Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Office of Medicaid
600 Washington Street
Boston, MA  02111
	All Provider Bulletin 193
	June 2009

	TO:	All Providers Participating in MassHealth

	FROM:	Tom Dehner, Medicaid Director

	RE:	Copies of PDF Remittance Advice

This bulletin applies to all providers, except dental providers who are not 
oral or maxillofacial surgeons. Dental providers who are not oral or 
maxillofacial surgeons must contact the MassHealth Dental Customer 
Service Center at 1-800-207-5019 if they have any questions about their 
remittance advices.

Remittance Advices No Longer Printed and Mailed	
For more than two years, MassHealth has been telling providers that with 
the implementation of NewMMIS, MassHealth would no longer print and 
mail remittance advices (RAs), since PDF copies of the RAs would be 
available for download from the Provider Online Service Center (POSC). 
Providers are now able to download PDF copies of their RAs for six 
months from the date of issuance. Once you download your RA, you will 
be able to save it on your computer indefinitely. 

As previously noted, if you do not have access to the Internet at all, 
please contact MassHealth Customer Service immediately so that the 
appropriate temporary arrangements can be made to meet your business 
needs while you arrange for Internet access.  	

Purchasing Copiesof an RA 	
MassHealth recognizes that there may be instances when a provider 
needs a replacement copy of an RA. Such instances may include 
forgetting to download the RA within six months of issuance or losing the 
original copy. For those instances, providers may purchase a copy of the 
RA. Since the original RA will be posted on the POSC for you to 
download, MassHealth will continue its practice of charging providers for 
any copies. 

To purchase a copy of your RA, submit a completed Remittance Advice
Request Form along with your payment to the address listed on the form. 
There is a fee of $10 for each copy of the RA requested. Providers will 
have the option of receiving either a paper copy or a PDF file on a CD. 
For paper copies that exceed 200 pages, an additional fee of $3 per 200 
pages will be applied. For electronic copies, an additional $3 will be 
applied for each additional CD needed to complete the request. 

The Remittance Advice Request Form is available from the MassHealth 
Web site. Go to, and click on Provider Forms 
on the right side of the screen. The Remittance Advice Request Form is 
an all-provider form. 
If you have any questions about the information in this bulletin, please 
contact MassHealth Customer Service at 1-800-841-2900, e-mail your 
inquiry to, or fax your inquiry to 