car registered in her name.
  300. Riley, Eugene P. Docket No. 252
    Executive Director of the Massachusetts Foreign Business Council fined for violating G.L. c. 268A, section 23.
  301. Riley, Thomas E., Jr., Riley, P.J. & Company and Roth, Taylor Docket Nos. 08-0008, 0009, 0010
    The Ethics Commission issued a Decision and Order dismissing its cases alleging violations of the conflict of interest law by P.J. Riley & Co. and its executive vice president, Thomas Riley. The Commission, in its D&O, also dismissed one allegation regarding senior inspector for the state Board of Examiners of Plumbers and Gasfitters Taylor Roth, but is continuing to proceed on other allegations against Roth.
  302. Rivera, Mark Docket No. 10-0009
    A former Lawrence School Department Urban Affairs Liaison and Special Assistant to the School Superintendent, violated section 23 (b)(2) by using his position to obtain an unwarranted privilege of substantial value.
  303. Robinson, Lee Docket No. 525
    A former selectman found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) for using or attempting to use his position to obtain an unwarranted privilege of substantial value.
  304. Roeder, Harold Docket No. 08-0003
    Georgetown Fire Chief Harold Roeder fined $1,500 for participating in matters affecting his private business.
  305. Rogers, Raymund Public Education Letter
    The Commission found reasonable cause to believe that West Bridgewater Police Lieutenant Raymund Rogers violated the code of conduct section of M.G.L. c. 268A, the state's conflict of interest law, by asking a subordinate to provide private transportation for Rogers' family members.
  306. Rosario, John J. Docket No. 261
    The Commission concludes that Mr. Rosario's conduct violated the conflict of interest law but that no monetary sanction is warranted under the circumstances.
  307. Ross, Michael Docket No. 07-0002
    Boston City Councilor Michael Ross fined $2,000 for abusing his parking privileges by having parking tickets administratively dismissed.
  308. Roth, Taylor Docket No. 08-0010
    Commission issued a decision finding that the Enforcement Division did not prove by a preponderance that state senior plumbing and gasfitting inspector Taylor Roth violated sections 23(b)(2) and 23(b)(3), as alleged.
  309. Rowan, Daniel Docket No. 10-0002
    Plymouth County Sheriff's Department Fleet Manager Daniel Rowan violated the conflict of interest law sections 23(b)(2) and 23 (b)(3) by not filing a disclosure before having a private business dealing with the vendor that was initiated by Rowan.
  310. Rowan, Daniel Docket No. 10-0002
    The Commission grants the Joint Motion. The Disposition Agreement is approved. Respondent's tendered payment of the $1,500 civil penalty for violating G. L. c. 268A, § 23(b)(2) and § 23(b)(3) is accepted. Commission Adjudicatory Docket No.10-0002, In the Matter of Daniel Rowan, is dismissed.
  311. Roy, Vincent Docket No. 24-0009
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Sudbury Water District Executive Director Vincent Roy paid an $18,000 civil penalty for violating section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting free ski trips and meals from a water meter manufacturer and its distributor.
  312. Ruberto, James M. and Duquette, Daniel Docket No. 08-0014
    The Commission concluded that Pittsfield Mayor James M. Ruberto and Daniel Duquette each violated G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, in connection with Duquette's sale of 2004 World Series tickets to Ruberto.
  313. Sacco, Leo Docket No. 22-0004
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Medford Police Chief Leo Sacco admitted to violating sections 23(b)(2)(ii) and 23(b)(3) by failing to appropriately discipline Medford police officers who made false claims for detail pay, not requiring the them to return more than $17,000 in falsely claimed detail pay, and concealing the matter from the mayor. Sacco paid a $9,000 civil penalty.
  314. Saccone, John P. and DelPrete, Edmund W. Docket No. 132
    Massachusetts Department of Public Safety Senior Civil Engineer did not violate sections 2(b), 3(b), 23(e) and 23(f) of the conflict of interest law, but did violate section 23(d), and was ordered to pay a $1,500 civil penalty.  The President of North River Nursing Home, Inc., Edmund DelPrete was accused of violating sections 2(a) and 3(a). The Commission found that neither of the respondents had violated sections 2 or 3.
