DCR Public Comments

Submit a comment to DCR on a proposed capital project, policy, or program.

If you wish to submit a comment to DCR on a proposed capital project, policy, or program, please enter the information requested in the form below.  

If the proposed capital project, policy, or program does not appear as a topic on the form below, the comment period has closed. 

This form helps DCR to process your comment in a timely manner, while also controlling spam.  

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept email attachments because of the risk of internet viruses. Fields marked with an (*) are required.  

As an alternative, DCR also welcomes comments submitted by letter with the topic being addressed in the subject line to:

Department of Conservation and Recreation, Office of Public Outreach | State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza | Suite 6620 , Boston, MA 02116

If there are no options to select in the drop down menu for comment, there are currently no public comment periods open for ongoing projects at this time. If you have any general inquiries, please email mass.parks@mass.gov.

Please note that the content of comments you submit to DCR, along with your name, town, and zip code, will be posted on DCR's website.  Providing additional contact information, notably email address, is optional, and will only be used for outreach on future updates on the subject project or property.