- This page, Enter your catch in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby, is offered by
- Division of Marine Fisheries
Enter your catch in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby
Want to enter the saltwater catch & release fishing derby? Read on to learn how to register your catch.
Your entry must be received within 30 days of catch and postmarked no later than Dec. 10. We present awards at the New England Boat Show in Boston the following year.
Division of Marine Fisheries
The Details of Enter your catch in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby
What you need for Enter your catch in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby
You will need the follow items in order to participate in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby:
- Derby entry form
- Measuring device
- Camera or phone
- Printer
How to enter Enter your catch in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby
- Measure your catch to the nearest half inch
- Take a clear photo of your catch on the measuring device to show the total length of your catch. Save the photo.
- Fill in and save the editable entry form
- Email the saved form and photo within 30 days of catch to: saltwater.derby@mass.gov
- Download and print the official Derby entry form
- Measure your catch to the nearest half inch
- Take a clear photo of your catch on the measuring device to show the total length of your catch. Submit your photo with the official entry form.
- Mail the form within 30 days of catch to:
Massachusetts Saltwater Fishing Derby
836 S. Rodney French Blvd
New Bedford, MA 02744
More info for Enter your catch in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby
All derby participants must have a valid MA recreational saltwater fishing permit.
Downloads for Enter your catch in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby
Open PDF file, 78.58 KB,
Catch & Release Saltwater Fishing Derby entry form
(English, PDF 78.58 KB)
Contact for Enter your catch in the Saltwater Catch & Release Fishing Derby
John Boardman, Aquatic Biologist & Derby Coordinator
836 South Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford, MA 02744