  315. Saksa, Mary Jane Docket No. 679
    Worcester County Sheriff's Office Director of Substance Abuse Programs Mary Jane Saksa fined $1,000 and forfeited $1,320 for soliciting subordinates to buy long distance telephone services and/or to become a sales representative for the private company offering the services.
  316. Sanna, Jr., John Docket No. 692
    Water District Commissioner violated 23(b)(2) by borrowing town equipment and not returning it until it was reported missing.
  317. Sansone, Casper Charles Docket No. 566
    Monument Mountain Regional High School Guidance Counselor Casper Charles Sansone fined $2,000 for altering the grades for his daughter and another student.
  318. Santiago, Jessica Docket No. 24-0020
    The Commission issued a Decision and Order entering summary decision against Jessica Santiago for violating sections 23(b)(2)(ii) and 23(b)(4) of the conflict of interest law by, while simultaneously an employee of the state Department of Conservation and Recreation and the City of Revere, repeatedly using paid work time and sick leave from each of her public positions to perform paid work in her other public position and by submitting false timesheets to each of her employers to be paid for hours she did not work for that employer. The Commission ordered Santiago to pay a $20,000 civil penalty for the violations.
  319. Santos, Stephen Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a Public Education Letter to Ludlow Department of Public Works Board Chairman Stephen Santos after finding reasonable cause to believe he violated sections 19 and 23 of the conflict of interest law by voting to elect himself as DPW Board Chairman and by participating in disciplinary matters involving a DPW employee he believed was cooperating with an investigation of him.
  320. Scaccia, Angelo M. Docket No. 529
    Ethics Commission Decision and Order fining State Representative Angelo Scaccia $3,000 for accepting gratuities from lobbyists with interests in legislative business.
  321. Schumm, Marge Docket No. 658
    Norton Housing Authority Executive Director Marge Schumm paid a $2,000 civil penalty for violating section 23 by participating in hiring her daughter's boyfriend as a maintenance mechanic.
  322. Scola, Robert N. Docket No. 212
    A district court judge violated the Standards of Conduct set out in section 23 of G.L. c. 268A by assigning defendants who appeared before him to a program given by a corporation employing his daughter.
  323. Shalsi, Ralph Docket No. 614
    A 911 emergency service director found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for soliciting and receiving loans from a subordinate.
  324. Shane, Christine Docket No. 205
    The Director of the Office of Staff Training, Manpower Planning and Development for the Department of Mental Health violated the Standards of Conduct contained in the conflict of interest law by improperly accepting an honorarium for work performed while also being paid by the Commonwealth.
  325. Sharrio, Daniel Docket No. 168
    The deputy director of a municipal housing authority violated the Standards of Conduct in section 23(d) of Chapter 268A by using his official position to secure discounts, tax exemptions, credit purchases and goods for his personal use.
  326. Shiraka, Stephen V. Docket No.696
    Old Rochester School District Facilities Manager violated 23(b)(3) by failing to file a written disclosure in advance of additional outside employment.
  327. Silva, Jr., John L. Docket No. 09-0004
    Former East Bridgewater Police Chief John Silva, Jr. fined $5,000 for involving himself in disciplinary matters involving his police officer son.
  328. Silva, Steven Docket No. 716
    DOC superintendent violated 23(b)(2) by receiving an unwarranted privilege of DOC employee cutting his hair at his home.
  329. Silvia, Richard Public Education Letter
    Public Education Letter: Municipal Employment; Summer Jobs; Voting on Immediate Family
  330. Simard, George Public Enforcement Letter 90-8
    The Commission finds reasonable cause to believe Brookline Police Chief George Simard violated the Conflict of Interest Law by distributing complimentary tickets to the 1988 U.S. Open at The Country Club of Brookline, without first determining whether the recipients would provide public-safety services during the golf tournament. 
