Rhonda Aubin-Smith

U.S. Navy Reserves

Rhonda Aubin-Smith

Years of Service: 1990-1997
Last duty site: COMNAVACT London
E-5 Petty Office Second Class –  Yeoman (Y2C)

Rhonda's journey with the military, influenced by her family's history of service and her own experiences, has shaped her path outside the armed forces. Residing in Salem, MA, a town rich in military heritage and notorious for its witch trials, Rhonda has dedicated herself to Equal Opportunity, championing the rights of veterans, women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities.

Her career in Equal Opportunity began in the Navy Reserves, where she worked alongside the Air Force in their Social Action Office and served as an EEO counselor for civil servants stationed overseas. Through these roles, Rhonda witnessed firsthand the disparities and barriers faced by women in the military, fueling her passion for advocacy and activism.

Despite the challenges and adversities encountered along the way, including her daughter's struggles during military service, Rhonda remains steadfast in her commitment to fighting against social injustice. Her experiences have only reinforced her resolve to advocate for the rights and dignity of all those marginalized by discrimination, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights protected.

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