Child Care Financial Assistance : What Information You Need to Give

To apply for Child Care Financial Assistance (CCFA) or renew your eligibility, you need to give information about your family. Your Family Access Administrator (FAA) will send you a list of what documents are needed and the deadline to submit them.

Below are the most common examples of documents that you can use. We can also accept other documents.

Please note: If you qualify for child care financial assistance through a DTA or DCF referral, your referral and an ID are the only documents your FAA will need.

What you must verify


Driver's license, passport, work or school ID

If you do not have a photo ID, you can use 2 forms of identification without a photo.

Massachusetts residency

Utility bills, tax forms, rent receipt, lease, mortgage statements, letter from landlord, shelter letter, or current vehicle registration

We do not accept post office box addresses.

Age of child

(for whom care is needed)

Birth certificate, record of birth, passport, medical, school or other official records

Relationship to child

(for whom care is needed)

Birth certificate, guardianship documentation, court documents

Citizenship or immigration status of child

(for whom care is needed)

Birth certificate, passport, green card, or other documents showing immigration status or certificate of naturalizations


(earnings of the parents or caregiver)

Pay stubs, letter from employer showing gross income and number of hours worked per week, or business records or tax returns showing self-employment income and expenses, employment verification form

Other income

(your FAA will tell you what income you need to verify)

If you get workers’ compensation, pension, alimony, unemployment benefits, etc: benefit or award letter, or check or record of payment​​​

Retirement status

ID, passport, or birth certificate

Active Deployment in Military

Copy of military orders

* If you listed your family composition and size and your assets on your application, we will not need verification unless we have questions.  

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