  331. Singleton, Richard Docket No. 391
    Former Tyngsborough Fire Chief fined $1,000 for telling the foreman of a local development that the Fire Department inspections on the project could take forever, as the foreman was deciding to award a contract for drywall construction on which the chief's son had bid.
  332. Skorput, Peter Docket No. 19-0008
    The Commission issued a Final Order dismissing an adjudicatory proceeding against West Stockbridge Fire Chief and former Select Board member Peter Skorput and accepted a Disposition Agreement in which Skorput admitted to violating sections 19, 20, and 23 of the conflict of interest law by continuing to serve as Fire Chief after his election to the Select Board; deciding payment amounts for himself, his daughter, and his nephew; voting as a Select Board member to reappoint himself Fire Chief; terminating a firefighter who had filed a complaint against him; and through other actions.. Skorput paid a $5,000 civil penalty.
  333. Smith, Jr., Arthur R. Docket No. 522
    The Commission dismissed an adjudicatory matter involving Wilmington Water and Sewer Commission Chairman Arthur R. Smith, Jr., due to Smith's inability to consult with his lawyer or understand the proceedings against him.
  334. Smith, Bernard J. Docket No. 130
    Department of Public Health Nurse Recruiter Bernard Smith violated sections 4, 6 and 23 of the conflict of interest law by being paid by a private company as a nurse recruiter at the same time he was working as a nurse recruiter for DPH, and also by, on behalf of DPH, contracting with the private company to rent space at job fairs where he was also working for the private company.
  335. Smith, James H. Docket No. 425
    James H. Smith, a former member of the Woods Hole, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamship Authority, fined $4,000 for participating in a land acquisition that substantially benefited a business of which Smith was an officer and director. 
  336. Smith, Jean-Marie Docket No. 10-0010
    Hanson Council on Aging Director of Elder Affairs Jean-Marie Smith admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) for using her position to obtain an unwarranted privilege of substantial value.
  337. Smith, Lincoln Docket No. 07-0017
    Commission issues Decision and Order fining Boston City Council Assistant Research Director Lincoln Smith $1,000 for using his official position and affiliation with the city council in connection with a vehicle damage claim against a private garage operator.
  338. Sommer, Donald Docket No. 266
    A regional special education director for the state Department of Education acknowledged he violated sections 4(c) and 23(12)(3) of G.L. c. 268A in connection with the establishment of a special education school.
  339. Spencer, Manuel F. Docket No. 262
    Sewer Inspector with the Town of Barnstable Department of Public Works found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, sections 23(par 2)(2) and (3) in connection with the installation of a new sewer main.
  340. Stanley, Cheryl Docket No. 06-0028
    Former Springfield License Commission member Cheryl Stanley fined $2,000 for receiving gift certificates from the owner of Kappy's Liquors in Springfield.
  341. Stevenson, Mark Docket No. 15-0008
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Mark Stevenson, the former Chairman of the Town of Marshfield Conservation Commission, admitted to violating the conflict of interest law.  Pursuant to the Agreement, Stevenson paid a $2,500 civil penalty for violating two sections of the law.
  342. Sullivan, John P. Docket No. 590
    Department of Mental Health Southeastern Area Director John Sullivan fined $500 for authorizing an employee with whom he had a personal relationship to receive compensation for overtime and flex-time that the employee did not work, and for authorizing a disproportionally higher amount of overtime and flex-time for this employee.
  343. Sullivan, J. Nicholas Docket No. 603
    Newburyport District Court Clerk Magistrate Nicholas Sullivan fined $3,000 for fixing traffic tickets issued to family members of Chief of Probation Ronald D'Arcangelo.
  344. Sutter, C. Samuel Docket No. 581
    Bristol County Assistant District Attorney C. Samuel Sutter admitted to violating section 23(b)(3) by participating in a matter involving a law firm with which he was consulting regarding a personal legal matter.
