- This page, Piping plover & Tern on-line data entry system, is offered by
- MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
- Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
Piping plover & Tern on-line data entry system
MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
Open M–F, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. (closed noon–12:30 for lunch)
North/Central/Western Massachusetts
Southeastern Massachusetts/Cape & Islands
The Details of Piping plover & Tern on-line data entry system
What you need for Piping plover & Tern on-line data entry system
This system is design to be used by organizations and individuals who are working with MassWildlife to monitor coastal waterbirds in Massachusetts. If you are a cooperator and do not already have an account, contact the NHESP for a login and password.
How to report Piping plover & Tern on-line data entry system
Cooperators can log in to complete census forms for Piping Plovers and Terns, Laughing Gulls and Black Skimmers: https://piplodes.massaudubon.org/
More info for Piping plover & Tern on-line data entry system
Major benefits of this system include:
- Increases efficiency of data submission by shorebird cooperators
- Allows monitors throughout the state to submit census form data online via a structured submission process
- Creates census form documentation for the state based on a normalized set of inputs, enabling standardized reporting and new analytics
- Improves quality of quantitative and qualitative census data submitted by monitors on the census form and imported to the state database
- Facilitates the analysis of state-wide census data
Downloads for Piping plover & Tern on-line data entry system
Contact for Piping plover & Tern on-line data entry system
Open M–F, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. (closed noon–12:30 for lunch)
North/Central/Western Massachusetts
Southeastern Massachusetts/Cape & Islands