Reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license

Learn how to reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license in Massachusetts.

Board of Cosmetology and Barbering Services Administration


To receive written instructions on how to submit an application, renew your license, change your name or address, request a duplicate license, or obtain a verification of license, please email the Board at: Email Board of Cosmetology and Barbering Services Administration at

The Details   of Reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license

What you need   for Reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license

A barber, cosmetology, or electrology license will lapse if it has not been renewed within 3 years of expiring. To reinstate a lapsed license, you must pass a written practical exam.  

Learn more in Massachusetts General Law 112, Section 87GG

Note: You do not have to pass an exam if you have an active instructor license that you have renewed every two years, or if you want to reinstate a lapsed instructor license and have an active barber, cosmetology, or electrology license.

Applications must include:

Note: Please retain copies of all paperwork submitted

Fees   for Reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license

Application fees are non-refundable. Checks or money orders must be made payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. All money orders must be signed and dated. 

Name Fee Unit
Lapsed cosmetology license application $136 each
Lapsed barber license application $0 each
Lapsed electrology license application $0 each

How to apply   Reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license

You must use the ePLACE Portal to submit applications online.  

Only barber and cosmetology license applications may be submitted online. 

Electrology license applications must be submitted by mail (Information below).

Online instructions 

Create an ePLACE account (View detailed instructions for creating an account) or log in to ePLACE.

  • Select "Manage Licenses, Permits, and Certificates"
  • Select "File an Application" 
  • Select "Board of Cosmetology and Barbering"
  • Select the license
  • Select "Continue" and begin filling out the form

Mail your completed application and the non-refundable processing fee and all accompanying documents to the address below:

Division of Occupational Licensure (DOL)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering
One Federal Street, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02110-2012

Next steps   for Reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license

Schedule an exam

After applying to reinstate a lapsed license, you must complete a written practical exam. 

You will need approval from PSI before you can schedule an exam. 

Once you’ve completed your application, email it to PSI at and they will send an email back, allowing you to schedule your exam. 

Learn more about the exam process

Downloads   for Reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license

Contact   for Reinstate a lapsed barber, cosmetology, or electrology license

Division of Occupational Licensure
One Federal Street, Suite 600, Boston , MA 02110-2012
To receive written instructions on how to submit an application, renew your license, change your name or address, request a duplicate license, or obtain a verification of license, please email the Board at: Email Board of Cosmetology and Barbering Services Administration at

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