  345. Sweeney, Michael J. Docket No. 592
    Blackstone Fire Chief Michael Sweeney fined $1,000 for participating in a contract awarded to a company owned by a his brother-in-law firefighter and Sweeney's sister.
  346. Swift, Jane M. Docket No. 608
    Lieutenant Governor Jane Swift fined $1,250 for receiving free babysitting services from subordinates.
  347. Teague, Floyd Docket No. 24-0022
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Bristol County Deputy Sheriff Floyd Teague paid a $40,000 civil penalty and $25,000 in economic advantage damages for violating sections 6 and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by conducting a public auction in which he placed an absentee bid on behalf of his spouse for a seized modular home, then awarded her the home, which she later renovated with his help and sold at a profit. 
  348. Tevald, Joseph S. Docket No. 634
    Newbury Selectman Joseph Tevald violated section 23(b)(3) for issuing permits to install septic systems, conducting the vast majority of inspections of those systems and by issuing compliance certificates during the period that he was a tenant in a house owned by the company.
  349. Theroux, Richard Docket No. 22-0003
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Hampden County Regional Retirement Board Member Richard Theroux paid a $10,000 civil penalty for violating sections 6, 23(b)(2) and 23(b)(4) of the conflict of interest law by obtaining reimbursements from the Board for falsely claimed lodging expenses and, as a Board member, approving those reimbursements to himself.
  350. Thomas, Cathie Docket No. 594
    Hampden Court Clerk Cathie Thomas fined $2,000 for exploiting her position to obtain confidential CORI information on the campaign opponent running against her uncle for a seat on the Hampden County Commission, which information was then given to the media.
  351. Tocco, Michael Docket No. 11-0010
    A Division of Professional Licensure, Board of Registration in Pharmacy member violated the conflict of interest law by discussing a matter still pending before the board with those named in the matter.
  352. Tompkins, Steven Docket 15-0006
    The  Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Steven Tompkins, the Suffolk County Sheriff, admitted to violating the conflict of interest law in 2013 by identifying himself as Sheriff when asking eight business owners in his district to take down his opponent’s campaign signs that were displayed in their shops. Tompkins paid a $2,500 civil penalty for the violation.
  353. Tompkins, Steven Docket 23-0002
    The  Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Suffolk County Sheriff Steven Tompkins admitted to violating  §§ 23(b)(2)(i), 23(b)(2)(ii), and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by using his position as Sheriff to create a paid state job for his niece and by repeatedly asking his subordinates to do personal errands for him during paid public work hours. Tompkins paid a $12,300 civil penalty.
  354. Trant, Scott Docket No. 06-0017
    Somerville Police Officer Scott Trant fined $10,000 and required to reimburse $600 for attempting to purchase property from a person seeking police assistance in connection with the property.
  355. Travers, Jeffrey Docket No. 20-0006
    The Commission issued a Final Decision and Order dismissing its case against Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr., Senior First Assistant District Attorney Jeffrey Travers, former State Police Colonel Richard McKeon, and former State Police Major Susan Anderson after finding that it had not been proved that they violated the conflict of interest law by their actions relating to the police report of the arrest of a judge’s daughter.
  356. Travis, Philip Docket No. 619
    A state representative found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(2) for improperly soliciting charitable donations from several banks at the same time he was chairman of the Joint Committee on Banks and Banking.
  357. Triplett, James B. Docket No. 515
    Ethics Commission Decision and Order found that Oxford Police Chief James Triplett did not violate section 23 by ordering the release without bail and then delaying the initiation of a criminal complaint involving the arrest of the daughter of a former Oxford Police Officer.
  358. Trodella, Vito Docket No. 382
    Vito Trodella, a member of the Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine, fined $500 for requesting and receiving free season passes and premium parking to the Suffolk Downs Racetrack, which employs veterinarians licensed by the board.
  359. Turner, Joseph Docket No. 10-0018
    According to the Decision, Turner violated the conflict of interest law by, as Division Foreman, selling four cemetery plots to his parents, and by using his Division Foreman position to secure the plots for his parents in violation of Town policy restricting sales for immediate need, and just before a price increase was to go into effect.
