The State Sustainability Coordinating Council (established through Executive Order No. 438 and hereinafter called the Council), in collaboration with the Office of Facilities Maintenance and Management at the Division of Capital Asset Management and the Division of Energy Resources, is hereby directed to convene a State Agency Conservation Task Force that will be responsible for developing specific guidance for a state government agency conservation program as described in this Bulletin. The Task Force shall communicate conservation goals and strategies with all state agencies, monitor conservation activities, and propose new energy conservation strategies as they become appropriate.
The Task Force shall prepare an Energy Conservation guidance document and disseminate said guidance to all agencies. The document will provide agencies with a list of energy efficiency and conservation actions and strategies, as well as information on how to implement said actions. It will also provide information to agencies on how to implement energy conservation strategies and actions, including, but not limited to, the provision of technical assistance, identification of potential budget resources, and dissemination of energy efficiency best practices.
The Task Force will report annually to the Governor on the results of energy conservation actions taken by state agencies during the prior fiscal year, the consumption, environmental and economic impacts of said actions, and will provide recommendations for future energy reductions during the following year. Said report will be submitted by December 31st of each year.
The Task Force shall solicit advice on energy reduction goals from those outside of state government, including, but not limited to, federal agencies, other states, and not for profit organizations. The Task Force shall also consider and propose longer-term energy conservation strategies for state government and submit such proposals to the Governor.