Complete the Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey

If you hunt woodcock, snipe, rail, coot, duck, or goose, you need to register with HIP.


The Details   of Complete the Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey

What you need   for Complete the Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey

If you are a non-resident hunter, you must complete a HIP survey for each state you hunt in.

If you hunt waterfowl (duck and goose), you must buy a waterfowl stamp, and will complete the HIP survey during that transaction. 

If the top of your hunting or sporting license states HIP Survey Completed then you don't need to complete the survey for this year.

How to register   Complete the Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey

Purchasing a waterfowl stamp and completing HIP

If you are hunting for duck and goose, you will have to buy a waterfowl stamp.

Follow these steps to purchase a waterfowl stamp and complete the HIP survey:

  1. Log into the MassFishHunt website using your Customer ID number.
  2. Click Enter Sales.
  3. Select Hunting permits and stamps.
  4. Choose Waterfowl stamp on the next screen.
  5. Answer the eight questions about migratory game bird hunting.
  6. Click Accept.
  7. Proceed to Check out.
  8. Reprint your license.

Completing the HIP survey only

If you are hunting woodcock, snipe, coot, or rails—but not waterfowl—you only have to complete the HIP survey.

Follow these steps to complete the HIP survey:

  1. Log into the MassFishHunt website using your Customer ID number.
  2. Click Enter Sales.
  3. Select HIP survey.
  4. Answer the eight questions about migratory game bird hunting.
  5. Click Accept.
  6. Proceed to Check out.
  7. Reprint your license

You can also complete the survey in person at any MassWildlife office or license agent location.

Contact   for Complete the Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey

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