  360. Uppaluri, Radhika Docket No. 23-0003
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Radhika Uppaluri, a former programmer and systems supervisor for the state Executive Office of Education (EOE), admitted to violating §§ 4(a), 6, 7, and 23(b)(2) of the conflict of interest law by as an EOE employee, hiring and supervising information technology (IT) consultants recruited by her family’s company. Uppaluri paid a $70,000 civil penalty.
  361. Van Tassel, Gary Docket No. 06-0027
    Springfield License Commission member Gary Van Tassel fined $500 for receiving gift certificates from the owner and manager of Kappy's Liquors in Springfield.
  362. Villamaino, Vincent Docket No. 21-0008
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which  former Hampden Selectman Vincent Villamaino admitted to violating sections 19 and 23 of the conflict of interest law by participating as a selectman in matters involving a country club he belonged to, had done private work for, and resided next to. Villamaino paid a $4,000 civil penalty.
  363. Vincent, Christopher Docket No. 24-0027
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Christopher Vincent, Foreman of the Town of Carver Operations and Maintenance Department, paid a $10,000 civil penalty for violating sections 19 and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by using town resources to replace a fence on his private property.
  364. Vincent, Mark Docket No. 07-0029
    Wellfleet DPW Director violated G.L. c.268A , s. 23(b)(2) when he allowed a subordinate to borrow town equipment for personal use.
  365. Wallen, Frank, Docket No. 246 and Cardelli, John Docket No. 247
    Brockton Department of Public Works Commissioner Frank Wallen violated section 23 by accepting $8,500 from Charm Construction Company owner John Cardelli at a time when Charm had contracts and other business dealings with the DPW.  The Decision and Order found no violation of section 3 by either Wallen or Cardelli.
  366. Walsh, David I. Docket No. 188
    A municipal water commissioner violated the conflict law by accepting payment from the town for three private construction jobs, by approving two of the payments, and by billing the town for tires purchased for his personal use.
  367. Walsh, Thomas P. Docket No. 491
    A state representative found to have violated G.L. c. 268A, section 3(b) and section 23(b)(3) for accepting gratuities and a dinner for himself and his wife from lobbyists.
  368. Watkins, William Docket No. 24-0021
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which Holbrook Select Board member William Watkins paid an $8,000 civil penalty and $10,900 in restitution to a local mason for violating Section 23(b)(2)(i) of the conflict of interest law by accepting work on his home walkways, steps, and porch that was performed for free due to his position as Select Board member. 
  369. Weissman, Mark Docket No. 08-0019
    State Marine Fisheries Advisory Commission member Mark Weissman fined $2,500 for participating in matters affecting a private client and for being compensated by that client for work in connection with matters in which he participated as a state employee.
  370. Welch, III, Alfred Docket No. 258
    The chairman of a local zoning board of appeals admitted he violated one of the standards of conduct set forth in section 23 of the conflict law when he gave reasonable basis for the impression that he could be unduly influenced in the performance of official duties. In particular, while the chairman was negotiating to enter into a private contract to do flooring work for a local developer, the developer had matters scheduled to come up for board consideration.
  371. Wettlaufer et al Public Education Letter
    The Commission issued a public education letter to Town of Holland Selectmen James Wettlaufer, Michael Kennedy, Christian Petersen and Lynn Arnold to resolve allegations that they violated section 23(b)(2)(ii) by authorizing the expenditure of town funds to pay the legal expenses for a private lawsuit brought by  Town Highway Surveyor Brian Johnson.  The letter also resolves allegations that Johnson violated section 23(b)(2)(i) by accepting the payment of legal fees for his private lawsuit. 
  372. Whalen, Donald Public Education Letter
    The Commission finds reasonable cause to believe that Wellesley Police Lt. Donald Whalen interceded to try to "fix" a traffic ticket for the daughter of a personal friend.
