- This page, WPA Form 3: Wetlands Notice of Intent, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
WPA Form 3: Wetlands Notice of Intent
MassDEP Wetlands Program
The Details of WPA Form 3: Wetlands Notice of Intent
What you need for WPA Form 3: Wetlands Notice of Intent
To protect the Commonwealth's wetland resources, the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act prohibits the removal, dredging, filling, or altering of wetlands without a permit. To obtain a permit (called an Order of Conditions), you must submit an application to the local Conservation Commission and MassDEP. The Notice of Intent application provides the Conservation Commission and MassDEP with a complete and accurate description of the:
- Site: including the type and boundaries of resource areas under the Wetlands Protection Act, and
- Proposed work: including all measures and designs proposed to meet the performance standards described in the Wetlands Protection Act Regulations, 310 CMR10.00, for each applicable resource area.
The applicant is responsible for providing the information required for the review of this application to the permit issuing authority (Conservation Commission or MassDEP). Submitting a complete and accurate description of the site and project will minimize requests for additional information that may result in an unnecessary delay in the issuance of an Order of Conditions.
To complete this form, the applicant should refer to the Wetlands Regulations, 310 CMR 10.00. An unofficial copy is linked below. Official copies of the regulations are available for purchase from the Massachusetts State Bookstore. Public libraries and county law libraries across the state also have copies of the regulations. MassDEP's Regional Service Centers have copies for review as well.
How to apply WPA Form 3: Wetlands Notice of Intent
Application packages must be mailed to the Conservation Commission and to MassDEP. For certain types of projects, a copy must also be submitted to other state agencies. See mailing instructions in Step 5, below.
Next steps for WPA Form 3: Wetlands Notice of Intent
Review the Instructions
Guidance on how to prepare your application, including a completeness checklist.
Open DOC file, 168.5 KB, Instructions: WPA Form 3 - Notice of Intent (English, DOC 168.5 KB) -
Complete the Application Form
If you cannot use eDEP to apply for a Notice of Intent, you may fill out and save the Microsoft Word form on your computer. The PDF version has to be printed out and completed by hand.
Open DOCX file, 222.37 KB, WPA Form 3: Notice of Intent (English, DOCX 222.37 KB)Open PDF file, 407.56 KB, WPA Form 3: Notice of Intent (English, PDF 407.56 KB) -
Complete Related Forms
Complete these forms as required, depending on the nature of the proposed project.
Open DOC file, 31 KB, Notification to Abutters (English, DOC 31 KB)Open DOC file, 232.5 KB, Stormwater Report: Checklist (English, DOC 232.5 KB)Open PDF file, 54.56 KB, Stormwater Report: Checklist (English, PDF 54.56 KB) -
Calculate the Permit Application Fee
See the Instructions for details on how to calculate the Notice of Intent application fee. The Notice of Intent Fee Transmittal Form is also included in the downloadable application or you may use the separate form here.
Open DOC file, 110 KB, NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form (English, DOC 110 KB)Open PDF file, 39.77 KB, NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form (English, PDF 39.77 KB) -
Mail Your Application and Fee Payment
For Conservation Commission:
Submit two (2) copies of the completed Notice of Intent, including supporting plans and documents, two (2) copies of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, and the city/town fee payment, to the Conservation Commission by certified mail or hand delivery.
For MassDEP:
Submit one (1) copy of the completed Notice of Intent, including supporting plans and documents, one (1) copy of the NOI Wetland fee transmittal form, and a copy of the state fee payment to the appropriate MassDEP Regional Office by certified mail or hand delivery.
If the applicant has checked the "yes" box in any part of Section C, Item 3, of the Notice of Intent form, refer to that section and the Instructions for additional submittal requirements.