  373. Wheeler, Edward Docket No. 11-0012
    First Assistant Register Edward Wheeler admitted to violating the conflict of interest law, by using Registry equipment and work time to conduct his private law practice.
  374. Wheeler, Richard Docket Number 09-0011
    Barre Department of Public Works Superintendent, Richard Wheeler admitted to violating the conflict of interest law, G.L. c. 268A, by attempting to use his official position to secure for himself an unwarranted privilege of substantial value and by participating in his official capacity in a matter in which he had a financial interest.
  375. White, Kevin H. Public Education Letter
    Public compliance letter issued regarding Mayor White's violation of G.L. c. 268A, sections 23(d) and (e).
  376. White, W. Paul Public Education Letter
    State Senator Paul White violated section 23(b)(3) for accepting about $3,000 in meals and beverages from a lobbyist while he served as a member of the Council of State Governments Conference Executive Committee.
  377. Wilkerson, Dianne Docket No. 639
    State Senator Dianne Wilkerson violated G.L. c. 268A, s. 23(b)(3) for advocating as a state senator that the Boston Bank of Commerce, with which she had a contact to solicit private-sector deposits.
  378. Willauer, William Docket No. 11-0019
    The Ethics Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which a Nantucket Board of Selectmen member admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, on several occasions by voting to award contracts to the Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention and to the Family & Children’s Services of Nantucket County, Inc., doing business as Nantucket Behavioral Health Services, Inc. During the relevant time period, he was a member of the board of directors of ASAP, and he was the President of BHS.
  379. Wilson, Glenn Docket No. 23-0004
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which former Andover Youth Services Director Glenn Wilson admitted to violating sections 17(a), 23(b)(2)(1), and 23(b)(2)(ii) of the conflict of interest law by receiving payments from a private nonprofit relating to his employment and because of his position as a Town of Andover employee. Wilson paid a $9,000 civil penalty.
  380. Wilson, Robert Docket No. 14-0005
    The State Ethics Commission approved Disposition Agreements in which Leicester Emergency Medical Services Department Executive Director Robert Wilson admitted to violating G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, for his involvement in providing false records claiming that several Emergency Medical Technicians (“EMTs”) had completed 24 hours of recertification training in 2008. 
  381. Winsor, Shawn Docket No. 07-0015
    Lancaster Board of Health member Shawn Winsor fined $5,000 and forfeited $2,700 for awarding a town contract his own company.
  382. Woods, John Docket No. 24-0015
    The Commission approved a Disposition Agreement in which John Woods, the Deputy Director of the Town of Carver Operations and Maintenance Department (O&M), paid an $8,000 civil penalty for violating sections 23(b)(2)(ii) and 23(b)(3) of the conflict of interest law by authorizing the use of town resources to replace a fence on the private property of the O&M Foreman, who is his friend. 
  383. Jefferson, Wormser Docket No. 09-0008
    Decision and Order regarding the violation of 268A Sections 23(b)(2) and 23 (b)(3). A public employees use of position to gain private benefits. Specifically a school committee member who is the parent of a special needs student sought reimbursement of private school tuition by deviating from the usual procedure for receiving such reimbursements.
  384. Wong, Diane Docket No. 664
    The Commission issued a Disposition Agreement in which former MBTA Assistant GM for Organizational Diversity admitted violating the conflict of interest law by awarding a company in which her son-in-law was one of three principals, contracts totaling $40,000.
  385. Zeppieri, D. John Docket No. 378
    Former North Adams License Board Chairman D. John Zeppieri fined $1,000 for violating the conflict of interest law by negotiating a real estate deal with a property owner whose license renewal was being considered for revocation by the board.

Contact   for Conflict of Interest Law Code of Conduct Enforcement Cases and Decisions (G.L. c. 268A, § 23)


Legal Division fax number (617) 723-5851
Enforcement Division fax number (617) 723-4086


One Ashburton Place, Room 619, Boston, MA 02108

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